The present study is devoted to the investigation of the use of some materials obtained from recycling, like rubber, cork, rice husk and coffee silverskin for the realization of samples of sound absorbent panels. The employment of these materials, widely available and inexpensive, can be a valid alternative to the materials, more expensive and polluting, currently used in the sound absorption field. To realize these samples, three different techniquest were identified and compared: in the first one, a polyurethane adhesive was used, in the second and in the third one, instead, respectively, a cold-press and warm-press were used. Once the samples realized, it was possible to characterize them from an acoustic point of view and, in particular, the sound absorption coefficient was measured for all of them. To get this coefficient a standing wave tube was used. Besides, some chemical tests were carried out (TGA, BSC, BET And BJH analysis) and a special instrumentation for the measurement of the flow resistance, a non acoustic parameter that influences the sound absorption coefficient, was realized. At last, a theoretical research of mathematical models used in acoustic field was developed and it was found and used the model that better characterizes the acoustic behavior for each type of samples with the purpose to optimize its absorption characteristics
Il presente lavoro di tesi propone l’utilizzo di alcuni materiali provenienti da riciclo, quali la gomma, il sughero, la lolla di riso e la pellicola argentea di caffè per la realizzazione di campioni di pannelli fonoassorbenti. L’impiego di tali materiali, ampiamente disponibili a basso costo, può essere una valida alternativa ai materiali, più costosi ed inquinanti, attualmente utilizzati nel campo del fonoassorbimento. Per realizzare i campioni sono state individuate e messe a confronto tre diverse tecniche: nella prima è stato utilizzato del collante a base poliuretanica, nella seconda e nella terza, invece, sono state impiegate, rispettivamente, una pressa a freddo ed una pressa a caldo. Una volta realizzati i campioni, è stato possibile caratterizzarli da un punto di vista acustico ed in particolare è stato misurato il coefficiente di assorbimento ad incidenza normale di ognuno di essi. Per ottenere tale coefficiente è stato adoperato un tubo ad onde stazionarie. Inoltre, sono state effettuate alcune prove chimiche (TGA, BSC, BET E BJH analysis) ed è stata realizzata un’apposita strumentazione per la misura della resistenza al flusso, parametro non acustico che influenza il coefficiente di assorbimento acustico. Infine, si è svolta una ricerca teorica sui modelli matematici adoperati in campo acustico ed è stato individuato ed utilizzato quello che meglio caratterizza il comportamento acustico di ogni tipologia di campione, al fine di ottimizzarne le caratteristiche fonoassorbenti
Valutazione delle proprietà acustiche di campioni realizzati con materiali riciclati e di scarto.
The present study is devoted to the investigation of the use of some materials obtained from recycling, like rubber, cork, rice husk and coffee silverskin for the realization of samples of sound absorbent panels. The employment of these materials, widely available and inexpensive, can be a valid alternative to the materials, more expensive and polluting, currently used in the sound absorption field. To realize these samples, three different techniquest were identified and compared: in the first one, a polyurethane adhesive was used, in the second and in the third one, instead, respectively, a cold-press and warm-press were used. Once the samples realized, it was possible to characterize them from an acoustic point of view and, in particular, the sound absorption coefficient was measured for all of them. To get this coefficient a standing wave tube was used. Besides, some chemical tests were carried out (TGA, BSC, BET And BJH analysis) and a special instrumentation for the measurement of the flow resistance, a non acoustic parameter that influences the sound absorption coefficient, was realized. At last, a theoretical research of mathematical models used in acoustic field was developed and it was found and used the model that better characterizes the acoustic behavior for each type of samples with the purpose to optimize its absorption characteristicsÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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