Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have become a new way to own digital assets, and many businesses are developing initiatives based on this technology. 28.6 million portfolios traded NFTs in 2021, with a huge potential for marketers and companies. This research seeks to explain the potential motivations and barriers to acquiring one of these tokens. With the help of 119 feedbacks from people who declared being familiar with the topic and through a quantitative approach. A literature review has also been made in the context of this research in which topics such as blockchains, smart-contras, and cryptocurrencies have been tackled. After statistically examining the 119 responses to the survey, the study presents the findings and inferences drawn in this regard.

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have become a new way to own digital assets, and many businesses are developing initiatives based on this technology. 28.6 million portfolios traded NFTs in 2021, with a huge potential for marketers and companies. This research seeks to explain the potential motivations and barriers to acquiring one of these tokens. With the help of 119 feedbacks from people who declared being familiar with the topic and through a quantitative approach. A literature review has also been made in the context of this research in which topics such as blockchains, smart-contras, and cryptocurrencies have been tackled. After statistically examining the 119 responses to the survey, the study presents the findings and inferences drawn in this regard.




Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have become a new way to own digital assets, and many businesses are developing initiatives based on this technology. 28.6 million portfolios traded NFTs in 2021, with a huge potential for marketers and companies. This research seeks to explain the potential motivations and barriers to acquiring one of these tokens. With the help of 119 feedbacks from people who declared being familiar with the topic and through a quantitative approach. A literature review has also been made in the context of this research in which topics such as blockchains, smart-contras, and cryptocurrencies have been tackled. After statistically examining the 119 responses to the survey, the study presents the findings and inferences drawn in this regard.
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have become a new way to own digital assets, and many businesses are developing initiatives based on this technology. 28.6 million portfolios traded NFTs in 2021, with a huge potential for marketers and companies. This research seeks to explain the potential motivations and barriers to acquiring one of these tokens. With the help of 119 feedbacks from people who declared being familiar with the topic and through a quantitative approach. A literature review has also been made in the context of this research in which topics such as blockchains, smart-contras, and cryptocurrencies have been tackled. After statistically examining the 119 responses to the survey, the study presents the findings and inferences drawn in this regard.
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