All over the world, for thousands of years, medicinal plants have played a major role in prevention treatment, and control in a variety of diseases, improving the general health condition. One of these plants, is Mirabilis jalapa L., native in Latin America and which usually grows elsewhere as an alien species. It’s peculiarity is that the flowers open in the late afternoon, and closes in the morning, hence the first of its common names, four o’clock. Flowers of various colors can be found simultaneously on the same plant and moreover an individual flower can be splashed with different colors. Mirabilis jalapa L. as a medicinal plant has had a great importance in the field of ethnobotany. Traditionally it has been used in many countries, mostly Asian, for its antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, antispasmodic, diuretic, purgative activities and in the treatment of many gastrointestinal disorders. Chemical analysis found a number of bioactive compounds from different parts of Mirabilis jalapa L. that could explain some of its activities. Many studies during the years were performed in different fields, in order to better define the use of the plant from a pharmacological point of view. Various parts of the plant were tested for the antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant, antispasmodic, anti-nociceptive, anti-helmintic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antitubercular, anti-histaminic as well as cytotoxic activities. In conclusion data suggest that Mirabilis jalapa L. has a great biological potential in various therapeutic applications although there is still room for further studies in order to establish better its therapeutic efficacy and commercial exploitation.
In tutto il mondo, per migliaia di anni, le piante medicinali hanno giocato un ruolo importante nella prevenzione, trattamento, e controllo di diverse malattie, migliorando le condizioni generali di salute. Una di queste piante è la Mirabilis jalapa L., originaria dell’America latina e che si è spesso spontaneizzata come esotica altrove. La sua peculiarità è che i fiori si aprono nel tardo pomeriggio, e si chiudono la mattina, da qui uno dei suoi nomi comuni “four o’clock”, in Italia “bella di notte”. Fiori con vari colori possono trovarsi simultaneamente sulla stessa pianta, o ancora un unico fiore può essere di diversi colori. Mirabilis jalapa L. quale pianta medicinale ha avuto una grande importanza nell’ambito dell’etnobotanica e tradizionalmente è stata utilizzata in molti paesi, per la maggior parte asiatici, per le sue attività antimicrobiche, antifungine, antivirali, antispastiche, diuretiche, purgative e nel trattamento di vari disturbi gastrointestinali. Analisi chimiche hanno evidenziato diversi componenti bioattivi in differenti parti della pianta, che potrebbero spiegare alcune delle sue attività. Nel corso degli anni sono stati effettuati molti studi in diverse aree, per definire meglio l’utilizzo della pianta da un punto di vista farmacologico. Varie parti della pianta sono state testate per le attività antimicrobiche, antivirali, antifungine, antiossidanti, antispastiche, anti-nocicettive, antielmintiche, antidiabetiche, antiinfiammatorie, antitubercolari, antistaminiche e citotossiche. In conclusione le evidenze scientifiche suggeriscono che la Mirabilis jalapa L. ha un gran potenziale biologico in diverse aree terapeutiche nonostante rimanga ancora la necessità di ulteriori studi per stabilire la sua efficacia terapeutica ed un potenziale utilizzo commerciale.
Mirabilis jalapa L.: tradizione d'uso e ricerca
All over the world, for thousands of years, medicinal plants have played a major role in prevention treatment, and control in a variety of diseases, improving the general health condition. One of these plants, is Mirabilis jalapa L., native in Latin America and which usually grows elsewhere as an alien species. It’s peculiarity is that the flowers open in the late afternoon, and closes in the morning, hence the first of its common names, four o’clock. Flowers of various colors can be found simultaneously on the same plant and moreover an individual flower can be splashed with different colors. Mirabilis jalapa L. as a medicinal plant has had a great importance in the field of ethnobotany. Traditionally it has been used in many countries, mostly Asian, for its antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, antispasmodic, diuretic, purgative activities and in the treatment of many gastrointestinal disorders. Chemical analysis found a number of bioactive compounds from different parts of Mirabilis jalapa L. that could explain some of its activities. Many studies during the years were performed in different fields, in order to better define the use of the plant from a pharmacological point of view. Various parts of the plant were tested for the antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant, antispasmodic, anti-nociceptive, anti-helmintic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antitubercular, anti-histaminic as well as cytotoxic activities. In conclusion data suggest that Mirabilis jalapa L. has a great biological potential in various therapeutic applications although there is still room for further studies in order to establish better its therapeutic efficacy and commercial exploitation.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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