In Italy, infertility is a disease that interests almost 15% of couples. This problem, that involves more and more couples, and the late age at first birth could be solved by assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs) that represent the only way to fulfill Instinct of parenthood, the most powerful desire that exists in all the living beings. Cancer and related treatments are one of causes of infertility, in fact 30 new cases being detected every day in a range of patients less than 40 years old. Considering that this kind of treatments are gonadotoxic can cause temporary or permanent infertility - named iatrogenic infertility – so the preservation of infertility is very important for the cancer patients. Nowadays there are several techniques, sperimental and not, and the choice depends about different factors. The technique must be completed before the beginning of cancer treatments. Concerning female are available the Cryopreservation of embryos or oocytes, the Ovarian Transposition and hormonal therapy. Sperm Cryopreservation is the most common use technique for male patients, feasible and fast technique that always must be proposed by clinicians because allows to perform ICSI although the most of samples are deprivated. The characterization of seminal fluid in cancer patients is still a matter of study, the effects on semen parameters and ART’s outcome by cancer remain debatable. The aim of this study is to analyse cancer patient’s seminal sample that are ongoing ART and to search factors that can damage their semen quality. 58 samples belong to 45 patients come to Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo are considered. Seminogram was performed for every sample, concentration, progressive and total motility, viability and morphology were evaluated, besides corresponding percentile was established for every parameters. Comparing the results obtained with World Health Organization (WHO) reference values ( referred to fertile male population in general) appears that seminal fluid in cancer patient have lower quality than to average in general population. Concentration is affected, a lot of cancer patients are placed under 5th percentile, and the same was found for viability and morphology for which the majority of patients have lower value than reference values. Concerning motility, a large part of cancer patients has values below the norm, even if there is a minority of patients who have values above the 95th percentile and which may be due to purely statistical reasons. The second part of the study focuses on factors who can have detrimental effects on semen quality. It was considered : tumor type, cancer grade and haematological values. Statistical analysis were performed with Spearman correlation and Pearson correlation. Progressive motility was found to be inversely proportional to the concentration of circulating leukocytes. This suggests that the inflammatory state given by the tumor and the consequent increase in circulating free radicals most likely damage progressive motility. Another significant data emerged regarding the correlation between RDW (Red Blood Cell Distribution Width) and sperm concentration, also inversely proportional. This can be explained by the fast turn-over of the red blood cells which determine an increased production of free radicals, which affect spermatogenesis and consequently sperm production. Further studies are required to clarify the role of these factors and useful tools in order to improve the quality of the pre-freezing seminal fluid of cancer patients.
L’infertilità è una patologia che interessa circa il 15% delle coppie in Italia. L’infertilità, insieme al fenomeno della posticipazione dell’età genitoriale, fanno delle tecniche di Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita (PMA) l’unica possibilità di esaudire il desiderio di genitorialità insito nella natura umana. Una delle cause di infertilità è rappresentata da tumori, a causa dell’effetto gonadotossico indotto dai trattamenti antineoplastici, che possono determinare un’infertilità temporanea o permanente. Ogni giorno vengono diagnosticati almeno 30 nuovi casi di tumore in pazienti in età fertile, con meno di 40 anni. In questo ambito diventa di vitale importanza il tema della preservazione della fertilità. Ad oggi sono disponibili diverse tecniche di preservazione della fertilità. La scelta della migliore strategia da utilizzare dipende da diversi fattori, ma deve, in ogni caso, essere eseguita prima dell’inizio di trattamenti antineoplastici. Per la donna sono disponibili la crioconservazione di embrioni o ovociti, la trasposizione ovarica e la soppressione ovarica mediante terapie ormonali. Per l’uomo la tecnica d’elezione è rappresentata dal congelamento del liquido seminale, una procedura semplice e veloce che deve essere sempre proposta al paziente oncologico in quanto permette di effettuare ICSI anche in presenza di un eiaculato di scarsa qualità. La preservazione della fertilità in pazienti oncologici è tutt’oggi motivo di studio, non si hanno dati certi sull’effetto del tumore sulla qualità seminale e, di conseguenza, su quanto tali tecniche influiscano sull’outcome nel corso di procedure di PMA future. Scopo di questo studio è stato analizzare 58 campioni di liquido seminale di 45 pazienti oncologici che hanno avuto accesso alle procedure di preservazione della fertilità presso il Centro di PMA della Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo e ricercare potenziali fattori che influenzano la qualità del liquido seminale. Su ogni campione è stato eseguito uno spermiogramma, valutando concentrazione, motilità, vitalità e morfologia degli spermatozoi. Confrontando i risultati ottenuti con i percentili di riferimento definiti sul Manuale WHO 2010, è emerso che i campioni dei pazienti oncologici sono risultati per la maggior parte dei casi notevolmente compromessi in termini di concentrazione, motilità, morfologia e vitalità. Per investigare potenziali fattori che contribuiscano al peggioramento della qualità del liquido seminale, sono stati presi in considerazione la tipologia e stadiazione del tumore e i valori ematologici per ricercare eventuali indici infiammatori. Le eventuali associazioni tra i parametri studiati sono state analizzate mediante le correlazioni di Pearson e Spearman. Non è stato possibile trarre conclusioni in merito all’effetto indotto dal tumore in quanto non erano disponibili dati sufficienti per ciascun tipo di diagnosi. È emerso, invece, che la motilità progressiva è inversamente proporzionale alla concentrazione di leucociti circolanti nel sangue, probabilmente in quanto lo stato infiammatorio dovuto al tumore e il conseguente aumento dei radicali liberi circolanti danneggia la motilità. Un altro dato significativo riguarda la correlazione inversa tra la percentuale di RDW (Red Blood Cell Distribution Width) e i principali parametri seminali (concentrazione nemaspermica, motilità progressiva e totale, morfologia). Ciò può essere spiegato dal veloce turn-over dei globuli rossi che determinano un’aumentata produzione di radicali liberi, i quali, influiscono sulla spermatogenesi e di conseguenza sulla produzione spermatica. Alla luce di questi risultati sarà necessario in futuro approfondire gli studi per spiegare la compromissione della qualità dei campioni di seme nei pazienti oncologici e migliorare la tecniche di crioconservazione del liquido seminale per favorire un incremento della resa post-scongelamento di tali campioni.
Studio della qualità del liquido seminale in pazienti oncologici che accedono ad un programma di preservazione della fertilità
In Italy, infertility is a disease that interests almost 15% of couples. This problem, that involves more and more couples, and the late age at first birth could be solved by assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs) that represent the only way to fulfill Instinct of parenthood, the most powerful desire that exists in all the living beings. Cancer and related treatments are one of causes of infertility, in fact 30 new cases being detected every day in a range of patients less than 40 years old. Considering that this kind of treatments are gonadotoxic can cause temporary or permanent infertility - named iatrogenic infertility – so the preservation of infertility is very important for the cancer patients. Nowadays there are several techniques, sperimental and not, and the choice depends about different factors. The technique must be completed before the beginning of cancer treatments. Concerning female are available the Cryopreservation of embryos or oocytes, the Ovarian Transposition and hormonal therapy. Sperm Cryopreservation is the most common use technique for male patients, feasible and fast technique that always must be proposed by clinicians because allows to perform ICSI although the most of samples are deprivated. The characterization of seminal fluid in cancer patients is still a matter of study, the effects on semen parameters and ART’s outcome by cancer remain debatable. The aim of this study is to analyse cancer patient’s seminal sample that are ongoing ART and to search factors that can damage their semen quality. 58 samples belong to 45 patients come to Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo are considered. Seminogram was performed for every sample, concentration, progressive and total motility, viability and morphology were evaluated, besides corresponding percentile was established for every parameters. Comparing the results obtained with World Health Organization (WHO) reference values ( referred to fertile male population in general) appears that seminal fluid in cancer patient have lower quality than to average in general population. Concentration is affected, a lot of cancer patients are placed under 5th percentile, and the same was found for viability and morphology for which the majority of patients have lower value than reference values. Concerning motility, a large part of cancer patients has values below the norm, even if there is a minority of patients who have values above the 95th percentile and which may be due to purely statistical reasons. The second part of the study focuses on factors who can have detrimental effects on semen quality. It was considered : tumor type, cancer grade and haematological values. Statistical analysis were performed with Spearman correlation and Pearson correlation. Progressive motility was found to be inversely proportional to the concentration of circulating leukocytes. This suggests that the inflammatory state given by the tumor and the consequent increase in circulating free radicals most likely damage progressive motility. Another significant data emerged regarding the correlation between RDW (Red Blood Cell Distribution Width) and sperm concentration, also inversely proportional. This can be explained by the fast turn-over of the red blood cells which determine an increased production of free radicals, which affect spermatogenesis and consequently sperm production. Further studies are required to clarify the role of these factors and useful tools in order to improve the quality of the pre-freezing seminal fluid of cancer patients.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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