The Heron population (fam. Ardeidae) in North – Western Italy is one of the most numerous in Europe and has global conservation interest. Although, the changes in land use and the intensification of agriculture threat to compromise the delicate enviromental equilibrium, typical of wastelands, where Herons colonies (called Heronries) are gathered. Considering the great conservation interest of this population, from 1985 University of Pavia leads a systematical census of the Heronries in Piedmont, Lombardy and in the northern zone of Emilia - Romagna, and these data were partially used in this thesis. The census has involved 157 Heronries throughout the entire period and has included the number of nests of the nesting species (Grey Heron, Purple Heron, Black Crowned Night Heron, Little Egret, Squacco Heron and Cattle Egret) and, in five years period, the take over of the environmental composition of the sites of the Heronries. During the breeding season 2017, I personally realized the census and the take over, using the standard methodology used during the all period long. This thesis put general objectives to tes and describe (1) a possible spatial and populational expansion (tested by linear models) (2) an eventual evolution of the enviromental preferences applied to nesting sites (tested by MANOVA) (3) a possible evolution of sensibility to human impact in the Heronries sites (tested by ANOVA and t-test). In most cases, were realized parallelisms and elaborations related to Grey Heron only, the species with the greatest number of data, that had a numerical and spatial expansion in recent times. All the statistical analyses were realized in R. The elaborations showed the Grey Heron is continuing the linear grew of population that has benn marking him since the beginning of census, while the Purple Heron and the other species remain on stable numbers. The ‘historical’ colonies (exsisnting since the beginning of census) resulted with a bigger area than the recent ones and are mainly located in ricefields. The recent colonies (born since 1997) resulted mainly composed by Grey Heron, who colonized the uplands surrounding the Po Valley. There are significative enviromental differences in ‘historical’ and ‘recent’ colonies, because the last ones are composed by alloctonous or cultivated broadleaf woods. At the same time, the historical colonies extinct during the study period were composed by autoctonous woods and wastelands that evolved into dry zones and extinct colonies. The Grey Heron colonies, representing the spatial expansion of this species, occupied a significant area minor than the other nesting species and able to nest on isolated trees or arboreal cultivations.. In the end, the recent colonies nested in areas where the perimeter has a minor protection by possible predators attachs and by human impact. The results of this thesis report the expansion of Herons populations in North – Western Italy, but consider that this expansion is linked to a single species who seems to have more ecological tollerance than the other Heron species, whose populations appear stable or decreasing.. The recovery of wastelands in the historical colonies is a conservation priority in a long term period.
La popolazione di aironi (fam. Ardeidae) dell’Italia nord – occidentale, è tra le numericamente più importanti d’Europa ed ha un interesse conservazionistico globale. I cambiamenti nell’uso del suolo e l’intensificazione dell’agricoltura minacciano tuttavia di compromettere il fragile equilibrio ecosistemico delle zone umide in cui si concentrano le colonie di aironi (garzaie). Visto il grande interesse conservazionistico di questa popolazione, dal 1985 l’Università di Pavia conduce un censimento sistematico delle garzaie in Piemonte, Lombardia e nella fascia settentrionale dell’Emilia Romagna, dati parzialmente utilizzati in questa tesi. Il censimento ha interessato 157 garzaie nell’intero periodo e ha incluso la stima numerica dei nidi delle specie nidificanti (Airone cenerino, Airone rosso, Nitticora, Garzetta, Sgarza ciuffetto e Airone guardabuoi) e, ad intervalli di cinque anni, il rilievo sul campo della composizione ambientale dei siti di garzaia. La tesi si è posta gli obiettivi di verificare e descrivere (1) un’eventuale espansione popolazione e spaziale degli ardeidi, (2) un’eventuale evoluzione delle preferenze ambientali applicate ai siti di nidificazione e (3) una possibile evoluzione della sensibilità al disturbo antropico nei siti di garzaia. Nella maggior parte dei casi, è stato possibile realizzare confronti ed elaborazioni relative al solo Airone Cenerino, la specie con il maggior numero di dati tra le varie considerate e quella che, era nota per aver subito un’espansione numerica e spaziale di considerevole portata in tempi recenti. Tutte le analisi statistiche si sono realizzate in R.Le indagini hanno mostrato che l’Airone cenerino sta proseguendo l’aumento di popolazione lineare che lo caratterizza dall’inizio del censimento, mentre l’Airone rosso e le altre specie rimangono su valori stabili. Le colonie ‘storiche’ (esistenti sin dall’inizio del periodo dei censimenti) sono risultate di dimensioni maggiori delle colonie di più recente formazione e localizzate quasi esclusivamente in ambiente planiziale coltivato a risaia. Le colonie recenti (nate dal 1997) sono risultate essere principalmente composte da Airone cenerino che ha progressivamente colonizzato le aree collinari e pedemontane che circondano la pianura. Si sono riscontrate differenze ambientali significative nella composizione dei siti tra le colonie storiche e quelle recenti, essendo queste ultime caratterizzate dalla presenza di boschi a latifoglie alloctone o coltivate. Le colonie storiche estintesi nel corso del periodo di studio erano caratterizzate dalla presenza di boschi autoctoni e aree umide la cui evoluzione ambientale ne ha portato il disseccamento ed estinzione. Le colonie di solo Airone cenerino, rappresentative dell’espansione spaziale della specie, sono risultate occupare un’area minore di quelle con altre specie nidificanti e in grado di installarsi anche su alberi isolati o coltivazioni arboree. Infine, le colonie recenti rispetto a quelle storiche sono risultate installarsi in situazioni in cui il perimetro dell’area è meno protetto da possibili incursioni di predatori terrestri e da disturbo antropico. I risultati presentati riportano l’espansione della popolazione di ardeidi dell’Italia nord-occidentale a livello numerico e spaziale, ma puntano l’attenzione sul fatto che l’espansione sia principalmente dovuta a una singola specie che sembra avere maggiore tolleranza ecologica rispetto agli altri ardeidi, le cui popolazioni sono stabili o in calo. A tal proposito, il recupero di ambienti umidi primari nelle garzaie storiche si pone come priorità conservazionistica assoluta in un’ottica di medio e lungo periodo.
Evoluzione popolazionale e preferenze ambientali degli Ardeidi nidificanti in Italia nord-occidentale tra il 1985 e il 2017
The Heron population (fam. Ardeidae) in North – Western Italy is one of the most numerous in Europe and has global conservation interest. Although, the changes in land use and the intensification of agriculture threat to compromise the delicate enviromental equilibrium, typical of wastelands, where Herons colonies (called Heronries) are gathered. Considering the great conservation interest of this population, from 1985 University of Pavia leads a systematical census of the Heronries in Piedmont, Lombardy and in the northern zone of Emilia - Romagna, and these data were partially used in this thesis. The census has involved 157 Heronries throughout the entire period and has included the number of nests of the nesting species (Grey Heron, Purple Heron, Black Crowned Night Heron, Little Egret, Squacco Heron and Cattle Egret) and, in five years period, the take over of the environmental composition of the sites of the Heronries. During the breeding season 2017, I personally realized the census and the take over, using the standard methodology used during the all period long. This thesis put general objectives to tes and describe (1) a possible spatial and populational expansion (tested by linear models) (2) an eventual evolution of the enviromental preferences applied to nesting sites (tested by MANOVA) (3) a possible evolution of sensibility to human impact in the Heronries sites (tested by ANOVA and t-test). In most cases, were realized parallelisms and elaborations related to Grey Heron only, the species with the greatest number of data, that had a numerical and spatial expansion in recent times. All the statistical analyses were realized in R. The elaborations showed the Grey Heron is continuing the linear grew of population that has benn marking him since the beginning of census, while the Purple Heron and the other species remain on stable numbers. The ‘historical’ colonies (exsisnting since the beginning of census) resulted with a bigger area than the recent ones and are mainly located in ricefields. The recent colonies (born since 1997) resulted mainly composed by Grey Heron, who colonized the uplands surrounding the Po Valley. There are significative enviromental differences in ‘historical’ and ‘recent’ colonies, because the last ones are composed by alloctonous or cultivated broadleaf woods. At the same time, the historical colonies extinct during the study period were composed by autoctonous woods and wastelands that evolved into dry zones and extinct colonies. The Grey Heron colonies, representing the spatial expansion of this species, occupied a significant area minor than the other nesting species and able to nest on isolated trees or arboreal cultivations.. In the end, the recent colonies nested in areas where the perimeter has a minor protection by possible predators attachs and by human impact. The results of this thesis report the expansion of Herons populations in North – Western Italy, but consider that this expansion is linked to a single species who seems to have more ecological tollerance than the other Heron species, whose populations appear stable or decreasing.. The recovery of wastelands in the historical colonies is a conservation priority in a long term period.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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