Aiming at assessing the mechanical behavior of the connection of brick veneer walls to the backing system (brick infill walls), an experimental campaign was defined for the experimental characterization of the behavior of distinct types of ties subjected to distinct loading configurations, namely monotonic and cyclic tension and compression loading. Additionally, with the goal of completing the experimental results and achieve a better insight on the main parameters influencing the connection, a numerical model was built and validated based on monotonic tension experimental tests.

Studio sperimentale e numerico sulla prestazione di graffaggi in acciaio in sub-assemblaggi di pareti facciavista

Experimental and numerical study on the performance of steel ties in veneer walls subassemblies



Aiming at assessing the mechanical behavior of the connection of brick veneer walls to the backing system (brick infill walls), an experimental campaign was defined for the experimental characterization of the behavior of distinct types of ties subjected to distinct loading configurations, namely monotonic and cyclic tension and compression loading. Additionally, with the goal of completing the experimental results and achieve a better insight on the main parameters influencing the connection, a numerical model was built and validated based on monotonic tension experimental tests.
Experimental and numerical study on the performance of steel ties in veneer walls subassemblies
Studio sperimentale e numerico sulla prestazione di graffaggi in acciaio in sub-assemblaggi di pareti facciavista
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