The thesis work focused on the implementation in R of supervised learning algorithms and feature Selection for the classification of patients suffering from Alzheimer's or Vascular Dementia. Patients were characterized through functional connectomic indices and graph theory obtained by rs-FMRI. In particular: Support Vector Machines have been implemented with different kernels (linear, polynomial and Multi Layer Perceptron), Anfis (Fuzzy Logic), Radial Basis Function and Multi Layer Perceptron as supervised algorithms. Random Forest, Lasso, Relief and Information Gain were chosen for the feature Selection. The ultimate goal of this study was to identify markers to distinguish and understand the evolution of the two pathologies and their consequences on the human brain.
Il lavoro di tesi si è concentrato sull'implementazione in R di algoritmi di apprendimento supervisionato e feature Selection per la classificazione di pazienti affetti da Alzheimer o Demenza Vascolare. I pazienti sono stati caratterizzati attraverso indici di connettomica funzionale e teoria dei grafi ottenuti tramite rs-FMRI. In particolare sono state implementati: Support Vector Machines con kernel differenti (lineare,polinomiale e Multi Layer Perceptron), Anfis (Fuzzy Logic), Radial Basis Function e Multi Layer Perceptron come algoritmi supervisionati. Random Forest, Lasso, Relief e Information Gain sono stati scelti per la feature Selection. L‘obiettivo ultimo di questo studio è stato quello di individuare marker per distinguere e comprendere l‘evoluzione delle due patologie e le loro conseguenze sul cervello umano.
Classificazione automatica delle Demenze in R mediante indici di connettomica funzionale e teoria dei grafi.
The thesis work focused on the implementation in R of supervised learning algorithms and feature Selection for the classification of patients suffering from Alzheimer's or Vascular Dementia. Patients were characterized through functional connectomic indices and graph theory obtained by rs-FMRI. In particular: Support Vector Machines have been implemented with different kernels (linear, polynomial and Multi Layer Perceptron), Anfis (Fuzzy Logic), Radial Basis Function and Multi Layer Perceptron as supervised algorithms. Random Forest, Lasso, Relief and Information Gain were chosen for the feature Selection. The ultimate goal of this study was to identify markers to distinguish and understand the evolution of the two pathologies and their consequences on the human brain.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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