This Thesis work deals with the archaeometric study of the sandstones used for the production of artefacts (statues and architectural elements) of the Khmer culture, of pre-Angkorian age (5th-8th century). The sampling consists of soil samples, representative of the Triassic Indosinian formation outcropping in Cambodia, sampled in the southern and eastern provinces of Kampong Speu and Kratié, and samples taken from artifacts belonging to the collection of the National Museum of Cambodia in Phnom Penh. The working method follows a multi-analytical protocol, combining the reading of petrographic thin sections of Triassic sandstones and artifacts, in optical and scanning electron microscopy, with punctual microanalyses in electronic microprobe (major elements) and by means of LAM ICP MS (trace elements and REE). Textural and compositional comparisons of the soil rocks and the lithotypes of the artefacts, as well as the chemical and geochemical comparison of the amphiboles associated with different samples, highlights common features among most of the two samples groups, which are represented, for the most part, by lithic sandstones texturally immature. An abundant lithic fraction of a predominantly volcanic nature (fragment with aphanite and porphyritic textures) and accessory minerals represented by epidotes, micas (often chloritized biotites), apatites and more rare zircons and garnets are characters common to both samples groups. Some differences reside in the types of some metamorphic lithic fragments (lengthened-crystals quartzites with laminae of micas) and volcanic fragments (phenocrysts in porphyritic textures mostly represented by feldspars) and in a greater content in chlorite (flakes or cement) in the lithotypes of artifacts. Similar features to those descripted for Triassic formations of available literature. However, other part of lithotypes of artifacts is difficult to compare with the examined soil samples, due to substantial differences in the abundances of mineralogical and petrographic components, and, in other cases, of the different maturity of the sandstones. Geochemistry of trace elements and REE shows a great compositional variability in the set of amphiboles, more marked among the amphiboles of soil samples. Anyway, some overlaps in the distribution of trace elements in amphiboles of both samples could suggest a common genetic process. As well as for trace elements, REE patterns show medium enrichment trends and enrichments values in LREE compared to HREE highly variable among the whole amphibole set, tendentially with less accentuated or absent negative anomalies of europium in the amphiboles associated with artifacts samples. Only few patterns show similar trends between the two amphiboles set, even if resulting different in the degrees of enrichment. Generally, in the production of statuary a certain preference for the immature lithotypes with a finer grain size is observed and an almost systematic absence of amphiboles occurs. However, the data collected suggest the Triassic Indosinian formation and the Nam Phong formation (Rhaetian) as possible sources of raw material for the realization of pre-Angkorian statuary. Instead, a distinct use of lithotypes with better mineralogical and textural maturity, presumably derived from the Jurassic formations, for the realization of architectural elements is evident.
Questo lavoro di Tesi affronta lo studio archeometrico delle arenarie utilizzate per la produzione di manufatti (statue ed elementi architettonico) della cultura Khmer, di età pre-Angkoriana (V-VIII sec.). La campionatura consiste in campioni di terreno, rappresentativi della formazione Triassica Indosinica affiorante in Cambogia, campionati nelle province meridionali ed orientali di Kampong Speu e di Kratié, e prelievi effettuati su manufatti appartenenti alla collezione del Museo Nazionale della Cambogia di Phnom Penh. Il metodo di lavoro segue un protocollo multi-analitico, combinando la lettura di sezioni sottili petrografiche delle arenarie triassiche e dei manufatti, in microscopia ottica ed elettronica a scansione, con microanalisi puntuali in microsonda elettronica (elementi maggiori) e mediante LAM ICP MS (elementi in tracce e REE). Il confronto tessiturale e composizionale delle rocce di terreno e dei litotipi dei manufatti, nonché il confronto chimico e geochimico degli anfiboli associati a differenti campionature, evidenzia caratteristiche comuni tra gran parte delle due campionature, che sono rappresentate, per la maggior parte, da arenarie litiche tessituralmente immature. Un’abbondante frazione litica di natura prevalentemente vulcanica (clasti a tessitura afanitica e porfirica) e minerali accessori rappresentati da epidoti, miche (più spesso biotite cloritizzata), apatiti e più rari zirconi e granati sono caratteri comuni a entrambe le campionature. Alcune differenze risiedono nelle tipologie di alcuni frammenti litici metamorfici (quarziti a cristalli allungati con lamine di miche) e vulcanici (fenocristalli in tessiture porfiriche maggiormente rappresentati da feldspati) e in un maggior contenuto in clorite (lamelle o cemento) nei litotipi di manufatti. Caratteristiche, comunque, simili a quelle riportate per le formazioni Triassiche nella letteratura disponibile. Tuttavia, per altri litotipi di manufatti risulta difficile un confronto con i campioni di terreno esaminati, per via di sostanziali differenze nelle abbondanze delle componenti mineralogiche e petrografiche, e, in altri casi, delle differenti maturità delle arenarie. La geochimica degli elementi in traccia e delle terre rare evidenza una grande variabilità composizionale nell’insieme di anfiboli, comunque più marcata tra gli anfiboli dei campioni di terreno. Tuttavia, alcune sovrapposizioni nelle distribuzioni di elementi in traccia in anfiboli di entrambe le campionature potrebbero suggerire un processo genetico comune. Parallelamente, i pattern delle terre rare mostrano trend di arricchimento medi e valori di arricchimento in LREE rispetto a HREE molto variabili tra tutti gli anfiboli, tendenzialmente con anomalie negative dell’europio meno accentuate o assenti negli anfiboli associati ai campioni di manufatti. Solo pochi sono i pattern simili tra gli anfiboli delle due campionature, comunque differenti nei gradi di arricchimento. In generale, nella produzione di statuaria si osserva una certa preferenza per i litotipi immaturi a granulometria più fine ed una quasi sistematica assenza di anfiboli. Tuttavia, i dati in possesso suggeriscono la formazione Triassica Indosinica e quella di Nam Phong (Retico) come possibili sorgenti di materia prima per la realizzazione di statuaria pre-Angkoriana. È evidente, invece, un distinto utilizzo di litotipi con migliori maturità mineralogiche e tessiturali, presumibilmente ricavati dalle formazioni Giurassiche, per la realizzazione di elementi architettonici.
Studio e provenienza delle arenarie Cambogiane e manufatti Khmer pre-Angkoriani: un approccio mineralogico e petrografico.
This Thesis work deals with the archaeometric study of the sandstones used for the production of artefacts (statues and architectural elements) of the Khmer culture, of pre-Angkorian age (5th-8th century). The sampling consists of soil samples, representative of the Triassic Indosinian formation outcropping in Cambodia, sampled in the southern and eastern provinces of Kampong Speu and Kratié, and samples taken from artifacts belonging to the collection of the National Museum of Cambodia in Phnom Penh. The working method follows a multi-analytical protocol, combining the reading of petrographic thin sections of Triassic sandstones and artifacts, in optical and scanning electron microscopy, with punctual microanalyses in electronic microprobe (major elements) and by means of LAM ICP MS (trace elements and REE). Textural and compositional comparisons of the soil rocks and the lithotypes of the artefacts, as well as the chemical and geochemical comparison of the amphiboles associated with different samples, highlights common features among most of the two samples groups, which are represented, for the most part, by lithic sandstones texturally immature. An abundant lithic fraction of a predominantly volcanic nature (fragment with aphanite and porphyritic textures) and accessory minerals represented by epidotes, micas (often chloritized biotites), apatites and more rare zircons and garnets are characters common to both samples groups. Some differences reside in the types of some metamorphic lithic fragments (lengthened-crystals quartzites with laminae of micas) and volcanic fragments (phenocrysts in porphyritic textures mostly represented by feldspars) and in a greater content in chlorite (flakes or cement) in the lithotypes of artifacts. Similar features to those descripted for Triassic formations of available literature. However, other part of lithotypes of artifacts is difficult to compare with the examined soil samples, due to substantial differences in the abundances of mineralogical and petrographic components, and, in other cases, of the different maturity of the sandstones. Geochemistry of trace elements and REE shows a great compositional variability in the set of amphiboles, more marked among the amphiboles of soil samples. Anyway, some overlaps in the distribution of trace elements in amphiboles of both samples could suggest a common genetic process. As well as for trace elements, REE patterns show medium enrichment trends and enrichments values in LREE compared to HREE highly variable among the whole amphibole set, tendentially with less accentuated or absent negative anomalies of europium in the amphiboles associated with artifacts samples. Only few patterns show similar trends between the two amphiboles set, even if resulting different in the degrees of enrichment. Generally, in the production of statuary a certain preference for the immature lithotypes with a finer grain size is observed and an almost systematic absence of amphiboles occurs. However, the data collected suggest the Triassic Indosinian formation and the Nam Phong formation (Rhaetian) as possible sources of raw material for the realization of pre-Angkorian statuary. Instead, a distinct use of lithotypes with better mineralogical and textural maturity, presumably derived from the Jurassic formations, for the realization of architectural elements is evident.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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