In the last 20 years, the use of platelet hemoderivate substances for not transfusional uses has widely developed and it was applied to several clinical medical fields; numerous techniques of production have been proposed, such as PRF, Fibrin glue, PRGF, L-PRP, and L-PRF. The aim of this research was to present and analyze the results of bone regeneration by PRGF in a consecutive series of cases with various dental and maxillofacial indications. All the patients treated at the Division of Maxillofacial Surgery at Novara Hospital (University of Eastern Piedmont) by bone regeneration with Bio-Oss and PRGF between 2014 and 2017 were included. Data regarding age and gender, postoperative infections and complications were collected for each patient. Bone healing was radiologically assessed by a panoramic radiograph performed 12 months after surgery using bone density as a parameter. Where surgery foresaw implant placement, implant survival and stability at 12 months were assessed too. On the whole, 43 patients (28 women, 15 men; mean age 55 years) were included. The indications for surgery were: sinus augmentation (19 cases), post-extraction alveolus regeneration (19 cases), periimplantitis (2 cases), cyst removal (2 cases), sequestrectomy (1 case). Good values of radiological bone density were obtained according to the literature. One year later, 39 cases out of the 40 with implant placement showed survival with stability and almost no loss of periimplant bone. No cases of periimplantitis were observed. Our study showed that the use of PRGF in various types of surgical interventions had beneficial effects on acceleration and quality of bone healing and regeneration, but also on pain and side effects. Therefore, the use of platelet hemoderivate substances for the improvement and stimulation of bone formation seems to be justified.
In questi ultimi vent’anni l’utilizzo di emocomponenti ad uso non trasfusionale ha avuto grande sviluppo ed è stato applicato a numerose situazioni cliniche, ampliandosi a vari campi della medicina; sono state proposte molteplici metodiche di produzione, tra cui il PRF, la Colla di Fibrina, il PRGF, il L-PRP, il L-PRF. L’obiettivo della ricerca è presentare ed analizzare i risultati di rigenerazione ossea ottenuta mediante PRGF in una serie di casi consecutivi con varie indicazioni odontoiatriche e maxillo-facciali. Sono stati inclusi tutti i pazienti trattati mediante metodica di rigenerazione ossea mediante Bio-Oss + PRGF trattati presso la Divisione di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale dell’Ospedale Maggiore della Carità di Novara, Università del Piemonte Orientale, dal 2014 al 2017. Sono stati raccolti i dati di età e genere per ogni paziente. Sono stati registrate le infezioni postoperatorie e le complicanze. La guarigione ossea è stata valutata radiograficamente utilizzando come parametro la densità ossea finale mediante radiografia panoramica dentaria a 12 mesi dall’intervento. Laddove l’intervento prevedeva un successivo posizionamento implantare, è stata valutata anche la sopravvivenza e stabilità implantare a 12 mesi. In totale, 43 pazienti sono stati considerati in questo studio. Di questi, 28 erano donne e 15 uomini. L’età media era 55 anni. Le indicazioni per un intervento di rigenerazione ossea sono state: Rialzo di seno mascellare (19 casi), Riempimento alveolo post-estrattivo / alveoloplastica (19 casi), perimplantite (2 casi), exeresi di cisti (2 casi), sequestrectomia (1 caso). Sono stati ottenuti buoni valori di densità ossea radiologica in base ai parametri della letteratura. Ad un anno di distanza 39 casi su 40 che hanno avuto il posizionamento di fixture implantari hanno mostrato sopravvivenza con ottima stabilità ed una pressoché nulla perdita di osso periimplantare. Non sono stati osservati episodi di perimplantite fino ad ora. Il nostro studio ha dimostrato che l’uso del PRGF in varie tipologie di interventi ha avuto effetti benefici sull’accelerazione e sulla qualità della guarigione e rigenerazione ossea, nonché sul dolore e sugli effetti collaterali. Pertanto, l’uso di concentrate piastrinici in difetti ossei per migliorare, velocizzare e stimolare la formazione di neo-osso appare giustificabile.
In the last 20 years, the use of platelet hemoderivate substances for not transfusional uses has widely developed and it was applied to several clinical medical fields; numerous techniques of production have been proposed, such as PRF, Fibrin glue, PRGF, L-PRP, and L-PRF. The aim of this research was to present and analyze the results of bone regeneration by PRGF in a consecutive series of cases with various dental and maxillofacial indications. All the patients treated at the Division of Maxillofacial Surgery at Novara Hospital (University of Eastern Piedmont) by bone regeneration with Bio-Oss and PRGF between 2014 and 2017 were included. Data regarding age and gender, postoperative infections and complications were collected for each patient. Bone healing was radiologically assessed by a panoramic radiograph performed 12 months after surgery using bone density as a parameter. Where surgery foresaw implant placement, implant survival and stability at 12 months were assessed too. On the whole, 43 patients (28 women, 15 men; mean age 55 years) were included. The indications for surgery were: sinus augmentation (19 cases), post-extraction alveolus regeneration (19 cases), periimplantitis (2 cases), cyst removal (2 cases), sequestrectomy (1 case). Good values of radiological bone density were obtained according to the literature. One year later, 39 cases out of the 40 with implant placement showed survival with stability and almost no loss of periimplant bone. No cases of periimplantitis were observed. Our study showed that the use of PRGF in various types of surgical interventions had beneficial effects on acceleration and quality of bone healing and regeneration, but also on pain and side effects. Therefore, the use of platelet hemoderivate substances for the improvement and stimulation of bone formation seems to be justified.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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