The topic covered in this paper concerns a new technology that is being developed in tissue engineering field: 3D Bioprinting. It is an automated approach that, through dedicated software and hardware, places biological material drop-on-demand on a support to produce tissues and organs for studies in the medical field. This technique is particularly attracting for the engineering of tumor tissues, as it allows to mime in vitro the tumor microenvironment thus improving the ability in modelling cancer compared to the existing methods, recalling the application of the 3R strategies in finding as alternative models aimed at reducing the number of animals included in the experimental protocols. For this study we used a pneumatic-based extrusion 3D printer, Cellink INKREDIBLE+®, to build osteosarcoma models made up of rat tumor cells (UMR-106) printed inside a matrix composed of sodium alginate and gelatin. Many experiments have been carried out to optimize the pre- and post-print parameters, in order to promote cell proliferation and realize the efficient biological constructs as experimental models to use in preclinical studies. The osteosarcoma 3D model will be exploited in the context of the biological studies related to Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT), an experimental binary radiotherapy based on the irradiation of the tumor with low energy neutrons after the target enrichment with atoms of 10-boron (10B).
L’argomento trattato in questo elaborato di tesi sperimentale di Laurea Magistrale riguarda una nuova tecnologia che si sta sviluppando nel settore dell’ingegneria dei tessuti: il Bioprinting. Si tratta di un approccio automatizzato che, tramite software e hardware dedicati, depone drop-on-demand materiale biologico su un supporto per produrre tessuti e organi da impiegare in ambito medico. Questa tecnica sta attirando particolare attenzione per il suo utilizzo nell’ingegneria dei tessuti tumorali, in quanto consente la riproduzione del microambiente oncologico in vitro migliorando la capacità di modellizzazione del cancro rispetto alle strategie esistenti, richiamando l’applicazione del principio delle 3R (Rimpiazzare, Ridurre, Raffinare). La regola salvaguarda il welfare degli animali usati nell’ambito della sperimentazione scientifica, considerando l’impiego di metodi alternativi ai test in vivo e quindi la riduzione del numero di animali inseriti nei protocolli sperimentali. In questo studio di ricerca è stata utilizzata una stampante 3D ad estrusione a base pneumatica, Cellink INKREDIBLE+®, per realizzare modelli di osteosarcoma con cellule di ratto (UMR-106) stampate all’interno di una matrice composta da sodio alginato e gelatina. Sono stati effettuati diversi esperimenti per ottimizzare i parametri pre- e post-stampa, al fine di promuovere la proliferazione cellulare. Il modello 3D di osteosarcoma verrà a breve utilizzato nell’ambito degli studi biologici inerenti alla terapia per la Cattura Neutronica del Boro (BNCT: Boron Neutron Capture Therapy): forma sperimentale di radioterapia basata sull’irraggiamento del tumore con neutroni a bassa energia dopo arricchimento del target con atomi di 10B.
The topic covered in this paper concerns a new technology that is being developed in tissue engineering field: 3D Bioprinting. It is an automated approach that, through dedicated software and hardware, places biological material drop-on-demand on a support to produce tissues and organs for studies in the medical field. This technique is particularly attracting for the engineering of tumor tissues, as it allows to mime in vitro the tumor microenvironment thus improving the ability in modelling cancer compared to the existing methods, recalling the application of the 3R strategies in finding as alternative models aimed at reducing the number of animals included in the experimental protocols. For this study we used a pneumatic-based extrusion 3D printer, Cellink INKREDIBLE+®, to build osteosarcoma models made up of rat tumor cells (UMR-106) printed inside a matrix composed of sodium alginate and gelatin. Many experiments have been carried out to optimize the pre- and post-print parameters, in order to promote cell proliferation and realize the efficient biological constructs as experimental models to use in preclinical studies. The osteosarcoma 3D model will be exploited in the context of the biological studies related to Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT), an experimental binary radiotherapy based on the irradiation of the tumor with low energy neutrons after the target enrichment with atoms of 10-boron (10B).È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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