In a population of patients with bronchial asthma diagnosis: -Measure the percentage of responders to Pharmacological Bronchodilation Test with Ipratropium Bromide (positivity test: FEV1 increase> 12% and> 200 ml). Within the respondent group, measure the percentage (prevalence) of patients responding/non-responding to a Beta2 agonist. - Identify Possible Predictive (Endogenous or Exogenous) Factors of Positive Response to Pharmacodynamic Bronchodilation Test with Ipratropium Bromide.

In a population of patients with bronchial asthma diagnosis: -Measure the percentage of responders to Pharmacological Bronchodilation Test with Ipratropium Bromide (positivity test: FEV1 increase> 12% and> 200 ml). Within the respondent group, measure the percentage (prevalence) of patients responding/non-responding to a Beta2 agonist. - Identify Possible Predictive (Endogenous or Exogenous) Factors of Positive Response to Pharmacodynamic Bronchodilation Test with Ipratropium Bromide.

Comparison of acute bronchodilator effects of inhaled ipratropium bromide and salbutamol in adults with bronchial asthma



In a population of patients with bronchial asthma diagnosis: -Measure the percentage of responders to Pharmacological Bronchodilation Test with Ipratropium Bromide (positivity test: FEV1 increase> 12% and> 200 ml). Within the respondent group, measure the percentage (prevalence) of patients responding/non-responding to a Beta2 agonist. - Identify Possible Predictive (Endogenous or Exogenous) Factors of Positive Response to Pharmacodynamic Bronchodilation Test with Ipratropium Bromide.
Comparison of acute bronchodilator effects of inhaled ipratropium bromide and salbutamol in adults with bronchial asthma.
In a population of patients with bronchial asthma diagnosis: -Measure the percentage of responders to Pharmacological Bronchodilation Test with Ipratropium Bromide (positivity test: FEV1 increase> 12% and> 200 ml). Within the respondent group, measure the percentage (prevalence) of patients responding/non-responding to a Beta2 agonist. - Identify Possible Predictive (Endogenous or Exogenous) Factors of Positive Response to Pharmacodynamic Bronchodilation Test with Ipratropium Bromide.
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