The differences between men's and women's sports performances have always intrigued scientists, coaches and all those who live or have lived in sports. At the basis of these, there are all aspects related to performance, both conditional, and coordinative, technical and tactical; which emerge especially in the game of football. To better understand the performance of women's football, the high-low training model introduced by a famous athletics trainer Charlie Francis was developed, who was one of the first to understand the importance of neural recovery by integrating in his weekly program days of training considered high intensity (HIGH) and low intensity days (LOW). The method has been applied, starting from the beginning of the 2019/2020 season using an amateur female team that plays in the Lombardy regional championship, category Excellence: the AC Pavia Academy 1911. The squad of 23 players has carried out a particular training program weekly and periodically undergoing 3 types of performance tests: one of endurance (Yo-Yo IR1), one of strength (CM Jump) and one of speed (10MT sprint) that were able to understand the progress of the physical condition of the squad . At the base of the training there is an alternation of specific exercises with the ball of different intensity for each day of the week that have highlighted the performance of the players, as it was possible to see from the positive test results. The results showed a progressive improvement throughout the team throughout the season and the validity of the High-Low training model was verified. In conclusion, women's football teams also need adequate physical preparation, such that their performance can increase, thus bringing the national level closer to the international level of this sport practiced by women all over the world.
Da sempre le differenze tra le prestazioni sportive di uomo e donna hanno incuriosito scienziati, allenatori e tutti coloro che vivono o hanno vissuto nello sport. Alla base di queste, ci sono tutti gli aspetti correlati alla prestazione, sia condizionali, sia coordinativi, tecnici e tattici; le quali emergono in particolar modo nel gioco del calcio. Per comprendere maggiormente le prestazioni del calcio femminile è stato sviluppato il modello di allenamento high-low introdotto da un famoso allenatore di atletica leggera Charlie Francis, il quale fu uno dei primi a capire l’importanza del recupero neurale integrando nel suo programma settimanale giorni di allenamento considerati di alta intensità (HIGH) e giorni di bassa intensità (LOW). Il metodo è stato applicato, a partire dall’inizio della stagione 2019/2020 utilizzando una squadra femminile dilettante che milita nel campionato regionale lombardo, categoria Eccellenza: l’A.C Pavia Academy 1911. La rosa di 23 giocatrici ha svolto un particolare programma di allenamenti settimanali e sottoponendosi periodicamente a 3 tipologie di test prestativi: uno di resistenza (Yo-Yo IR1), uno di forza (CM Jump) e uno di velocità (10MT sprint) che fossero in grado di capire l’andamento della condizione fisica della rosa. Alla base degli allenamenti vi è una alternanza di esercitazioni specifiche con la palla di diversa intensità per ogni giorno della settimana che hanno risaltato le performance delle giocatrici, come è stato possibile vedere dai risultati positivi dei test. I risultati hanno evidenziato nel complessivo della squadra un progressivo miglioramento durante l’arco della stagione ed è stata così verificata la validità del modello di allenamento High-Low. In conclusione anche le squadre di calcio femminile necessitano di una adeguata preparazione fisica, tale per cui la loro performance possa aumentare, avvicinando così sempre di più il livello nazionale a quelli internazionali di questo sport praticato da donne in tutto il mondo.
Lo sviluppo del modello di allenamento high-low nel gioco del calcio femminile
The differences between men's and women's sports performances have always intrigued scientists, coaches and all those who live or have lived in sports. At the basis of these, there are all aspects related to performance, both conditional, and coordinative, technical and tactical; which emerge especially in the game of football. To better understand the performance of women's football, the high-low training model introduced by a famous athletics trainer Charlie Francis was developed, who was one of the first to understand the importance of neural recovery by integrating in his weekly program days of training considered high intensity (HIGH) and low intensity days (LOW). The method has been applied, starting from the beginning of the 2019/2020 season using an amateur female team that plays in the Lombardy regional championship, category Excellence: the AC Pavia Academy 1911. The squad of 23 players has carried out a particular training program weekly and periodically undergoing 3 types of performance tests: one of endurance (Yo-Yo IR1), one of strength (CM Jump) and one of speed (10MT sprint) that were able to understand the progress of the physical condition of the squad . At the base of the training there is an alternation of specific exercises with the ball of different intensity for each day of the week that have highlighted the performance of the players, as it was possible to see from the positive test results. The results showed a progressive improvement throughout the team throughout the season and the validity of the High-Low training model was verified. In conclusion, women's football teams also need adequate physical preparation, such that their performance can increase, thus bringing the national level closer to the international level of this sport practiced by women all over the world.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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