Abstract: Background: Dyspnoea-12 is a valid and reliable scale to assess dyspneic symptom, considering its severity, physical and emotional components. However, it is not available in Italian version due to it was not yet translated and validated. For this reason, the aim of this study was to develop an Italian version Dyspnoea-12, providing a cultural and linguistic validation, supported by the quantitative and qualitative content validity. Methods: This was a methodological study, divided into two phases: phase one is related to the cultural and linguistic validation, phase two is related to test the quantitative and qualitative content validity. Linguistic validation followed a standardized translation process. Quantitative content validity was assessed computing content validity ratio (CVR) and index (I-CVIs and S-CVI) from expert panellists response. Qualitative content validity was assessed by the narrative analysis on the answers of three open-ended questions to the expert panellists, aimed to investigate the clarity and the pertinence of the Italian items. Results: The translation process found a good agreement in considering clear the items in both the six involved bilingual expert translators and among the ten voluntary involved patients. CVR, I-CVIs and S-CVI were satisfactory for all the translated items. Conclusions: This study has represented a pivotal step to use Dyspnoea-12 amongst Italian patients. Future researches are needed to deeply investigate the Italian version of Dyspnoea-12 construct validity and its reliability, and to describe how dyspnoea components (i.e. physical and emotional) impact the life of patients with cardiorespiratory diseases. Keywords: breathlessness, dyspnea, scale, translation, validity.
Abstract Background: La scala Dyspnoea-12 è uno strumento valido e affidabile utilizzato per valutare il sintomo “dispnea”, considerando la severità fisica ed emotiva degli elementi che la compongono. Tuttavia non è disponibile una versione italiana di tale strumento non essendo ancora stata tradotta e validata. Per questo motivo l’obiettivo dello studio è stato quello di sviluppare una versione italiana della scala Dyspnoea-12 che fornisca una validazione linguistico-culturale sostenuta anche da una validazione di contenuto e di facciata della stessa. Metodi: Lo studio che presentiamo è uno studio metodologico suddiviso in due fasi: la fase uno prevede la validazione linguistico-culturale, la fase due è finalizzata a testare la validazione di facciata e di contenuto della scala Dysnoea-12. La validazione linguistica ha seguito un percorso di traduzione standardizzato. La validità di contenuto è stata ottenuta tramite il calcolo del Content Validity Ratio (CRV) e del Content Validity Index (I-CVIs e S-CVI) eseguito tramite l’intervento di un gruppo di esperti. La validità di facciata è stata ottenuta mediante l’analisi narrativa effettuata su risposte a tre domande aperte poste al gruppo di esperti, volte ad indagare la chiarezza e la pertinenza degli item italiani. Risultati: Sia i sei esperti bilingue che i dieci pazienti volontari coinvolti nel processo di traduzione hanno considerato chiari gli items tradotti della scala Dyspnoea-12. Gli indici CVR e I-CVIs sono stati soddisfatti per tutti gli items. Conclusioni: Questo studio rappresenta un passo fondamentale nell’utilizzo della Scala Dyspnea-12 nell’ambito della clinica italiana. Ricerche future approfondite sono comunque necessarie al fine di indagare a fondo la validità di costrutto e l’affidabilità della scala, oltre che per descrivere quanto i componenti del sintomo “dispnea” influiscano sulla vita dei pazienti affetti da patologie cardiorespiratorie. Parole chiave: mancanza di respiro, dispnea, scala, traduzione, validità.
Validazione linguistico-culturale, di contenuto e di facciata della Scala Dyspnoea-12.
Abstract: Background: Dyspnoea-12 is a valid and reliable scale to assess dyspneic symptom, considering its severity, physical and emotional components. However, it is not available in Italian version due to it was not yet translated and validated. For this reason, the aim of this study was to develop an Italian version Dyspnoea-12, providing a cultural and linguistic validation, supported by the quantitative and qualitative content validity. Methods: This was a methodological study, divided into two phases: phase one is related to the cultural and linguistic validation, phase two is related to test the quantitative and qualitative content validity. Linguistic validation followed a standardized translation process. Quantitative content validity was assessed computing content validity ratio (CVR) and index (I-CVIs and S-CVI) from expert panellists response. Qualitative content validity was assessed by the narrative analysis on the answers of three open-ended questions to the expert panellists, aimed to investigate the clarity and the pertinence of the Italian items. Results: The translation process found a good agreement in considering clear the items in both the six involved bilingual expert translators and among the ten voluntary involved patients. CVR, I-CVIs and S-CVI were satisfactory for all the translated items. Conclusions: This study has represented a pivotal step to use Dyspnoea-12 amongst Italian patients. Future researches are needed to deeply investigate the Italian version of Dyspnoea-12 construct validity and its reliability, and to describe how dyspnoea components (i.e. physical and emotional) impact the life of patients with cardiorespiratory diseases. Keywords: breathlessness, dyspnea, scale, translation, validity.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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