Many activities performed on workplaces involve use of facilities that produce electromagnetic fields and, in most cases, the exposure level is very low and doesn’t imply risks for workers. Anyway, some of them could be exposed to particular risks arising from electromagnetic fields and among these are included carriers of active implanted medical devices (AIMD) or of passive implanted medical devices. For these subjects, the risk is represented by the potential interference of electromagnetic fields with the implanted device, establishing a danger for their health. As Occupational Health and Safety Officer (OHSO) I had to face the risk assessment resulting from electromagnetic fields in subjects which carry active and passive implanted medical devices. The risk assessment deriving from the exposure to electromagnetic fields concerned a worker affected by chronic low-back pain who wears a medulla neurostimulator, a worker affected by asymptomatic chronic heart fibrillation who wears an implanted holter recorder and a worker with Lobe osteosynthesis plaques. The evaluation, conducted by a multidisciplinary team work on the basis of D. Lgs. 81/08 s.m.i. and of D. Lgs. 156/2016 (which transposes in Italy the European directive 2013/35/UE), has developed in four different steps: 1. STEP 1 – PREPARATION: in this phase the team work has been established and have been defined units, workplaces, features of facility and sanitary worker issues linked to exposure to electromagnetic field; 2. STEP 2 – HAZARDS AND SUBJECTS AT RISK IDENTIFICATION: source of EMF (facility, production processes) and also, prevention and protection measures existent already implemented by the company and subjects at risk (sensible subjects, carriers of active and passive medical implanted devices, pregnant workers) have been defined. To map sources, the team work made use of the source check-list included in the European Guide for the execution of the European Directive 2013/35/UE; 3. STEP 3 – RISK ASSESSMENT AND PRIORITY DEFINITION: in this phase, using the Narda EHP-50G probe, measures of the sources electromagnetic fields previously identified have been acted; 4. STEP 4 – DEFINITION OF PREVENTION AND PROTECTION MEASURES TO BE IMPLEMENTED: on the basis of results obtained in step 3, an action plan of prevention and protection measures have been defined. The purpose of that plan is to eliminate and/or reduce worker’s exposure to electromagnetic fields specifying the measure to be adopted, the responsible of its execution and the execution timeline. Objectives that this thesis aims to, are the following: • To fulfill the obligation- of employer’s liability- to evaluate the risks arising from the physical agents as defined by the D. Lgs. 81/08 s.m.i.; • To evaluate the risk arising by sources of electromagnetic fields on workplace for workers, especially for those more sensitive to the risk; • To define prevention and protection measures to be implemented to eliminate the risk or, if it was not possible, to border or reduce it as low as possible; • To inform workers about risks to which are exposed during work activities, by initiating a risk-oriented training program. The analysis has been conducted in a scientific and analytical way on the basis of actual normative requirements in force in the European Community and transposed in Italy.
Molte delle attività svolte nei luoghi di lavoro attuali comportano l’impiego di apparecchiature che generano campi elettromagnetici e nella maggior parte dei casi il livello di esposizione è molto basso e non comporta rischi per i lavoratori. Tuttavia alcuni di essi potrebbero essere esposti a rischi particolari derivanti dai campi elettromagnetici e tra questi rientrano i portatori di dispositivi medici impiantabili attivi o di dispositivi medici passivi per i quali il rischio è rappresentato dalla potenziale interferenza di tali campi con il dispositivo impiantato, costituendo di fatto un pericolo per la salute del soggetto. In qualità di Responsabile del Servizio di Prevenzione e Protezione (RSPP) mi sono trovata ad affrontare il problema della valutazione del rischio derivante da campi elettromagnetici in soggetti portatori di dispositivi medici impiantabili attivi e passivi. La valutazione del rischio derivante da esposizione a campi elettromagnetici ha visto coinvolti un lavoratore affetto da dolore cronico lombare portatore di un neurostimolatore midollare, un lavoratore affetto da fibrillazione cardiaca cronica asintomatica portatore di registratore holter impiantabile e un lavoratore portatore di placche di osteosintesi a livello lombare. La valutazione, condotta da un gruppo di lavoro multidisciplinare ai sensi del D. Lgs. 81/08 s.m.i. e del D. Lgs. 159/2016 che recepisce in Italia la Direttiva 2013/35/UE, si è sviluppata in quattro differenti fasi: • FASE 1- PREPARAZIONE: in cui è stato formalizzato il team di lavoro, sono stati definiti i reparti e gli ambienti di lavoro oggetto dell’analisi, le caratteristiche delle attrezzature presenti ed eventuali problematiche sanitarie riferite ai lavoratori legate all’esposizione ai campi elettromagnetici; • FASE 2 – IDENTIFICAZIONE DEI PERICOLI E DEI SOGGETTI A RISCHIO: sono state identificate le sorgenti di CEM (ovvero le apparecchiature e i processi produttivi che possono emetterli), le misure di prevenzione e protezione esistenti già attuate dall’azienda e i soggetti a rischio (soggetti sensibili, portatori di dispositivi medici impiantabili attivi e/o passivi, lavoratrici in stato di gravidanza). Per effettuare la mappatura delle sorgenti è stata utilizzata la check list delle sorgenti riportata nella Guida Europea per l’applicazione della direttiva 2013/35/UE; • FASE 3 – VALUTAZIONE DEI RISCHI E DEFINIZIONE DELLE PRIORITA’: in questa fase sono state attuate le misurazioni attraverso l’utilizzo della sonda Narda EHP-50G presso le sorgenti individuate nella fase precedente; • FASE 4 – DEFINIZIONE DELLE MISURE DI PREVENZIONE E PROTEZIONE DA ATTUARE: sulla base dei risultati ottenuti nella fase 3, è stato individuato un piano delle misure di prevenzione e protezione da attuare per eliminare e/o ridurre l’esposizione dei lavoratori ai campi elettromagnetici specificando la misura da attuare, il soggetto preposto alla sua attuazione e i tempi di realizzazione. Gli obiettivi che il presente lavoro di tesi si è posto sono molteplici: • Adempiere all’obbligo di valutazione dei rischi derivanti da agenti fisici previsto in capo al datore di lavoro dal D. Lgs. 81/08 s.m.i.; • Valutare il rischio derivante dalle sorgenti di campi elettromagnetici sul luogo di lavoro per i lavoratori, in modo particolare per quelli più sensibili al rischio; • Individuare le misure di prevenzione e protezione da attuare per eliminare il rischio o, nel caso in cui non fosse possibile, per circoscriverlo o ridurlo al minimo; • Informare i lavoratori sul rischio a cui sono esposti durante lo svolgimento delle loro attività lavorative avviando un programma di formazione mirato sul rischio.
Many activities performed on workplaces involve use of facilities that produce electromagnetic fields and, in most cases, the exposure level is very low and doesn’t imply risks for workers. Anyway, some of them could be exposed to particular risks arising from electromagnetic fields and among these are included carriers of active implanted medical devices (AIMD) or of passive implanted medical devices. For these subjects, the risk is represented by the potential interference of electromagnetic fields with the implanted device, establishing a danger for their health. As Occupational Health and Safety Officer (OHSO) I had to face the risk assessment resulting from electromagnetic fields in subjects which carry active and passive implanted medical devices. The risk assessment deriving from the exposure to electromagnetic fields concerned a worker affected by chronic low-back pain who wears a medulla neurostimulator, a worker affected by asymptomatic chronic heart fibrillation who wears an implanted holter recorder and a worker with Lobe osteosynthesis plaques. The evaluation, conducted by a multidisciplinary team work on the basis of D. Lgs. 81/08 s.m.i. and of D. Lgs. 156/2016 (which transposes in Italy the European directive 2013/35/UE), has developed in four different steps: 1. STEP 1 – PREPARATION: in this phase the team work has been established and have been defined units, workplaces, features of facility and sanitary worker issues linked to exposure to electromagnetic field; 2. STEP 2 – HAZARDS AND SUBJECTS AT RISK IDENTIFICATION: source of EMF (facility, production processes) and also, prevention and protection measures existent already implemented by the company and subjects at risk (sensible subjects, carriers of active and passive medical implanted devices, pregnant workers) have been defined. To map sources, the team work made use of the source check-list included in the European Guide for the execution of the European Directive 2013/35/UE; 3. STEP 3 – RISK ASSESSMENT AND PRIORITY DEFINITION: in this phase, using the Narda EHP-50G probe, measures of the sources electromagnetic fields previously identified have been acted; 4. STEP 4 – DEFINITION OF PREVENTION AND PROTECTION MEASURES TO BE IMPLEMENTED: on the basis of results obtained in step 3, an action plan of prevention and protection measures have been defined. The purpose of that plan is to eliminate and/or reduce worker’s exposure to electromagnetic fields specifying the measure to be adopted, the responsible of its execution and the execution timeline. Objectives that this thesis aims to, are the following: • To fulfill the obligation- of employer’s liability- to evaluate the risks arising from the physical agents as defined by the D. Lgs. 81/08 s.m.i.; • To evaluate the risk arising by sources of electromagnetic fields on workplace for workers, especially for those more sensitive to the risk; • To define prevention and protection measures to be implemented to eliminate the risk or, if it was not possible, to border or reduce it as low as possible; • To inform workers about risks to which are exposed during work activities, by initiating a risk-oriented training program. The analysis has been conducted in a scientific and analytical way on the basis of actual normative requirements in force in the European Community and transposed in Italy.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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