The object of this work is the phytochemical and biological study of Ribes nigrum L., a plant with various beneficial properties, commonly found in Europe and largely appreciated thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antistaminic properties. First, this work covers the various stages that characterized the birth and development of phytotherapy from prehistory to modern age, as well as the current definition of alternative medicine based on the therapeutic use of medicinal plants. Then the focus turns towards the botanic characterization of the plant, the set of substances which represent its chemical composition and the pharmacological and toxicological properties: polyphenols, terpenes, essential fat acids and organic acids. This work explores then the main therapeutic properties of Ribes nigrum, its herbal medicine preparations in common use, the therapeutic associations, interactions with foods and / or drugs and contraindications. The thesis ends with the understanding of a study by the University of Hirosaki, Japan, which had the main purpose of showing the phytoestrogenic activity of an extract of Ribes nigrum and anthocyanins contained in it through in-vitro analysis of tumor cells of breast carcinoma MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 and the Ishikawa cells derived from cell lines of endometrial adenocarcinoma, and in-vivo tests on murine models. Using column chromatography the content of polyphenols and anthocyanins in a Ribes nigrum extract was initially determined; later the gene expression of MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cancer cells exposed to a certain concentration of Ribes nigrum extract was evaluated, as well as cell proliferation when in presence of Ribes nigrum extract and Fulvestrant (an anticancer drug for the treatment of advanced breast cancer in post menopausal women); the influence of 17-beta estradiol and Ribes extract on mRNA levels of estrogen-dependent genes; the estrogen-dependent activity of enzyme luciferase; the activity of alkaline phosphatase in Ishikawa cells; the ability of anthocyanins; BCE and 17 beta-estradiol to bind the estrogen alpha-receptor. Lastly, the effects of BCE and 17-beta-estradiol treatment were evaluated on uterotrofic samples in immature female rats. Ribes nigrum has proven to exert phytoestrogenic activity through all these tests: this suggests that the intake of phytoestrogens contained in food can be a great help to all those disorders related to menopause and aging.
Lo scopo del presente elaborato è lo studio fitochimico e biologico di Ribes nigrum L., pianta dalle numerose proprietà benefiche, diffusa in Europa e apprezzata soprattutto per le proprietà antinfiammatorie e antistaminiche. Dopo aver percorso le varie tappe che hanno caratterizzato la nascita e lo sviluppo della fitoterapia, dalla Preistoria fino all’età moderna e all’attuale definizione di medicina alternativa basata sull’uso terapeutico di piante medicinali, l’attenzione si è rivolta verso la caratterizzazione botanica della pianta e lo studio del fitocomplesso, l’insieme delle sostanze che ne rappresentano la composizione chimica e da cui derivano le proprietà farmacologiche e tossicologiche: polifenoli, terpeni, acidi grassi essenziali e acidi organici. Successivamente sono state approfondite le principali proprietà terapeutiche di Ribes nigrum, le sue preparazioni fitoterapiche di uso comune, le associazioni terapeutiche, le interazioni con alimenti e/o farmaci e le controindicazioni. La tesi si conclude con l’approfondimento di uno studio dell’Università di Hirosaki, in Giappone, che ha avuto come scopo principale di mostrare l’attività fitoestrogenica di un estratto di Ribes nigrum e delle antocianine in esso contenute attraverso analisi in vitro su cellule tumorali di carcinoma della mammella MCF-7 e MDA-MB-231 e cellule di Ishikawa derivate da linee cellulari di adenocarcinoma dell’endometrio e test in vivo su modelli murini. Mediante tecnica cromatografica è stato inizialmente determinato il contenuto di polifenoli e antocianine in un estratto di Ribes nigrum; sono state poi valutate l’espressione genica di cellule tumorali MCF-7 e MDA-MB-231 esposte a determinata concentrazione di un estratto di Ribes; la proliferazione cellulare, in presenza di 17 β-estradiolo, estratto di Ribes e Fulvestrant, farmaco antitumorale per il trattamento del carcinoma avanzato della mammella nelle donne in postmenopausa; l’influenza di 17 β-estradiolo, estratto di Ribes e antocianine sul ciclo cellulare di MCF-7; gli effetti di 17 β-estradiolo e estratto di Ribes su livelli di mRNA di geni estrogeno-dipendenti; l’attività estrogeno-dipendente dell’enzima luciferasi; l’attività della fosfatasi alcalina in cellule di Ishikawa; la capacità di antocianine, BCE e 17 β-estradiolo di legare il recettore α-estrogenico. Per ultimo, con saggi uterotrofici in topi femmina immaturi sono stati valutati gli effetti del trattamento con BCE e 17 β-estradiolo. In tutti questi test, Ribes nigrum ha dimostrato di esercitare un’attività fitoestrogenica: ciò suggerisce che l’assunzione di alimenti contenenti fitoestrogeni può essere un valido aiuto per tutti quei disturbi legati alla menopausa e all’invecchiamento.
Ruolo fitoestrogenico delle antocianine di Ribes nigrum L.
The object of this work is the phytochemical and biological study of Ribes nigrum L., a plant with various beneficial properties, commonly found in Europe and largely appreciated thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antistaminic properties. First, this work covers the various stages that characterized the birth and development of phytotherapy from prehistory to modern age, as well as the current definition of alternative medicine based on the therapeutic use of medicinal plants. Then the focus turns towards the botanic characterization of the plant, the set of substances which represent its chemical composition and the pharmacological and toxicological properties: polyphenols, terpenes, essential fat acids and organic acids. This work explores then the main therapeutic properties of Ribes nigrum, its herbal medicine preparations in common use, the therapeutic associations, interactions with foods and / or drugs and contraindications. The thesis ends with the understanding of a study by the University of Hirosaki, Japan, which had the main purpose of showing the phytoestrogenic activity of an extract of Ribes nigrum and anthocyanins contained in it through in-vitro analysis of tumor cells of breast carcinoma MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 and the Ishikawa cells derived from cell lines of endometrial adenocarcinoma, and in-vivo tests on murine models. Using column chromatography the content of polyphenols and anthocyanins in a Ribes nigrum extract was initially determined; later the gene expression of MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cancer cells exposed to a certain concentration of Ribes nigrum extract was evaluated, as well as cell proliferation when in presence of Ribes nigrum extract and Fulvestrant (an anticancer drug for the treatment of advanced breast cancer in post menopausal women); the influence of 17-beta estradiol and Ribes extract on mRNA levels of estrogen-dependent genes; the estrogen-dependent activity of enzyme luciferase; the activity of alkaline phosphatase in Ishikawa cells; the ability of anthocyanins; BCE and 17 beta-estradiol to bind the estrogen alpha-receptor. Lastly, the effects of BCE and 17-beta-estradiol treatment were evaluated on uterotrofic samples in immature female rats. Ribes nigrum has proven to exert phytoestrogenic activity through all these tests: this suggests that the intake of phytoestrogens contained in food can be a great help to all those disorders related to menopause and aging.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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