Streptococcus pyogenes or group A streptococcus (GAS) is a Gram-positive bacterium exclusively human and represents the etiological agent of diseases, which could be lethal for humans such as fasciitis necrotizing, myositis, pneumonia, meningitis, scarlet fever, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS). It is also responsible for numerous less severe clinical manifestations such as pharyngitis, impetigo and bacterial cellulitis. The increasing in infections caused by this pathogen and the progressive increase in the number of penicillin-resistant strains are a cause of considerable concern and a strong incentive to find innovative therapies to fight against this dreaded bacterium. Nowadays, acquiring knowledges on the pathogenetic mechanisms of S. pyogenes infections finalized to the development of a vaccine that contrasts the action, has become an important and urgent issue. Many GAS virulence factors are present on the surface of the bacterial cell and of particular interest are those involved in the colonization and evasion of the immune response, such as the polysaccharide capsule, the peptidoglycan of the cell wall and many surface proteins including the protein M and numerous adhesins. The S. pyogenes interacts with a multitude of host proteins such as fibronectin , fibrinogen, collagen and plasminogen. Moreover, it interacts with vitronectin which is a substrate for cell adhesion in organs and tissues. However, this interaction and the S. pyogenes receptor that binds vitronectin are still poorly known. On the contrary, the binding site on the vitronectin for the potential S. pyogenes receptor was located in the repeating units present in the hemopexin-like domain of vitronectin . In this thesis, preliminary information was gathered on the interaction of S. pyogenes with vitronectin, on the cultural conditions that regulate it and on the possible role of this interaction in microbial pathogenesis. Specifically, an initial screening was carried out on S. pyogenes strains belonging to different serotypes. Moreover, the attention was focused on the basic conditions that role the interaction of the S. pyogenes strain belonging to the M3 serotype with vitronectin, and the consequences of this interaction in the pathogenesis. It was found that the binding of vitronectin to bacteria it is function of time, it is specific because it is not inhibible by an excess of proteins unrelated to vitronectin and it is saturable. Optimum interaction conditions were obtained at pH and ionic strength values close to the physiological ones. Furthermore, in the presence of polyanions the binding was not inhibited, and this condition suggested that the receptors expressed by S. pyogenes M3 interact with a binding site distinct from HBD-3 on the ligand . Finally, were conducted experiments of adhesion /invasion with epithelial cells A549 to evaluate the biological consequences of the interaction of vitronectin with S. pyogenes M3. Under these conditions it was discovered that vitronectin significantly promotes the adhesion of bacteria to the extracellular matrix while the effect of the protein on bacterial internalization was not significant.
Streptococcus pyogenes o streptococco di gruppo A (GAS) è un batterio Gram-positivo esclusivamente umano e rappresenta lagente eziologico di malattie potenzialmente letali per luomo come fascite necrotizzante, miosite, polmonite, meningite, scarlattina, sindrome da shock tossico streptococcico (STSS) ed è anche responsabile di numerose manifestazioni cliniche meno severe come faringite, impetigine e cellulite batterica. Linspiegabile aumento delle infezioni mediate da questo patogeno e il progressivo aumento del numero di ceppi resistenti alla penicillina, rappresentano motivo di considerevole preoccupazione e un forte incentivo a trovare terapie innovative per combattere questo temibile batterio. Lurgenza perciò di acquisire conoscenze approfondite sui meccanismi patogenetici delle infezioni da S. pyogenes finalizzate alla messa a punto di un vaccino che ne contrasti lazione, rappresenta una sfida di primaria importanza. Molti fattori di virulenza di GAS sono presenti sulla superficie delle cellula batterica e di particolare interesse sono quelli coinvolti nella colonizzazione e nell'evasione della risposta immunitaria come la capsula polisaccaridica, il peptidoglicano della parete cellulare e molte proteine di superficie tra cui la proteina M e numerose adesine. Tra la moltitudine di interazioni stabilite con diverse proteine dellospite, quali ad esempio la fibronectina, il fibrinogeno, il collagene e il plasminogeno, S. pyogenes interagisce anche con la vitronectina che rappresenta un substrato per ladesione cellulare negli organi e nei tessuti. Questinterazione però è ancora poco conosciuta, così come il recettore di S. pyogenes che lega la vitronectina. Al contrario il sito di legame sulla vitronectina per il potenziale recettore di S. pyogenes è stato localizzato nelle unità ripetitive presenti nel dominio hemopexin-like della vitronectina. In questo lavoro di tesi si sono raccolte informazioni preliminari sullinterazione di S. pyogenes con la vitronectina, sulle condizioni colturali che la regolano e sul possibile ruolo di questa interazione nella patogenesi microbica. In particolare si è condotto uno screening iniziale su ceppi di S. pyogenes appartenenti a diversi serotipi, e nello specifico sono state esaminate le condizioni di base che governano linterazione di un ceppo di S. pyogenes appartenente al serotipo M3 con la vitronectina e le conseguenze di questa interazione nella patogenesi. Il legame della vitronectina ai batteri è risultato essere una funzione del tempo, specifico perché non inibibile da un eccesso di proteine non correlate alla vitronectina e saturabile. Condizioni ottimali di interazione venivano ottenute a valori di pH e forza ionica vicine a quelle fisiologiche. Inoltre in presenza di polianioni il legame non veniva inibito e questo suggeriva che i recettori espressi da S. pyogenes M3 interagiscono con un sito di legame distinto da HBD-3 sul ligando. Infine per valutare le conseguenze biologiche dellinterazione della vitronectina con S. pyogenes M3 si sono condotti esperimenti di adesione/invasione con cellule epiteliali A549. In queste condizioni si è scoperto che la vitronectina promuove in modo significativo ladesione dei batteri alla matrice extracellulare mentre leffetto della proteina sullinternalizzazione batterica non risultava significativo.
Studio dell'interazione della vitronectina umana con il patogeno umano Streptococcus pyogenes serotipo M3
Streptococcus pyogenes or group A streptococcus (GAS) is a Gram-positive bacterium exclusively human and represents the etiological agent of diseases, which could be lethal for humans such as fasciitis necrotizing, myositis, pneumonia, meningitis, scarlet fever, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS). It is also responsible for numerous less severe clinical manifestations such as pharyngitis, impetigo and bacterial cellulitis. The increasing in infections caused by this pathogen and the progressive increase in the number of penicillin-resistant strains are a cause of considerable concern and a strong incentive to find innovative therapies to fight against this dreaded bacterium. Nowadays, acquiring knowledges on the pathogenetic mechanisms of S. pyogenes infections finalized to the development of a vaccine that contrasts the action, has become an important and urgent issue. Many GAS virulence factors are present on the surface of the bacterial cell and of particular interest are those involved in the colonization and evasion of the immune response, such as the polysaccharide capsule, the peptidoglycan of the cell wall and many surface proteins including the protein M and numerous adhesins. The S. pyogenes interacts with a multitude of host proteins such as fibronectin , fibrinogen, collagen and plasminogen. Moreover, it interacts with vitronectin which is a substrate for cell adhesion in organs and tissues. However, this interaction and the S. pyogenes receptor that binds vitronectin are still poorly known. On the contrary, the binding site on the vitronectin for the potential S. pyogenes receptor was located in the repeating units present in the hemopexin-like domain of vitronectin . In this thesis, preliminary information was gathered on the interaction of S. pyogenes with vitronectin, on the cultural conditions that regulate it and on the possible role of this interaction in microbial pathogenesis. Specifically, an initial screening was carried out on S. pyogenes strains belonging to different serotypes. Moreover, the attention was focused on the basic conditions that role the interaction of the S. pyogenes strain belonging to the M3 serotype with vitronectin, and the consequences of this interaction in the pathogenesis. It was found that the binding of vitronectin to bacteria it is function of time, it is specific because it is not inhibible by an excess of proteins unrelated to vitronectin and it is saturable. Optimum interaction conditions were obtained at pH and ionic strength values close to the physiological ones. Furthermore, in the presence of polyanions the binding was not inhibited, and this condition suggested that the receptors expressed by S. pyogenes M3 interact with a binding site distinct from HBD-3 on the ligand . Finally, were conducted experiments of adhesion /invasion with epithelial cells A549 to evaluate the biological consequences of the interaction of vitronectin with S. pyogenes M3. Under these conditions it was discovered that vitronectin significantly promotes the adhesion of bacteria to the extracellular matrix while the effect of the protein on bacterial internalization was not significant.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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