Seismic isolation is a key element in the protection of buildings from seismic action. There are currently several types of isolators on the market with very different characteristics. This study is about the numerical simulation of an innovative isolator proposed by Kyneprox S.r.l. and called "kinematic steel joint" (KSJ), a double quadrilateral articulated device with crossed connecting rods, made entirely of steel and characterized by pendular movement. In particular, finite element analysis with ABAQUS software was conducted on two prototypes of the device, because studying the first one, an inflection in a particular direction was observed, making it necessary to modify the geometry to try to overcome it. The computational analysis proposed in this thesis work reproduces the conditions that characterize the experiments on vibrating table conducted on four KSJ devices in parallel surmounted by a rigid mass, to study the kinematic behavior. The simulations conducted are different for different characteristics, including the method chosen for the analysis. The results are discussed by analyzing the relationship between force and displacement and between longitudinal and transversal displacement and by studying the stiffness produced by the simulations. In view of the results obtained from the analysis of the first prototype, it has been possible to identify which are the best characteristics of the model to describe the real behavior of the device. Considerations that were useful in the study of the second prototype. It has been observed that the device applies to the superstructure a restoring force proportional to the slope of the trajectory of the motion, as in the case of sliding pendulum devices.
L'isolamento sismico rappresenta un elemento chiave nella salvaguardia delle costruzioni dall’azione sismica. Attualmente esistono sul mercato diversi tipi di isolatori con caratteristiche anche molto diverse tra loro. In questo studio ci si è occupati della simulazione numerica di un isolatore innovativo proposto da Kyneprox S.r.l. e denominato "kinematic steel joint" (KSJ), un dispositivo a doppio quadrilatero articolato con bielle incrociate, realizzato totalmente in acciaio e caratterizzato da movimento pendolare. In particolare sono state svolte analisi agli elementi finiti con il software ABAQUS. Sono stati studiati due prototipi del dispositivo in quanto studiando il primo si è osservata un’inflessione in una particolare direzione rendendo quindi necessaria una modifica della geometria per cercare di ovviarvi. Le analisi computazionali proposte in questo lavoro di tesi riproducono le condizioni che caratterizzano le prove su tavola vibrante condotte su quattro dispositivi KSJ in parallelo sovrastati da una massa rigida, per studiarne il comportamento cinematico. Le simulazioni condotte differiscono tra loro per diverse caratteristiche, tra cui il metodo scelto per l’analisi. I risultati vengono discussi analizzando il legame tra forza e spostamento e tra spostamento longitudinale e trasversale e studiando la rigidezza che vengono prodotti dalle simulazioni. Alla luce dei risultati ottenuti dalle analisi relative al primo prototipo si è arrivati a identificare quali siano le caratteristiche del modello che meglio descrivono il comportamento reale del dispositivo. Considerazioni che si sono rivelate utili nello studio del secondo prototipo. Si è osservato che il dispositivo esercita sulla sovrastruttura una forza di richiamo proporzionale alla pendenza della traiettoria del moto, come nel caso dei dispositivi a pendolo scorrevole.
Simulazione numerica di un dispositivo innovativo per l’isolamento sismico delle strutture
Seismic isolation is a key element in the protection of buildings from seismic action. There are currently several types of isolators on the market with very different characteristics. This study is about the numerical simulation of an innovative isolator proposed by Kyneprox S.r.l. and called "kinematic steel joint" (KSJ), a double quadrilateral articulated device with crossed connecting rods, made entirely of steel and characterized by pendular movement. In particular, finite element analysis with ABAQUS software was conducted on two prototypes of the device, because studying the first one, an inflection in a particular direction was observed, making it necessary to modify the geometry to try to overcome it. The computational analysis proposed in this thesis work reproduces the conditions that characterize the experiments on vibrating table conducted on four KSJ devices in parallel surmounted by a rigid mass, to study the kinematic behavior. The simulations conducted are different for different characteristics, including the method chosen for the analysis. The results are discussed by analyzing the relationship between force and displacement and between longitudinal and transversal displacement and by studying the stiffness produced by the simulations. In view of the results obtained from the analysis of the first prototype, it has been possible to identify which are the best characteristics of the model to describe the real behavior of the device. Considerations that were useful in the study of the second prototype. It has been observed that the device applies to the superstructure a restoring force proportional to the slope of the trajectory of the motion, as in the case of sliding pendulum devices.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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