The thesis work provides a general overview of the TheDALUS project, analyzes the reasons that led to its realization and the decisions taken to promote the residency of disabled persons within the college rooms. The 18-month TheDALUS project (The Disable Assisted Living for University Students) is funded by the Lombardy Region under the SMART LIVING 2016 call. The project proposed by the University of Pavia and two small businesses of the Pavia Technological Pole (DAISYLAB, AGEvoluzione), is held in collaboration with the University for the Right to University Study (EDiSU) of Pavia. TheDALUS aims to encourage the inclusion of university students with disabilities always remembering that the disabled student must be offered the opportunity to experience all aspects of academic life, without excluding social relations, cohabitation with other students and events collective (these experiences, which are part of the person's cultural and emotional heritage). For this purpose it proposes the design of an intelligent home automation room. In particular, the proposed room will be equipped with a network of sensors and actuators with the aim of alleviating discomforts of disability, making the room more usable and at the same time safe thanks to the automatic recognition of dangerous situations and the consequent generation of alarm signals. The room has been designed to be adaptable to the different disabilities that the guest may have: it will be configurable by activating only the sensors and actuators considered most suitable. The realization, for now only partially defined in prototype version at the Bioengineering laboratory, will be implemented later in a room of the A. Volta college of the EDiSU. In particular, particular attention will be paid to the development of the automated security system whose main task is to recognize dangerous situations and provide an alarm signal without the user requesting interaction. To do this it was decided to take advantage of motion tracing tools, in particular: an Intel RealSense camera. In this way it is possible to monitor the room and acquire data regarding the movement of the subject, without interfering with the normal activities of daily life and safeguarding privacy as much as possible. A subsequent analysis allows to report the coordinates of the joints from a reference system linked to the camera to that of the room. This information therefore allows to know the correct position of the subject within the environment and to reconstruct the dynamics of the scene. The simultaneous use of several cameras is also envisaged to obtain complete coverage of the environment and to make the system more reliable.
Il lavoro di tesi offre una panoramica generale sul progetto TheDALUS, analizza le ragioni che hanno portato alla sua realizzazione e le decisioni adottate per favorire la residenzialità all’interno delle camere di collegio da parte di persone disabili. Il progetto TheDALUS (The Disable Assisted Living for University Students) della durata di 18 mesi, è finanziato dalla Regione Lombardia nell’ambito del bando SMART LIVING 2016. Il progetto proposto dall’Università di Pavia e da due piccole imprese del Polo Tecnologico di Pavia (DAISYLAB, AGEvoluzione), si svolge in collaborazione con l’Ente per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario (EDiSU) di Pavia. TheDALUS ha come obiettivo quello di favorire l’inclusione degli studenti universitari con disabilità ricordando sempre che allo studente disabile deve essere offerta la possibilità di vivere tutti gli aspetti della vita accademica, senza escludere i rapporti sociali, la convivenza con gli altri studenti e le manifestazioni collettive (esperienze queste, che fanno parte del patrimonio culturale ed emotivo della persona). A tale scopo propone la progettazione di una camera domotica intelligente. In particolare, la camera proposta sarà fornita di una rete di sensori ed attuatori con lo scopo di alleviare i disagi della disabilità rendendo la stanza più fruibile e al contempo sicura grazie al riconoscimento automatico di situazioni di pericolo e alla conseguente generazione di segnalazioni di allarme. La camera è stata pensata per essere adattabile alle diverse disabilità che l’ospite può presentare: sarà configurabile attivando solo i sensori e gli attuatori ritenuti più idonei. La realizzazione, per ora solo parzialmente definita in versione prototipale presso il laboratorio di Bioingegneria, verrà in seguito implementata in una camera del collegio A. Volta dell’EDiSU. In particolare, si presterà particolare attenzione sullo sviluppo del sistema di sicurezza automatizzato il cui compito principale è quello di riconoscere situazioni di pericolo e fornire un segnale di allarme senza la richiesta di interazione da parte dell’utente. Per farlo si è deciso di sfruttare strumenti di motiontracking, in particolare: una telecamera della Intel RealSense. In questo modo è possibile monitorare la stanza e acquisire i dati riguardanti lo spostamento del soggetto, senza interferire con le normali attività della vita quotidiana e salvaguardando il più possibile la privacy. Una analisi successiva permette di riportare le coordinate dei giunti da un sistema di riferimento legato alla telecamera a quello della stanza. Queste informazioni permettono quindi di conoscere la corretta posizione del soggetto all’interno dell’ambiente e di ricostruire le dinamiche della scena. E’ previsto inoltre l’uso contemporaneo di più telecamere per ottenere una copertura completa dell’ambiente e per rendere più affidabile il sistema.
Software per la registrazione del movimento umano con libreria Nuitrack e telecamera RealSense.
The thesis work provides a general overview of the TheDALUS project, analyzes the reasons that led to its realization and the decisions taken to promote the residency of disabled persons within the college rooms. The 18-month TheDALUS project (The Disable Assisted Living for University Students) is funded by the Lombardy Region under the SMART LIVING 2016 call. The project proposed by the University of Pavia and two small businesses of the Pavia Technological Pole (DAISYLAB, AGEvoluzione), is held in collaboration with the University for the Right to University Study (EDiSU) of Pavia. TheDALUS aims to encourage the inclusion of university students with disabilities always remembering that the disabled student must be offered the opportunity to experience all aspects of academic life, without excluding social relations, cohabitation with other students and events collective (these experiences, which are part of the person's cultural and emotional heritage). For this purpose it proposes the design of an intelligent home automation room. In particular, the proposed room will be equipped with a network of sensors and actuators with the aim of alleviating discomforts of disability, making the room more usable and at the same time safe thanks to the automatic recognition of dangerous situations and the consequent generation of alarm signals. The room has been designed to be adaptable to the different disabilities that the guest may have: it will be configurable by activating only the sensors and actuators considered most suitable. The realization, for now only partially defined in prototype version at the Bioengineering laboratory, will be implemented later in a room of the A. Volta college of the EDiSU. In particular, particular attention will be paid to the development of the automated security system whose main task is to recognize dangerous situations and provide an alarm signal without the user requesting interaction. To do this it was decided to take advantage of motion tracing tools, in particular: an Intel RealSense camera. In this way it is possible to monitor the room and acquire data regarding the movement of the subject, without interfering with the normal activities of daily life and safeguarding privacy as much as possible. A subsequent analysis allows to report the coordinates of the joints from a reference system linked to the camera to that of the room. This information therefore allows to know the correct position of the subject within the environment and to reconstruct the dynamics of the scene. The simultaneous use of several cameras is also envisaged to obtain complete coverage of the environment and to make the system more reliable.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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