Document Forensics is about gather, keep and analyze data that comes out from digital documents. That information, i.e. metadata, is often hidden and should be extracted in a way that can be used to provide an evidence in a legal court or investigation. There are several techniques that allow to find out some important aspects of metadata linked to files that could be crucial evidences in a legal court, such as authorship, authenticity, provenance and many others that will be discussed in the first part of the text. The second part is dedicated to the discussion of a forensic tool designed and developed that first separates the document from its metadata, storing them in a particular database, and second analyzes the content of the document, performing some statistics regarding the level of similarity the document has with the others.

Progettazione e sviluppo di uno strumento forense per documenti

Design and developement of a document forensic tool.



Document Forensics is about gather, keep and analyze data that comes out from digital documents. That information, i.e. metadata, is often hidden and should be extracted in a way that can be used to provide an evidence in a legal court or investigation. There are several techniques that allow to find out some important aspects of metadata linked to files that could be crucial evidences in a legal court, such as authorship, authenticity, provenance and many others that will be discussed in the first part of the text. The second part is dedicated to the discussion of a forensic tool designed and developed that first separates the document from its metadata, storing them in a particular database, and second analyzes the content of the document, performing some statistics regarding the level of similarity the document has with the others.
Design and developement of a document forensic tool.
Progettazione e sviluppo di uno strumento forense per documenti
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