Initially we will detail an in-depth look at both the brain areas vital to essential human functioning, and discuss the pathways that have both areas working hand in hand. Consequently, through the use of rodent subjects we will attempt to uncover the cognitive connections between two of the most vital parts of the brain. Administering electrical and chemical stimulation, we will attempt to observe an increase or decrease in baseline activity which indicated a tangible alteration in cognitive circuitry.

Initially we will detail an in-depth look at both the brain areas vital to essential human functioning, and discuss the pathways that have both areas working hand in hand. Consequently, through the use of rodent subjects we will attempt to uncover the cognitive connections between two of the most vital parts of the brain. Administering electrical and chemical stimulation, we will attempt to observe an increase or decrease in baseline activity which indicated a tangible alteration in cognitive circuitry.

Cognitive Connection between the Cerebellum and the Pre-Frontal Cortex



Initially we will detail an in-depth look at both the brain areas vital to essential human functioning, and discuss the pathways that have both areas working hand in hand. Consequently, through the use of rodent subjects we will attempt to uncover the cognitive connections between two of the most vital parts of the brain. Administering electrical and chemical stimulation, we will attempt to observe an increase or decrease in baseline activity which indicated a tangible alteration in cognitive circuitry.
The Cognitive Connection between the Cerebellum and the Pre-Frontal Cortex: A Literature Review & In-vivo Experiment
Initially we will detail an in-depth look at both the brain areas vital to essential human functioning, and discuss the pathways that have both areas working hand in hand. Consequently, through the use of rodent subjects we will attempt to uncover the cognitive connections between two of the most vital parts of the brain. Administering electrical and chemical stimulation, we will attempt to observe an increase or decrease in baseline activity which indicated a tangible alteration in cognitive circuitry.
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