Inflammation is one of the first responses of our organism to fight a pathogen induced infection. However, when particular conditions are present, the inflammatory process can arise following endogenous causes and lead to chronic diseases like asthma or rheumatoid arthritis. Over the years, a large number of drugs have been used in order to keep under control the symptoms of such disorders, especially NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) which, inhibiting the cyclooxygenase enzyme (COX), avoid the production of pro-inflammatory molecules like prostaglandins and cytokines. On the other side, the inactivation of this enzyme causes a number of undesired side effects, which can become particularly problematic in case of a chronic use of the drug. In the last years, with the aim to design novel anti-inflammatory agents, there has been a growing interest towards the Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor γ (PPARγ). This receptor seemed to be responsible for an anti-inflammatory activity upon interaction with specific ligands. Studying the extracts of Notopterygium Incisol, a medicinal plant used in Chinese medicine as a remedy for affections like limb pain and headache, a number of molecules exerting a potential anti-inflammatory activity were discovered and tested. The polyacetylene Falcarindiol, one of the first compounds whose structure was determined, acts as partial agonists on PPARγ regulating the production of nitric oxide. Notoincisol B, isolated in the same plant extract, presents a slightly different structure, characterized by a central core formed by a 2,5-dihydrofuran fused with a naphthalene ring. This tricyclic nucleus is endowed with an aliphatic chain in all similar to the one that can be found in Falcarindiol. The absolute configuration of the two stereocenters, which seems essential for the pharmacological activity, was univocally determined. This work was focused on the synthesis of the Notoincisol B derivative 1 (Figure 2), characterized by the presence of a second methoxy group on the naphthalene moiety in place of the phenolic group that can be found in the natural derivative. The synthetic scheme involves transition metal-catalyzed coupling reactions such as the Tsuji-Trost reaction and the Cadiot-Chodkiewicz reaction. In this Thesis we reported the design of the synthetic plan, the various difficulties encountered following the synthetic route and the discussion of the results so far obtained.
L’infiammazione è una delle prime reazioni esercitate dal nostro organismo per combattere l’infezione indotta da un patogeno. In presenza di particolari condizioni, il processo infiammatorio può innescarsi in risposta a stimoli endogeni e determinare l’instaurarsi di stati patologici di natura cronica come l’asma o l’artrite reumatoide. Nel corso degli anni, sono stati sviluppati molti farmaci volti a controllare i sintomi di patologie di questo tipo, in particolare i FANS (farmaci antinfiammatori non steroidei) che, inibendo l’enzima cicloossigenasi (COX), impediscono la produzione di molecole pro-infiammatorie come prostaglandine e citochine. Di contro, l’inattivazione di questo enzima, determina l’insorgenza di un numero consistente di effetti collaterali che possono diventare molto problematici soprattutto a seguito di un’assunzione cronica del farmaco. Per quanto riguarda la progettazione di nuove molecole ad attività antinfiammatoria, un nuovo target farmacologico che negli ultimi anni ha suscitato crescente interesse è il recettore PPARγ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ). Tale recettore, appartenente alla superfamiglia dei recettori PPAR, sembra essere implicato nella risposta antinfiammatoria a seguito dell’attivazione da parte di specifici ligandi. Studiando i derivati di Notopterygium incisol, una pianta medicinale usata nella medicina tradizionale cinese come rimedio per disturbi quali dolori articolari e mal di testa, è stato possibile isolare alcune molecole in grado di esercitare una potenziale risposta antinfiammatoria. Il poliacetilene Falcarindiol, uno dei primi composti di cui è stata determinata la struttura, agisce come un agonista parziale di PPARγ e regola la produzione di ossido nitrico. Il Notoincisol B, anch’esso isolato da….. presenta una struttura leggermente differente, caratterizzata da un nucleo 2,5-diidrofuranico fuso con un anello naftalenico sul quale è installata una catena alifatica analoga a quella presente nel Falcarindiol. La configurazione assoluta dei due stereocentri presenti, essenziale per l’attività farmacologica, è stata determinata in maniera univoca. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è la messa a punto di una strategia sintetica che permetta di pervenire in pochi passaggi alla sintesi di un derivato del Notoincisol B caratterizzato dalla presenza di un secondo gruppo metossilico sull’anello naftalenico al posto del gruppo fenolico presente nel derivato naturale. L’iter sintetico prevede di sfruttare reazioni di accoppiamento ossidativo catalizzate da metalli di transizione quali la reazione di Tsuji-Trost e la reazione di Cadiot-Chodkiewicz. In questa tesi saranno discussi i risultati fin qui ottenuti, le variazioni apportate all’iniziale progetto di sintesi e le difficoltà riscontrate nel percorrere lo schema sintetico.
Approcci alla sintesi totale di un derivato del Notoincisol B
Inflammation is one of the first responses of our organism to fight a pathogen induced infection. However, when particular conditions are present, the inflammatory process can arise following endogenous causes and lead to chronic diseases like asthma or rheumatoid arthritis. Over the years, a large number of drugs have been used in order to keep under control the symptoms of such disorders, especially NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) which, inhibiting the cyclooxygenase enzyme (COX), avoid the production of pro-inflammatory molecules like prostaglandins and cytokines. On the other side, the inactivation of this enzyme causes a number of undesired side effects, which can become particularly problematic in case of a chronic use of the drug. In the last years, with the aim to design novel anti-inflammatory agents, there has been a growing interest towards the Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor γ (PPARγ). This receptor seemed to be responsible for an anti-inflammatory activity upon interaction with specific ligands. Studying the extracts of Notopterygium Incisol, a medicinal plant used in Chinese medicine as a remedy for affections like limb pain and headache, a number of molecules exerting a potential anti-inflammatory activity were discovered and tested. The polyacetylene Falcarindiol, one of the first compounds whose structure was determined, acts as partial agonists on PPARγ regulating the production of nitric oxide. Notoincisol B, isolated in the same plant extract, presents a slightly different structure, characterized by a central core formed by a 2,5-dihydrofuran fused with a naphthalene ring. This tricyclic nucleus is endowed with an aliphatic chain in all similar to the one that can be found in Falcarindiol. The absolute configuration of the two stereocenters, which seems essential for the pharmacological activity, was univocally determined. This work was focused on the synthesis of the Notoincisol B derivative 1 (Figure 2), characterized by the presence of a second methoxy group on the naphthalene moiety in place of the phenolic group that can be found in the natural derivative. The synthetic scheme involves transition metal-catalyzed coupling reactions such as the Tsuji-Trost reaction and the Cadiot-Chodkiewicz reaction. In this Thesis we reported the design of the synthetic plan, the various difficulties encountered following the synthetic route and the discussion of the results so far obtained.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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