Andradite garnets are very common, which can have many varieties, by the general formula Ca 〖〗 _3 〖〗 _2 ^ Fe (3+) (SiO_4) _3, belonging to the isometric system, Hexoctahedral class. The first Demantoids were discovered in Russia in 1853 or so, at the village of Elizavetinskoye, and still those Russians are among the rarest and most sought after. Demantoids can be divided into two groups, the Skarn-hosted Demantoid and the Serpentinite-hosted Demantoid. The chemical and physical analysis carried out in this work, may notice how many samples are pure Andradites well as those of Balochistan, Pakistan, while others are solid solutions between Garnets Series "Ugrandite" (Uvarovite-grossular-Andradite Group). The amount of chromophore elements and trace elements (ppm) varies depending on the genesis of the host rock and the fluids circulating during the growth of crystals. As for the color of Garnets analyzed, in addition to trivalent iron, chromophore element analyzed between the further (surveys elements with the electronic microprobe), the chromium is present in different samples (in atom fractions or in ppm), as evidenced by analysis VIS-NIR.
Le andraditi sono granati molto comuni, che possono avere molte varietà, dalla formula generale 〖Ca〗_3 〖Fe〗_2^(3+) (SiO_4 )_3, appartenenti al sistema isometrico, classe oloedrica esacisottaedrica. I primi demantoidi sono stati scoperti in Russia, nel 1853 circa, presso il villaggio di Elizavetinskoye, e tutt’ora quelli russi sono tra i più rari e ricercati. I demantoidi possono essere divisi in due gruppi petrogenetici, gli skarn-hosted demantoid e i serpentinite-hosted demantoid. Dalle analisi chimiche e fisiche svolte in questo lavoro, si possono notare come molti campioni siano andraditi pure, come quelle del Balochistan, Pakistan, mentre altre siano soluzioni solide tra granati della serie “Ugranditica” (Uvarovite-Grossular-Andradite Group). La quantità di elementi cromofori e di elementi in tracce (ppm) varia a seconda della genesi della roccia ospitante e dai fluidi circolanti durante la crescita dei cristalli. Per quanto riguarda il colore dei granati analizzati, oltre al ferro trivalente, elemento cromoforo analizzato tra gli elementi maggiori (indagini con la microsonda elettronica), il cromo è presente in diversi campioni (in frazioni di atomo o in ppm), come evidenziato dalle analisi VIS-NIR.
Analisi mineralogiche e geochimiche di andraditi varietà demantoide: update e review su campioni di giacimenti classici e di recente scoperta
Andradite garnets are very common, which can have many varieties, by the general formula Ca 〖〗 _3 〖〗 _2 ^ Fe (3+) (SiO_4) _3, belonging to the isometric system, Hexoctahedral class. The first Demantoids were discovered in Russia in 1853 or so, at the village of Elizavetinskoye, and still those Russians are among the rarest and most sought after. Demantoids can be divided into two groups, the Skarn-hosted Demantoid and the Serpentinite-hosted Demantoid. The chemical and physical analysis carried out in this work, may notice how many samples are pure Andradites well as those of Balochistan, Pakistan, while others are solid solutions between Garnets Series "Ugrandite" (Uvarovite-grossular-Andradite Group). The amount of chromophore elements and trace elements (ppm) varies depending on the genesis of the host rock and the fluids circulating during the growth of crystals. As for the color of Garnets analyzed, in addition to trivalent iron, chromophore element analyzed between the further (surveys elements with the electronic microprobe), the chromium is present in different samples (in atom fractions or in ppm), as evidenced by analysis VIS-NIR.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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