This thesis was born from a collaboration of research between CeTAmb LAB (Laboratory of research of appropriate technology for the environment management in developing countries), Brescia University and Proamb (knowledge and technology in environmental solutions), Rua São Paulo, 505, Borgo, Bento Gonçalves – RS. The subject of this work is the study of the issues related to a wastewater treatment plant in Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil that receives industrial wastewater with a prevalence of tannery wastewater. The thesis was developed with a research and a in-depth analysis of tannery sector to gain a knowledge of the main aspects that can cause issues to a wastewater treatment plant. Later, through visits of two wastewater treatment plant (one’s located in the territory of Milano and the other in the territory of Vicenza), it has been proposed some solutions regarding treatment technologies able to ensure an adequate removal for pollutants tannery. At last, it has been described the wastewater treatment plant visited by me and then it has been analyzed the case study of Novo Hamburgo wastewater treatment plan. For the latter were provided feedback and suggestions for improvement to the resolution of the matter.
La seguente tesi è nata nell’ambito di una collaborazione di ricerca tra il CeTAmb LAB (Laboratorio di ricerca sulle tecnologie appropriate per la gestione dell’ambiente nei Paesi a risorse limitate) dell’Università di Brescia e della fondazione Proamb (conoscenza e tecnologia in soluzioni ambientali) situata a Rua São Paulo, 505, Borgo, Bento Gonçalves – RS. L’oggetto della tesi riguarda lo studio delle problematiche relative ad un impianto di trattamento delle acque presente in Brasile, che riceve reflui industriali con una forte prevalenza di acque provenienti da un industria conciaria. La tesi è stata sviluppata con una ricerca e un approfondimento del settore conciario per avere una conoscenza dei principali aspetti che possono causare problematiche di gestione di un depuratore. Successivamente, grazie anche a visite tecniche ad impianti di depurazione di liquami conciari situati in Italia (un impianto in provincia di Milano e uno in provincia di Vicenza), sono state proposte alcune soluzioni riguardanti tecnologie di trattamento in grado di garantire un’adeguata rimozione degli inquinanti presenti in questi reflui. In ultimo è stato dapprima descritto l’impianto presente in provincia di Vicenza da me visitato e in seguito è stato analizzato il caso di studio dell’impianto situato in Brasile a Novo Hamburgo – RS, fornendo, per quest’ultimo, alcune valutazioni e proposte di miglioramento per la risoluzione dei problemi in esame.
Tecniche di depurazione di reflui conciari. Caso studio: Impianto di depurazione di Novo Hamburgo - Brasile
This thesis was born from a collaboration of research between CeTAmb LAB (Laboratory of research of appropriate technology for the environment management in developing countries), Brescia University and Proamb (knowledge and technology in environmental solutions), Rua São Paulo, 505, Borgo, Bento Gonçalves – RS. The subject of this work is the study of the issues related to a wastewater treatment plant in Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil that receives industrial wastewater with a prevalence of tannery wastewater. The thesis was developed with a research and a in-depth analysis of tannery sector to gain a knowledge of the main aspects that can cause issues to a wastewater treatment plant. Later, through visits of two wastewater treatment plant (one’s located in the territory of Milano and the other in the territory of Vicenza), it has been proposed some solutions regarding treatment technologies able to ensure an adequate removal for pollutants tannery. At last, it has been described the wastewater treatment plant visited by me and then it has been analyzed the case study of Novo Hamburgo wastewater treatment plan. For the latter were provided feedback and suggestions for improvement to the resolution of the matter.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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