The study of sleep disorders in a gender- oriented perspective is fundamental to obtain a more and more personalised treatment taking into consideration all the biological, social and cultural variables. In particular, studies about sleep disorders pointed out some dissimilarities related to sex and gender and they have been associated to the hormonal differences between man and woman. Physical changes or hormonal imbalance that take place during particular moments in the life of a woman, such as puberty, pregnancy or menopause, can have a strong impact on the quality of her sleep and lead to specific clinical disorders insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and restless legs syndrome are some of the pathologies linked to the sleep that show a high recurrence level in the female population during these particular periods I already mentioned. Sleep disorders deserve special attention as a vastly spread phenomenon and considering their negative impact on lifestyle, work-related performances and on the quality of one's social relationships. From the study of the main sleep disorders (i.e. insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome - OSAS and restless legs syndrome – RLS) it can be inferred that men and women show very different physiological conditions, epidemiology, symptomatology and reactions to pharmacological therapies. It is advisable to spread the medical and pharmacological culture among health workers and, in particular, general practitioners and pharmacists with the purpose of facilitating the identification and diagnosis of sleep disorders, identifying the adequate therapy, so that there won't be weakening side effects and with the general objective of improving the health of men and women.
Lo studio dei disturbi del sonno in una prospettiva gender-specifica risulta fondamentale per ottenere una terapia sempre più personalizzata che tenga conto di tutte le variabili biologiche, sociali e culturali. In particolar modo, le differenze di sesso e genere riscontrate nei disturbi del sonno sono state identificate e correlate alla diversità ormonale tra uomo e donna. Cambiamenti fisici e fluttuazioni ormonali che si verificano in momenti delicati della vita di una donna, come la pubertà, la gravidanza e la menopausa, possono avere un forte impatto sulla salute del sonno e portare a disturbi clinici specifici. L’insonnia, le apnee notturne e la sindrome delle gambe senza riposo sono alcune delle patologie legate al sonno che mostrano un’elevata incidenza nella popolazione femminile in questi determinati periodi. I disturbi del sonno meritano un’attenzione specifica, in considerazione della diffusione del fenomeno e della rilevanza in termini di ripercussioni sulla qualità della vita, di riduzione della produttività lavorativa e di interferenza socio-relazionale in ambito familiare ed affettivo. Dalla trattazione dei principali disturbi del sonno (insonnia, sindrome delle apnee notturne - OSAS, sindrome delle gambe senza riposo - RLS) è emerso che gli uomini e le donne presentano condizioni fisiologiche, epidemiologia, sintomatologia, risposte ai trattamenti farmacologici molto diversi. È opportuno, quindi, che tra gli operatori sanitari, nel caso in questione tra i medici di medicina generale ed i farmacisti, si diffonda la cultura della medicina e della farmacologia di genere con l’obbiettivo di facilitare il riconoscimento e la diagnosi dei disturbi legati al sonno, di individuare un trattamento adeguato che non causi effetti collaterali debilitanti e, in ultima analisi, di migliorare lo stato di salute generale delle donne e degli uomini.
I disturbi del sonno: un problema di genere
The study of sleep disorders in a gender- oriented perspective is fundamental to obtain a more and more personalised treatment taking into consideration all the biological, social and cultural variables. In particular, studies about sleep disorders pointed out some dissimilarities related to sex and gender and they have been associated to the hormonal differences between man and woman. Physical changes or hormonal imbalance that take place during particular moments in the life of a woman, such as puberty, pregnancy or menopause, can have a strong impact on the quality of her sleep and lead to specific clinical disorders insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and restless legs syndrome are some of the pathologies linked to the sleep that show a high recurrence level in the female population during these particular periods I already mentioned. Sleep disorders deserve special attention as a vastly spread phenomenon and considering their negative impact on lifestyle, work-related performances and on the quality of one's social relationships. From the study of the main sleep disorders (i.e. insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome - OSAS and restless legs syndrome – RLS) it can be inferred that men and women show very different physiological conditions, epidemiology, symptomatology and reactions to pharmacological therapies. It is advisable to spread the medical and pharmacological culture among health workers and, in particular, general practitioners and pharmacists with the purpose of facilitating the identification and diagnosis of sleep disorders, identifying the adequate therapy, so that there won't be weakening side effects and with the general objective of improving the health of men and women.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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