Definition of ETFs ETFs stands for Exchange Traded Funds, literally "funds traded on the market", are collective investment schemes (UCIs) (funds or SICAVs) with low management fees traded on the stock exchange, in real time, through a bank or an authorized intermediary. As with all funds, acquiring an ETF is like getting a basket of stocks. It will be the fund manager who acquires, with the money invested in the fund by the various investors, the instruments on which it will invest. Usually ETF managers must have adequate experience in so-called passive management, due to the fact that ETFs are usually investment funds that aim to replicate the performance of an index, or a basket of securities representing an entire market or sub-market, such as the index on the Italian market, namely the FTSE MIB which is made up of the shares of the largest and most liquid Italian blue chips. ETFs, since the end of the last century, have revolutionized the way investors build their investment portfolios, in the past building a portfolio was a much more complex and expensive operation than today, besides that the world of professional investors thus becomes within the reach of the private investor. Just like stocks, ETFs are traded at prices that change over the course of a day, and is the real-time reflection of the meeting between supply and demand for these shares during the day. What matters primarily is not the price, but the percentage change in ETF prices. Born in the United States in the 1990s, ETFs became part of the investment securities available to Italian investors only at the beginning of the 2000s, precisely in September 2002. The S&P 500 Depositary Receipts or "Spider" was the first and perhaps the most famous ETF destined to become the progenitor of countless other products such as the equally famous "Diamonds" and "Cubes" which replicate the Dow Jones Industrials and the Nasdaq 100 respectively. The first ETF in Europe based on the Eurostoxx 50 index, it was listed on the Xetra in Frankfurt in 2000. Subsequently, from 2002 in Italy on the Italian Stock Exchange there was a specific Market Segment dedicated to the listing of these financial instruments called Mercato Telematico dei Fondi. ETFs have been listed in Italy since 30 September 2002 and until the beginning of 2007 were traded on the Electronic Funds Market. Since 2007, these instruments have instead been traded on the electronic market for open UCITS and ETCs (ETF-plus), one of the six sectors into which the market managed by Borsa Italiana is divided. ETFs can be bought and sold with relative ease and allow you to build well-diversified investment strategies at low cost. The cost-effectiveness of these tools mainly consists in their management, with management costs on average below a percentage point, making them competitive with respect to active funds. With ETFs, very sophisticated investment plans can be built, diversifying the investment on the type of market, geographic location, currencies, reference sector. They also allow you to invest economically in the entire market through a single instrument, for example with a single global ETF on MSCI World, you can spread the entire investment across about 1600 companies around the world.
1.1 Definizione di ETF ETF è l’acronimo di Exchange Traded Funds, letteralmente “fondi scambiati sul mercato”, sono organismi di investimento collettivo del risparmio (OICR) (fondi o SICAV ) a basse commissioni di gestione negoziati in borsa, in tempo reale, attraverso una banca o un intermediario autorizzato. Come accade per tutti i fondi, quando si acquisisce un ETF è come se si ottenessero un paniere di titoli. Sarà il gestore del fondo ad acquisire, con il denaro investito nel fondo dai vari investitori, gli strumenti su cui si andrà a investire. Solitamente i gestori di ETF devono possedere un’adeguata esperienza nella cosiddetta gestione passiva, dovuta al fatto che gli ETF solitamente sono fondi di investimento che hanno come obiettivo replicare l’andamento di un indice, ovvero un paniere di titoli rappresentativi di un intero mercato o sottomercato, come può ad esempio l’indice sul mercato italiano, vale a dire il FTSE MIB che è costituito dai titoli azionari delle più grandi e liquide blue chip italiane. Gli ETF, a partire dalla fine dello scorso secolo, hanno rivoluzionato il modo in cui gli investitori costruiscono i loro portafogli di investimento, in passato costruire un portafoglio era un’operazione molto più complessa e costosa rispetto ai giorni d’oggi, oltre a ciò il mondo degli investitori professionali diventa così alla portata dell’investitore privato. Proprio come le azioni, gli ETF vengono scambiati a prezzi che cambiano durante l’arco di una giornata, ed è il riflesso in tempo reale dell’incontro tra la domanda e l’offerta di codeste quote durante la giornata. Ciò che conta principalmente non è il prezzo, ma la variazione percentuale dei prezzi dell’ETF. Nati negli Stati Uniti negli anni ‘90, gli ETF entrano a far parte dei titoli di investimento a disposizione degli investitori italiani solo ad inizio degli anni 2000, precisamente a settembre del 2002. Lo S&P 500 Depositary Receipts o “Spider” è stato il primo e forse il più famoso ETF destinato a divenire il capostipite di innumerevoli altri prodotti come gli altrettanto celebri “Diamonds” e “Cubes” che replicano rispettivamente il Dow Jones Industrials e il Nasdaq 100. Il primo ETF in Europa basato sull’indice Eurostoxx 50, venne quotato allo Xetra di Francoforte nel 2000. Successivamente dal 2002 in Italia presso la Borsa Italiana si ebbe un Segmento di Mercato specifico dedicato alla quotazione di questi strumenti finanziari chiamato Mercato Telematico dei Fondi. Gli ETF sono quotati in Italia dal 30 settembre 2002 e sino all’inizio del 2007 sono stati negoziati sul Mercato Telematico dei Fondi. Dal 2007 questi strumenti sono invece trattati sul mercato telematico degli OICR aperti ed ETC (ETF-plus), uno dei sei comparti in cui si è articolato il mercato gestito da Borsa Italiana. Gli ETF possono essere comprati e venduti con relativa facilità e permettono di costruire strategie di investimento ben diversificate a basso costo. L’economicità di suddetti strumenti consiste principalmente nella loro gestione, con costi di gestione mediamente al di sotto del punto percentuale, risultando competitivi rispetto ai fondi attivi. Con gli ETF si possono costruire piani di investimento molto sofisticati, andando a diversificare l’investimento sulla tipologia di mercato, posizione geografica, valute, settore di riferimento. Consentono inoltre di investire economicamente nell’intero mercato tramite un solo strumento, ad esempio con un singolo ETF globale sul MSCI World, si può distribuire l’intero investimento su circa 1600 aziende di tutto il mondo.
Exchange Traded Funds Attivi e Passivi Analisi quali-quantitativa delle perforamance
Definition of ETFs ETFs stands for Exchange Traded Funds, literally "funds traded on the market", are collective investment schemes (UCIs) (funds or SICAVs) with low management fees traded on the stock exchange, in real time, through a bank or an authorized intermediary. As with all funds, acquiring an ETF is like getting a basket of stocks. It will be the fund manager who acquires, with the money invested in the fund by the various investors, the instruments on which it will invest. Usually ETF managers must have adequate experience in so-called passive management, due to the fact that ETFs are usually investment funds that aim to replicate the performance of an index, or a basket of securities representing an entire market or sub-market, such as the index on the Italian market, namely the FTSE MIB which is made up of the shares of the largest and most liquid Italian blue chips. ETFs, since the end of the last century, have revolutionized the way investors build their investment portfolios, in the past building a portfolio was a much more complex and expensive operation than today, besides that the world of professional investors thus becomes within the reach of the private investor. Just like stocks, ETFs are traded at prices that change over the course of a day, and is the real-time reflection of the meeting between supply and demand for these shares during the day. What matters primarily is not the price, but the percentage change in ETF prices. Born in the United States in the 1990s, ETFs became part of the investment securities available to Italian investors only at the beginning of the 2000s, precisely in September 2002. The S&P 500 Depositary Receipts or "Spider" was the first and perhaps the most famous ETF destined to become the progenitor of countless other products such as the equally famous "Diamonds" and "Cubes" which replicate the Dow Jones Industrials and the Nasdaq 100 respectively. The first ETF in Europe based on the Eurostoxx 50 index, it was listed on the Xetra in Frankfurt in 2000. Subsequently, from 2002 in Italy on the Italian Stock Exchange there was a specific Market Segment dedicated to the listing of these financial instruments called Mercato Telematico dei Fondi. ETFs have been listed in Italy since 30 September 2002 and until the beginning of 2007 were traded on the Electronic Funds Market. Since 2007, these instruments have instead been traded on the electronic market for open UCITS and ETCs (ETF-plus), one of the six sectors into which the market managed by Borsa Italiana is divided. ETFs can be bought and sold with relative ease and allow you to build well-diversified investment strategies at low cost. The cost-effectiveness of these tools mainly consists in their management, with management costs on average below a percentage point, making them competitive with respect to active funds. With ETFs, very sophisticated investment plans can be built, diversifying the investment on the type of market, geographic location, currencies, reference sector. They also allow you to invest economically in the entire market through a single instrument, for example with a single global ETF on MSCI World, you can spread the entire investment across about 1600 companies around the world.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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