On the island of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Sicily) I captured 78 individuals of P. raffonei species, P. siculus species and hybrids. My thesis work was aimed at demonstrating that the severe decline of the endemic species P. raffonei was due to the introduction of the P. siculus species; I also wanted to test the hypothesis of genetic introgression for intraspecific competition and for female non-choice. To do this, I have selected 66 animals and I have organized fights under controlled conditions so I can test my hypothesis
Presso l'isola di Vulcano (Isole Eolie, Sicilia) ho catturato 78 individui delle specie P. raffonei, P. siculus e ibridi. Il mio lavoro di tesi si poneva l'obiettivo di dimostrare che il grave declino subito dalla specie endemica P. raffonei sia dovuto alla introduzione della specie alloctona P. siculus; inoltre, ho voluto testare l'ipotesi dell'introgressione genetica per competizione intraspecifica e per non scelta femminile. Per fare ciò, ho selezionato 66 animali e ho organizzato combattimenti in condizioni controllate in modo da verificare le mie ipotesi
On the island of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Sicily) I captured 78 individuals of P. raffonei species, P. siculus species and hybrids. My thesis work was aimed at demonstrating that the severe decline of the endemic species P. raffonei was due to the introduction of the P. siculus species; I also wanted to test the hypothesis of genetic introgression for intraspecific competition and for female non-choice. To do this, I have selected 66 animals and I have organized fights under controlled conditions so I can test my hypothesisÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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