Monitoring of the golden jackal in 3 study areas of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region through indirect censuses (collection of signs of presence, video trapping) and direct (jackal-howling). Data collected in 12 months of field work were used to perform habitat selection analyzes, factors influencing habitat habits and environmental suitability models. From these analyzes, the environmental variables selected and avoided by the target species were obtained, the factors that influence habitat habitation considering the 12 monthly payments and considering the 4 seasons. Finally, the best models and the predictive environmental variables were identified and a comparison was made. between the potential range and the current range.
Monitoraggio dello sciacallo dorato in 3 aree di studio della regione Friuli Venezia Giulia tramite censimenti indiretti (raccolta segni di presenza, video trappolaggio) e diretti (jackal-howling). I dati raccolti in 12 mesi di lavoro di campo sono stati utilizzati per effettuare analisi di selezione dell'habitat, fattori influenzanti la frequentazione dell'habitat e modelli di idoneità ambientali. Da queste analisi sono stati ottenute le variabili ambientali selezionate ed evitate dalla specie target, i fattori che influenzano la frequentazione dell'habitat considerando le 12 mensilità e considerando le 4 stagioni.Infine sono stati individuati i modelli migliori e le variabili ambientali predittive e un confronto tra l'areale potenziale e l'areale attuale.
fattori influenzanti la distribuzione dello sciacallo dorato (Canis aureus) in Friuli Venezia Giulia
Monitoring of the golden jackal in 3 study areas of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region through indirect censuses (collection of signs of presence, video trapping) and direct (jackal-howling). Data collected in 12 months of field work were used to perform habitat selection analyzes, factors influencing habitat habits and environmental suitability models. From these analyzes, the environmental variables selected and avoided by the target species were obtained, the factors that influence habitat habitation considering the 12 monthly payments and considering the 4 seasons. Finally, the best models and the predictive environmental variables were identified and a comparison was made. between the potential range and the current range.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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