Objective: The aim of the thesis is analyze the traditional medicinal uses of the plants in the area of the Alto Tanaro Cebano Monregalese area. Method: The ethnobotanical survey was carried on in the municipalities of High Tanaro cebano monregalese community. The district is spread through the Tanaro Valley, Val Ellero, Cevetta Val, Val Mongia, Valcasotto, Val Maudagna and its total area is of 1018.37 square kilometers. The collection of ethnobotanical information was based on semi-structured interviews addressed to all the local people willing to cooperate. A lot of information, in the form of single records of a traditional use, was collected thanks to the reports of some respondents (these reports have been reported in a different way). In parallel with the semi-structured interviews plant specimens were collected in different areas, according to the growth area of the needed species. The species samples preserved as exsiccata in the herbarium are illustrated in a special section in which for each plant a brief botanical description as well as information about the location and the time of collection, are shown. The information obtained about the medicinal plant, its therapeutic use, the portion of drug used were included in a ethnobotanical table. Every plant mentioned in the interviews was described in a card in which an image, the scientific name, the common name, the local dialect name, the harvesting and preparation practices, the ethnobotanical information, the composition and pharmacological actions, the traditional use and the toxicology were reported.. Conclusions: More than fifty plant species were collected in the herbarium and for all of them ethnobotanical cards were drawn. This work provides a first contribution to the definition of traditional knowledge of plants in the area of the Alto Tanaro Cebano Monregalese mountain community. The collected data confirm the uses and meanings already known from investigations conducted in other Italian areas. In the whole area of analysis, in the past but still at present, the plants are considered important resources the use of which is still known and practiced by many people, not only for medical uses but also as food and in veterinary field.
Obiettivo: Lo scopo della tesi è quello di ricercare gli utilizzi officinali tradizionali delle piante nella zona della comunità montana Alto Tanaro Cebano Monregalese. Metodo: Le indagini etnobotaniche si sono svolte nei comuni della comunità dell’alto tanaro cebano monregalese. Il distretto si sviluppa attraverso la Val Tanaro, Val Ellero , Val Cevetta, Val Mongia, Val Casotto, Val Maudagna per un totale di 1018,37 kmq. La raccolta delle informazioni si è sviluppata attraverso interviste semi-strutturate rivolte a tutti gli abitanti del territorio disposti a collaborare. Numerose informazioni sono state inoltre raccolte grazie a segnalazioni puntiformi di alcuni intervistati (tali segnalazioni sono state riportate con dicitura differente). Parallelamente alle interviste semi-strutturate è stato svolto un lavoro di raccolta di esemplari di piante in diverse zona a seconda della specie per cui sono stati allestiti campioni d’erbario. La conservazione e l’allestimento dell’erbario è stato illustrato in una apposita sezione in cui per ciascuna pianta è stata sviluppata una breve descrizione botanica insieme alle informazioni sul luogo e sul periodo di raccolta. Le informazioni reperite circa la pianta officinale, le sue modalità di utilizzo, la porzione di droga utilizzata sono state inserite all’interno di una scheda etnobotanica. Per ogni pianta emersa dalle interviste è stata dedicata un’apposita scheda corredata da fotografia, nome scientifico, nome comune, nome dialettale, modalità di raccolta e preparazione, informazioni etnobotaniche, composizione ed azione farmacologica, uso tradizionale e tossicologia. Conclusioni È stato allestito un erbario per più di cinquanta specie vegetali e sono state elaborate altrettante schede etnobotaniche. Il presente lavoro fornisce un primo contributo alla definizione della conoscenza tradizionale delle piante nella zona della comunità montana Alto Tanaro Cebano Monregalese. I dati raccolti confermano usi e significati già noti da indagini svolte in altre aree italiane In tutta la zona di analisi, in passato, ma ancora nel presente le piante sono considerate un patrimonio importante il cui utilizzo è conosciuto ancora a molti, non solo in campo medico ma anche in campo alimentare e veterinario.
Indagini etnobotaniche nell'Alto Tanaro Cebano Monregalese
Objective: The aim of the thesis is analyze the traditional medicinal uses of the plants in the area of the Alto Tanaro Cebano Monregalese area. Method: The ethnobotanical survey was carried on in the municipalities of High Tanaro cebano monregalese community. The district is spread through the Tanaro Valley, Val Ellero, Cevetta Val, Val Mongia, Valcasotto, Val Maudagna and its total area is of 1018.37 square kilometers. The collection of ethnobotanical information was based on semi-structured interviews addressed to all the local people willing to cooperate. A lot of information, in the form of single records of a traditional use, was collected thanks to the reports of some respondents (these reports have been reported in a different way). In parallel with the semi-structured interviews plant specimens were collected in different areas, according to the growth area of the needed species. The species samples preserved as exsiccata in the herbarium are illustrated in a special section in which for each plant a brief botanical description as well as information about the location and the time of collection, are shown. The information obtained about the medicinal plant, its therapeutic use, the portion of drug used were included in a ethnobotanical table. Every plant mentioned in the interviews was described in a card in which an image, the scientific name, the common name, the local dialect name, the harvesting and preparation practices, the ethnobotanical information, the composition and pharmacological actions, the traditional use and the toxicology were reported.. Conclusions: More than fifty plant species were collected in the herbarium and for all of them ethnobotanical cards were drawn. This work provides a first contribution to the definition of traditional knowledge of plants in the area of the Alto Tanaro Cebano Monregalese mountain community. The collected data confirm the uses and meanings already known from investigations conducted in other Italian areas. In the whole area of analysis, in the past but still at present, the plants are considered important resources the use of which is still known and practiced by many people, not only for medical uses but also as food and in veterinary field.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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