Snail mucus has always been a portentous product, used in the past centuries by the most ancient civilizations as a cure for gastritis, ulcers, bronchopneumopathies. This study tries to examine what are some of its main therapeutic properties and what new prospects are on the horizon. Analyzing the characteristics and physiological differences of the two most common Helix species in Italy, Helix pomatia and Helix aspersa, we proceed with the description of their precious ingredients' composition: Allantoin, Elastin, Collagen are just some of the substances that give it anti-aging, re-epithelizing, antioxidant and regenerative properties. Protease and glucuroinase are two proteolytic enzymes which, breaking the bonds between the mucus molecules, give the snail slime mucolytic and fluidifying capabilities very effective in case of productive cough. Its use against stretch marks, wrinkles, acne, recent scars and rosacea makes it an excellent ingredient in dermocosmetic, a field in which it has been seen to be particularly useful for the aesthetic treatment of burns. The Chilean cooperative COANIQUEM, in particular, carried out a study to verify its efficacy on burned children patients on neck, face and hands. The latest studies are also investigating the antitumor diagnostic capacity of a particular protein contained in snail slime, Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA), a lectin: according to the latest sources it could be used as a diagnostic marker for breast and rectal colon. Last but not least from the environmental point of view and the collective health of the community, the role of bioindicator of snails: the absorption of heavy metals and pollutants present in the soil and in the water does not interfere with the gastropod's life, which can be analyzed to discover the state of environmental pollution present in the studied area.
La bava di chiocciola è da sempre un prodotto portentoso, usato nei secoli passati dalle civiltà più antiche come cura per gastriti, ulcere, broncopneumopatie. In questo studio si cerca di esaminare quali siano alcune delle sue proprietà terapeutiche principali e quali nuove prospettive ci siano all'orizzonte. Analizzando le caratteristiche e le differenze fisiologiche delle due specie di Helix più comuni in Italia, Helix pomatia ed Helix aspersa, si prosegue con la descrizione della composizione della loro preziosa bava: Allantoina, Elastina, Collagene sono solo alcune delle sostanze che le conferiscono proprietà anti-aging, riepitelizzanti, antiossidanti e rigenerative. Proteasi e glucuroinasi sono invece due degli enzimi proteolitici che, rompendo i legami tra le molecole di muco conferiscono alla bava di lumaca capacità mucolitiche e fluidificanti molto efficaci in caso di tosse grassa. Il suo utilizzo contro smagliature, rughe, acne, cicatrici recenti e rosacee la rende un ottimo ingrediente in dermocosmetica, ambito in cui si è visto essere particolarmente utile per la cura estetica delle ustioni. La cooperativa cilena COANIQUEM, in particolare, ha eseguito uno studio per verificarne l'efficiacia su pazienti bambini ustionati su collo, viso e mani. Gli ultimi studi, inoltre, stanno indagando la capacità diagnostiche antitumorali di un particolare proteina contenuto nella bava di lumaca, agglutinina di Helix pomatia (HPA), una lectina: secondo le ultime fonti potrebbe essere utilizzata come marker diagnostico per il tumore al seno e al colon retto. Ultime ma non meno importanti da punto di vista ambientale e della salute collettiva della comunità, il ruolo di bioindicatore delle chiocciole: l'assorbimento di metalli pesanti e inquinanti presenti nel terreno e nelle acque non interferisce con la vita del gasteropode, che può essere analizzato per scoprire lo stato di inquinamento ambientale presente nella zona studiata.
Genere Helix: etnofarmacologia e nuove prospettive
Snail mucus has always been a portentous product, used in the past centuries by the most ancient civilizations as a cure for gastritis, ulcers, bronchopneumopathies. This study tries to examine what are some of its main therapeutic properties and what new prospects are on the horizon. Analyzing the characteristics and physiological differences of the two most common Helix species in Italy, Helix pomatia and Helix aspersa, we proceed with the description of their precious ingredients' composition: Allantoin, Elastin, Collagen are just some of the substances that give it anti-aging, re-epithelizing, antioxidant and regenerative properties. Protease and glucuroinase are two proteolytic enzymes which, breaking the bonds between the mucus molecules, give the snail slime mucolytic and fluidifying capabilities very effective in case of productive cough. Its use against stretch marks, wrinkles, acne, recent scars and rosacea makes it an excellent ingredient in dermocosmetic, a field in which it has been seen to be particularly useful for the aesthetic treatment of burns. The Chilean cooperative COANIQUEM, in particular, carried out a study to verify its efficacy on burned children patients on neck, face and hands. The latest studies are also investigating the antitumor diagnostic capacity of a particular protein contained in snail slime, Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA), a lectin: according to the latest sources it could be used as a diagnostic marker for breast and rectal colon. Last but not least from the environmental point of view and the collective health of the community, the role of bioindicator of snails: the absorption of heavy metals and pollutants present in the soil and in the water does not interfere with the gastropod's life, which can be analyzed to discover the state of environmental pollution present in the studied area.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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