The idea of the Services Pharmacy was born in 2006 thanks to a study commissioned by FOFI (Federation of the Order of Italian Pharmacists) to Bocconi to evaluate a healthcare system upgrade. The analysis was necessary because of the many changes that have been occurring over the years and still occur, such as population ageing, the resulting increase in healthcare costs, and the reduction of the middle-class wealth. Following this study, it was decided to move the patient's hospital care, especially the chronic patient, to the territory, into existing structures that were easy to reach and positively evaluated by the population: the pharmacies. According to Law 69/09, and with the subsequent four application decrees issued by the State-Regions Conference, the so-called "pharmacy of services" started being regulated, acting on three sides. The first one is the collaboration in the integrated home care, either by participating in the organization of the necessary services at the patient's home, or through the activity of the pharmacist as a preparer in the realization, for example, of nutritional mixtures or infusions required for pain therapy. The second one is the primary prevention program, through screening campaigns, to avoid the chronicity of the patient, thereafter improving the quality of life and at the same time containing healthcare expenditure. Finally, the third side concerns the organizational aspect, such as the CUP service. This law carriers a breath of innovation, which inevitably obliges the pharmacies and therefore all the staff itself to constantly acquire the skills necessary to perform the performance. A further skill required in addition to the know-how is that of communication, essential to persuading the patient to constantly monitor his / her health and to follow the therapy. Communication should not only be addressed to the patient-citizen, but also to other healthcare providers and health authorities. In fact, the pharmacy of the services can not be expected to act alone for both the high required investments, which the individual activities will not be able to support, and to ensure the support of as many pharmacies as possible to make a cost-effective contract from the viewpoint of the administrator. In fact, it must be possible to achieve sufficient dissemination of services in agreement with the Healthcare System in the territory. It will then be necessary to be part of a network, in order to facilitate the realization of services and at the same time to share the investments by providing common resources. Additionally, in this dissertation work, we wanted to undertake an in-depth study on the Health Reform of the Lombardy Region and to analyze some of Lombardy's realities, by investigating the extent to which they are implementing the services pharmacy project. We wanted to understand the pharmacists' predisposition to implement this model, the benefits and the problems encountered, how these services affect the pharmacy budget and the propensity of customers to pay for those benefits.
L’idea della Farmacia dei servizi nasce nel 2006 da uno studio commissionato dalla FOFI (Federazione Ordine dei Farmacisti Italiani) alla Bocconi per valutare un rimodernamento della sanità. Tale analisi risultava necessaria a causa dei numerosi cambiamenti che ormai si stavano verificando negli anni e che si verificano tuttora, quali l’invecchiamento della popolazione, il conseguente aumento dei costi dell’assistenza sociosanitaria e la riduzione della ricchezza del ceto medio. In seguito a questo studio si è deciso di spostare l’assistenza ospedaliera del paziente, soprattutto del paziente cronico, sul territorio, in strutture già esistenti, facili da raggiungere e valutate positivamente dalla popolazione, ovvero nelle farmacie. Con la Legge 69/09, e con i successivi quattro decreti applicativi licenziati dalla Conferenza Stato-Regioni, si inizia a regolamentare la cosiddetta “Farmacia dei servizi”, andando ad agire su tre versanti. Il primo è la collaborazione nell’assistenza domiciliare integrata, sia partecipando all’organizzazione delle prestazioni necessarie a casa del paziente, sia attraverso l’attività del farmacista preparatore nella realizzazione, per esempio, delle miscele nutrizionali o delle infusioni richieste per la terapia del dolore. Il secondo è l’opera di prevenzione primaria, tramite campagne di screening, per evitare la cronicizzazione del paziente, quindi migliorare la qualità della vita e allo stesso tempo contenere la spesa sanitaria. Infine, il terzo versante riguarda l’aspetto organizzativo, come ad esempio il servizio CUP. Questa legge porta con sé una ventata di innovazione, che inevitabilmente obbliga le farmacie e quindi tutto il personale delle stesse all’ acquisizione costante delle competenze necessarie per eseguire le prestazioni. Un’ulteriore competenza richiesta, oltre al saper e al saper fare, è quella della comunicazione, essenziale per convincere il paziente a monitorare costantemente il suo stato di salute e a seguire la terapia. La comunicazione non deve essere presente solo verso il cittadino-paziente, ma anche verso gli altri operatori sanitari e verso le autorità sanitarie. Per realizzare la farmacia dei servizi, infatti, non si può pensare di agire da soli sia per gli elevati investimenti richiesti, che le singole attività non riuscirebbero a sostenere, sia per garantire l’adesione del maggior numero possibile di farmacie per rendere costo efficace una convenzione dal punto di vista dell’amministratore. Si deve, infatti, riuscire a raggiungere una diffusione sufficiente dei servizi in convenzione con il Sistema Sanitario sul territorio. Sarà, allora, necessario far parte di un network, in modo tale da facilitare la realizzazione dei servizi e allo stesso tempo condividere gli investimenti, mettendo a disposizione risorse comuni. Inoltre, in questo lavoro di tesi si è voluto fare un approfondimento sulla Riforma Sanitaria della Regione Lombardia e analizzare alcune realtà del territorio lombardo, andando ad indagare a che punto sono nella realizzazione del progetto della Farmacia dei servizi. Si è voluto capire la predisposizione dei farmacisti ad attuare tale modello, i vantaggi e le problematiche riscontrate, quanto questi servizi incidano sul bilancio della farmacia e la propensione della clientela a pagare tali prestazioni.
La Farmacia dei servizi, l'innovazione nel contesto lombardo
The idea of the Services Pharmacy was born in 2006 thanks to a study commissioned by FOFI (Federation of the Order of Italian Pharmacists) to Bocconi to evaluate a healthcare system upgrade. The analysis was necessary because of the many changes that have been occurring over the years and still occur, such as population ageing, the resulting increase in healthcare costs, and the reduction of the middle-class wealth. Following this study, it was decided to move the patient's hospital care, especially the chronic patient, to the territory, into existing structures that were easy to reach and positively evaluated by the population: the pharmacies. According to Law 69/09, and with the subsequent four application decrees issued by the State-Regions Conference, the so-called "pharmacy of services" started being regulated, acting on three sides. The first one is the collaboration in the integrated home care, either by participating in the organization of the necessary services at the patient's home, or through the activity of the pharmacist as a preparer in the realization, for example, of nutritional mixtures or infusions required for pain therapy. The second one is the primary prevention program, through screening campaigns, to avoid the chronicity of the patient, thereafter improving the quality of life and at the same time containing healthcare expenditure. Finally, the third side concerns the organizational aspect, such as the CUP service. This law carriers a breath of innovation, which inevitably obliges the pharmacies and therefore all the staff itself to constantly acquire the skills necessary to perform the performance. A further skill required in addition to the know-how is that of communication, essential to persuading the patient to constantly monitor his / her health and to follow the therapy. Communication should not only be addressed to the patient-citizen, but also to other healthcare providers and health authorities. In fact, the pharmacy of the services can not be expected to act alone for both the high required investments, which the individual activities will not be able to support, and to ensure the support of as many pharmacies as possible to make a cost-effective contract from the viewpoint of the administrator. In fact, it must be possible to achieve sufficient dissemination of services in agreement with the Healthcare System in the territory. It will then be necessary to be part of a network, in order to facilitate the realization of services and at the same time to share the investments by providing common resources. Additionally, in this dissertation work, we wanted to undertake an in-depth study on the Health Reform of the Lombardy Region and to analyze some of Lombardy's realities, by investigating the extent to which they are implementing the services pharmacy project. We wanted to understand the pharmacists' predisposition to implement this model, the benefits and the problems encountered, how these services affect the pharmacy budget and the propensity of customers to pay for those benefits.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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