The Great War of 1914-18 was the first conflict to record such extensive international involvement. In this thesis, several literary testimonies from the First World War written by Irish and Northern Irish authors will be considered in order to observe how the perception of Irish participation in the conflict has evolved. The experience of World War I, for the Irish, was very different from that of the British both for the reasons that led the men from the island to fight and for the different evolution of opinion on the conflict, strongly influenced by political ideology and the many Irish losses at the front. By reading English war poetry, one can observe an evolution of the perception of the First World War that moves from a patriotic and enthusiastic approach to the expression of the harsh and bloody reality of life in the trenches. In this thesis, expectations about the kind of Irish war poetry , that one might have by looking at the Irish political and social situation of 1914-1918, will be confirmed or disproved, but not just through the analysis of the works of those who took part in the conflict as volunteers. The works of those authors who did not fight, but wrote about the conflict both during the years of the First World War and decades after its end, will be considered and analysed too.
La grande guerra del 1914-18 fu il primo conflitto a registrare un coinvolgimento internazionale così esteso. In questa tesi, si prenderanno in considerazione diverse testimonianze letterarie della prima guerra mondiale prodotte da autori irlandesi e nordirlandesi allo scopo di osservare come la percezione della partecipazione irlandese al conflitto si sia evoluta. L’esperienza della prima guerra mondiale, per gli irlandesi, fu molto diversa da quella degli inglesi sia per i motivi che spinsero gli uomini provenienti dall’isola a combattere che per la diversa evoluzione dell’opinione sul conflitto, fortemente influenzata dall’ideologia politica e dalle numerose perdite irlandesi al fronte. Leggendo la poesia di guerra inglese di diversi autori si può notare un’evoluzione del pensiero sulla prima guerra mondiale che muove da un approccio patriottico ed entusiastico all’espressione della dura e cruenta realtà della vita in trincea. In questa tesi, si confermeranno o smentiranno le aspettative sul tipo di poesia di guerra irlandese che si potrebbero avere guardando alla situazione politica e sociale irlandese del 1914-1918, ma non si guarderà solo alle opere di chi ha preso parte al conflitto come volontario, bensì anche a quelle di chi ha scritto del conflitto, sia durante gli anni in cui la prima guerra mondiale era ancora in corso che decenni dopo la sua fine, pur non avendo combattuto.
La 'Grande' Guerra in letteratura irlandese: un percorso tra identità e memoria
The Great War of 1914-18 was the first conflict to record such extensive international involvement. In this thesis, several literary testimonies from the First World War written by Irish and Northern Irish authors will be considered in order to observe how the perception of Irish participation in the conflict has evolved. The experience of World War I, for the Irish, was very different from that of the British both for the reasons that led the men from the island to fight and for the different evolution of opinion on the conflict, strongly influenced by political ideology and the many Irish losses at the front. By reading English war poetry, one can observe an evolution of the perception of the First World War that moves from a patriotic and enthusiastic approach to the expression of the harsh and bloody reality of life in the trenches. In this thesis, expectations about the kind of Irish war poetry , that one might have by looking at the Irish political and social situation of 1914-1918, will be confirmed or disproved, but not just through the analysis of the works of those who took part in the conflict as volunteers. The works of those authors who did not fight, but wrote about the conflict both during the years of the First World War and decades after its end, will be considered and analysed too.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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