Since the pandemic crisis, many realities have undergone changes and the banking world is no exception. As an employee of Banca Popolare di Sondrio, I decided to analyse how the banking system has changed as a result of the Covid - 19 pandemic, taking into consideration the business model, the cost structure and the effects on employees. I then decided to deal with the topic of new digital solutions, which have become increasingly popular during the lockdown: the topic of blockchain, fintech and cryptocurrencies will then be covered. In particular, the loss of value that has recently hit the crypto world will also be analysed. The case of Banca Popolare di Sondrio will then be considered, explaining how the institution has integrated the new solutions into its daily operations. The third section will be dedicated to the banking customers' opinion about all this: how they have reacted to the changes, their relationship with homebanking and other technologies, and their level of knowledge and trust in cryptocurrencies. The data collected through a questionnaire I created aims to understand what consumers think the future of banking will be. Finally, the topic of sustainability will be addressed: what banks can do to become not only user-friendly but also eco-friendly.
Dopo la crisi pandemica molte realtà hanno subito dei cambiamenti e il mondo bancario non fa eccezione. Essendo una dipendente della Banca Popolare di Sondrio ho deciso di analizzare come il sistema bancario sia cambiato a seguito della pandemia da Covid - 19, prendendo in considerazione il business model, la struttura dei costi e gli effetti sui dipendenti. Ho poi deciso di trattare il tema delle nuove soluzioni digitali, che durante il lockdown hanno acquistato sempre più popolarità: il tema di blockchain, fintech e criptovalute verrà quindi trattato. In particolare, verrà analizzata anche la perdita di valore che recentemente ha colpito il mondo cripto. Il caso di Banca Popolare di Sondrio verrà preso poi in considerazione, spiegando in che modo l'istituto abbia integrato le nuove soluzioni nella propria operatività quotidiana. La terza sezione verrà invece dedicata all'opinione che i clienti del mondo bancario hanno di tutto questo: come hanno reagito ai cambiamenti, il loro rapporto con l'homebanking e altre tecnologie e il loro livello di conoscenza e fiducia nelle criptovalute. I dati raccolti attraverso un questionario da me realizzato hanno lo scopo di capire quale, secondo i consumatori, sarà il futuro del sistema bancario. Infine, verrà trattato il tema della sostenibilità: cosa le banche possono fare per diventare non solo user-friendly ma anche eco-friendly.
L’evoluzione del sistema bancario dopo la pandemia da covid-19 e la crescita di soluzioni digitali
Since the pandemic crisis, many realities have undergone changes and the banking world is no exception. As an employee of Banca Popolare di Sondrio, I decided to analyse how the banking system has changed as a result of the Covid - 19 pandemic, taking into consideration the business model, the cost structure and the effects on employees. I then decided to deal with the topic of new digital solutions, which have become increasingly popular during the lockdown: the topic of blockchain, fintech and cryptocurrencies will then be covered. In particular, the loss of value that has recently hit the crypto world will also be analysed. The case of Banca Popolare di Sondrio will then be considered, explaining how the institution has integrated the new solutions into its daily operations. The third section will be dedicated to the banking customers' opinion about all this: how they have reacted to the changes, their relationship with homebanking and other technologies, and their level of knowledge and trust in cryptocurrencies. The data collected through a questionnaire I created aims to understand what consumers think the future of banking will be. Finally, the topic of sustainability will be addressed: what banks can do to become not only user-friendly but also eco-friendly.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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