To improve the surgical outcome after resection of pancreatic adenocarcinomas, multimodal treatment concepts need to be applied and improved. Multimodality treatment is the standard concept in major centers for pancreatic cancer surgery and the effect of combination of adjuvant chemotherapy, carbon ion radiation therapy and surgery need an up-to-date review of indications and results achievable with various treatment modalities.

Carbon ion radiation therapy in pancreatic cancer: new horizons of multimodal treatment



To improve the surgical outcome after resection of pancreatic adenocarcinomas, multimodal treatment concepts need to be applied and improved. Multimodality treatment is the standard concept in major centers for pancreatic cancer surgery and the effect of combination of adjuvant chemotherapy, carbon ion radiation therapy and surgery need an up-to-date review of indications and results achievable with various treatment modalities.
Carbon ion radiation therapy in pancreatic cancer: new horizons of multimodal treatment.
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