Researchers have illustrated many different factors impacting firm success. These are grouped especially into three areas: the founder's characteristics and background, the company’s internal environment, and external drivers. However, digitalization and the emergence of new technologies disrupt traditional business models and introduce new business methods. Therefore, the question is rising, to what extent the previously conducted success drivers apply for successful born-digital companies in Germany. In order to answer this question, the paper performs a qualitative study with multiple case studies on successful born-digital firms. The data is conducted via a questionnaire filled out by the entrepreneur, followed by individual interviews. With the focus on one market, Germany, external forces can be controlled. Furthermore, setting this driver constant across all questioned companies makes it possible to specialize on the internal factors as well as on the founder characteristics. The result of this paper is that many similarities between German born-digital companies exist and that the entrepreneurs show similar mindsets. Furthermore, most of the success factors present in the current literature can be confirmed in this study.
I ricercatori hanno illustrato molti fattori diversi che influenzano il successo dell'azienda. Nello specifico questi fattori sono raggruppati in tre aree: le caratteristiche e il background del fondatore, l'ambiente interno dell'azienda e i driver esterni. Tuttavia, la digitalizzazione e l'emergere di nuove tecnologie sconvolgono i modelli di business tradizionali e introducono nuovi modi di fare business. Pertanto si pone una questione: in quale misura i driver di successo precedentemente condotti si applicano alle aziende nate digitali di successo della Germania. Per rispondere a questa domanda, nel presente articolo viene eseguito uno studio qualitativo, con casi di studio multipli, su imprese di successo nate digitali. I dati sono raccolti tramite un questionario compilato dall'imprenditore, seguito da interviste individuali. Con l’attenzione focalizzata su un solo mercato, la Germania, è possibile controllare le forze esterne. Inoltre, l'impostazione di questo driver costante in tutte le aziende interrogate rende possibile l’analisi specifica dei fattori interni e delle caratteristiche del fondatore. Il risultato di questo studio è che esistono molte somiglianze tra le aziende tedesche nate digitali e che gli imprenditori mostrano una mentalità simile. Inoltre, la maggior parte dei fattori di successo presenti nella letteratura attuale possono essere confermati in questo studio.
Success Factors of Digital Entrepreneurship – Study on Successful Born-Digital Companies in Germany
Researchers have illustrated many different factors impacting firm success. These are grouped especially into three areas: the founder's characteristics and background, the company’s internal environment, and external drivers. However, digitalization and the emergence of new technologies disrupt traditional business models and introduce new business methods. Therefore, the question is rising, to what extent the previously conducted success drivers apply for successful born-digital companies in Germany. In order to answer this question, the paper performs a qualitative study with multiple case studies on successful born-digital firms. The data is conducted via a questionnaire filled out by the entrepreneur, followed by individual interviews. With the focus on one market, Germany, external forces can be controlled. Furthermore, setting this driver constant across all questioned companies makes it possible to specialize on the internal factors as well as on the founder characteristics. The result of this paper is that many similarities between German born-digital companies exist and that the entrepreneurs show similar mindsets. Furthermore, most of the success factors present in the current literature can be confirmed in this study.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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