The topic of my thesis is one of the most disease affects men over the age of 65, prostate cancer. Early detection through serum testing for prostate-specific antigen (PSA), best practices for the surgery and radiation therapy significantly reduced the number of cases; However there is still no effective treatment for men with advanced disease. Much research has been devoted to identify prognostic markers against aggressive forms of prostate cancer. There are several risk factors and causes involve the appearance of the pathology. Prostate cancer-related research project I've been working at the Hospital San Maurizio di Bolzano, provides for the validation of a prognostic Molecular Diagnostics-about the ability to identify the presence or absence of cancer using gene expression analysis of genes involved in the disease. To do this we used the technique of Real Time PCR and the project uses archival material, waxed, from patients underwent radical prostatectomy. Second of the work was done, waxed tissue RNA extraction protocols and amplification of the ten genes provided for in the draft research (Gas1, H3, Ssat, Clu, Odc, Oaz, Ado, Gapdh, Hmbs, Pgk1) for RealTime PCR. In the first phase were analyzed 176 samples positive (radical prostatectomy) and 176 negative controls (benign prostatic hypertrophy), to discriminate the presence or absence of tumor. The samples were chosen within case studies ranging from 1998 to 2009. The following results were obtained: in terms of diagnostic prediction (positive vs negative), the samples analysed were classified with a concordance with the clinical data equal to 93.92%. The prediction improves if you reduce the number of genes used in the analysis, with the most significant genes is a concordance of 96.82% with clinical data. In a second phase were selected by 2015, waxed, archival records of 20 patients who have undergone radical prostatectomy. For each patient they have selected three areas (cancer, not intermediate tumor area area area) from which you extracted RNA, according to the protocols used in the first stage, to assess whether it is possible to identify the presence of the tumor. In terms of prognosis, we didn't have a significant variation of gene expression to identify the onset of cancer can be given. Probably the causes of this result might reside in the wrong choice of selected areas and in one case not wide enough when compared to the number of clinical data collected per patient. Purpose of the study conducted by us and by other researchers was to demonstrate that gene expression analysis, even if done with conventional techniques, when focused on a select group of genes, provides reliable diagnostic prediction, which can be further enhanced when used in combination with standard clinical information. In principle, the molecular diagnosis would be more objective and hopefully a lot less prone to human error if obtained with reliable methods, compared with conventional diagnostic methods. Screening methods available to date have limitations. New markers are needed to manage prostate cancer. Gene expression analysis is a powerful tool that has the potential to increase our knowledge on the biology of prostate cancer.
L’argomento della mia tesi tratta una delle patologie che più colpisce gli uomini di età superiore ai 65, il cancro alla prostata. La diagnosi precoce attraverso il test del siero per l’antigene prostatico specifico (PSA), le migliori procedure per l’intervento chirurgico e la terapia con radiazioni ha ridotto significativamente il numero di casi; tuttavia non esiste ancora una cura efficace per gli uomini con malattia avanzata. Gran parte della ricerca è stata dedicata a identificare i marcatori prognostici contro forme aggressive di cancro alla prostata. Diversi sono i fattori di rischio e le cause che comportano la comparsa della patologia. Il progetto di ricerca relativo al cancro alla prostata su cui ho lavorato presso l’Azienda Ospedaliera San Maurizio di Bolzano, prevede la validazione di un sistema diagnostico-prognostico molecolare , sulla possibilità di identificare precocemente la presenza o meno di carcinoma mediante l’analisi dell’espressione genica di alcuni geni maggiormente coinvolti in tale patologia. A tale scopo è stata impiegata la tecnica della Real Time PCR e il progetto prevede l’utilizzo di materiale di archivio, paraffinato proveniente da pazienti che sono stati sottoposti a prostatectomia radicale. Il lavoro è stato svolto secondo i protocolli di estrazione di RNA da tessuto paraffinato ed amplificazione dei dieci geni previsti nel progetto di ricerca( Gas1,H3, Ssat, Clu, Odc, Oaz, Ado, Gapdh, Pgk1, Hmbs) su piattaforma RealTime PCR. In una prima fase sono stati analizzati 176 campioni positivi ( intervento di prostatectomia radicale) e 176 controlli negativi( ipertrofia prostatica benigna), per discriminare la presenza o meno di tumore. I campioni sono stati scelti all’interno di una casistica che va dal 1998 al 2009. Si sono ottenuti i seguenti risultati: in termini di predizione diagnostica (positivi vs negativi), i campioni analizzati sono stati classificati con una concordanza con il dato clinico pari al 93,92%. La predizione migliora se si riduce il numero di geni impiegati nell’analisi, con i geni più significativi si è ottenuta una concordanza del 96,82% con il dato clinico. In una seconda fase sono stati selezionati da materiale di archivio paraffinato del 2015, 20 pazienti che sono stati sottoposti a prostatectomia radicale. Per ogni paziente sono state selezionate tre aree( area non tumorale, area intermedia, area tumorale) da cui è stato estratto l’RNA, secondo i protocolli usati nella prima fase, per valutare se è possibile identificare precocemente la presenza del tumore. In termini di prognosi, non abbiamo avuto una variazione dell’espressione genica significativa per identificare precocemente l’insorgenza di tumore da poter essere riportata. Probabilmente le cause di questo risultato potrebbero risiedere nella scelta sbagliata delle aree selezionate e in una casistica non sufficientemente ampia se paragonata al numero di dati clinici raccolti per paziente. Scopo dello studio condotto da noi e da altri ricercatori era di dimostrare che l’analisi dell’espressione genica , anche se eseguita con convenzionali tecniche, quando concentrata su un gruppo selezionato di geni, fornisce affidabile previsione diagnostica, che può essere ulteriormente migliorata, quando usata in combinazione con informazioni cliniche standard . In linea di principio, la diagnosi molecolare sarebbe più obiettiva e si spera molto meno soggetta ad errori umani se ottenuta con metodi affidabili, rispetto ai metodi di indagine diagnostici convenzionali. I metodi di screening ad oggi disponibili presentano delle limitazioni. Sono necessari nuovi marcatori per gestire il carcinoma prostatico. L’analisi dell’espressione genica è un potente strumento che potenzialmente potrebbe aumentare la nostra conoscenza sulla biologia del cancro prostatico .
The topic of my thesis is one of the most disease affects men over the age of 65, prostate cancer. Early detection through serum testing for prostate-specific antigen (PSA), best practices for the surgery and radiation therapy significantly reduced the number of cases; However there is still no effective treatment for men with advanced disease. Much research has been devoted to identify prognostic markers against aggressive forms of prostate cancer. There are several risk factors and causes involve the appearance of the pathology. Prostate cancer-related research project I've been working at the Hospital San Maurizio di Bolzano, provides for the validation of a prognostic Molecular Diagnostics-about the ability to identify the presence or absence of cancer using gene expression analysis of genes involved in the disease. To do this we used the technique of Real Time PCR and the project uses archival material, waxed, from patients underwent radical prostatectomy. Second of the work was done, waxed tissue RNA extraction protocols and amplification of the ten genes provided for in the draft research (Gas1, H3, Ssat, Clu, Odc, Oaz, Ado, Gapdh, Hmbs, Pgk1) for RealTime PCR. In the first phase were analyzed 176 samples positive (radical prostatectomy) and 176 negative controls (benign prostatic hypertrophy), to discriminate the presence or absence of tumor. The samples were chosen within case studies ranging from 1998 to 2009. The following results were obtained: in terms of diagnostic prediction (positive vs negative), the samples analysed were classified with a concordance with the clinical data equal to 93.92%. The prediction improves if you reduce the number of genes used in the analysis, with the most significant genes is a concordance of 96.82% with clinical data. In a second phase were selected by 2015, waxed, archival records of 20 patients who have undergone radical prostatectomy. For each patient they have selected three areas (cancer, not intermediate tumor area area area) from which you extracted RNA, according to the protocols used in the first stage, to assess whether it is possible to identify the presence of the tumor. In terms of prognosis, we didn't have a significant variation of gene expression to identify the onset of cancer can be given. Probably the causes of this result might reside in the wrong choice of selected areas and in one case not wide enough when compared to the number of clinical data collected per patient. Purpose of the study conducted by us and by other researchers was to demonstrate that gene expression analysis, even if done with conventional techniques, when focused on a select group of genes, provides reliable diagnostic prediction, which can be further enhanced when used in combination with standard clinical information. In principle, the molecular diagnosis would be more objective and hopefully a lot less prone to human error if obtained with reliable methods, compared with conventional diagnostic methods. Screening methods available to date have limitations. New markers are needed to manage prostate cancer. Gene expression analysis is a powerful tool that has the potential to increase our knowledge on the biology of prostate cancer.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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