Thesis developed entirely in China, in the city of Shanghai, want to deal and explore the theme of urban regeneration through the analysis of social regeneration. Important and living matter within the Chinese’s dynamics affected by an unstoppable development and an extremely complex political landscape, it is reflected on the social component of the country, that is a very various and dynamic reality which is composed of extremely high numbers of people (only Shanghai has 24 million inhabitants), and thanks to this it can be offer a unique social overview. The growing economy, the laws of birth regulation and increasing prosperity are the causes that are favoring the inevitable reversal of the Chinese’s demographic curve that will bring the country, by 2050, to have no more a young population but a population characterized by a high growth rate of the older components, arriving to obtain a demographic curve very similar to the Italian one. This phenomenon of generational aging that in Italy, and in general in Europe, took place in a long time, given the possibility to the different countries to face the problem and find appropriate solutions, in China it will be completed in few years, and already now it possible to see all the issues that are going to create in a country that can not easily find a solution for the weak category at the same speed with which it grows and changes their needs. This generational change brings new demands and requirements that go automatically to influence the regeneration of the city and its transformations. Objective of this thesis is understanding, through studies and direct interviews, the context and the society with which we are going to work, and paying attention to the growing of elderly’s population band to create for it a “customized” product that responds effectively and appropriately to their needs, resulting in an orientation of the market demand, and restrain the phenomenon of elderly’s isolation taht is emerging into the Chinese reality. The proposed project, based on the principles of sharing and community life characteristic of this society, has found a model in co-housing one. In this way it possible to design an innovative neighborhood, which integrates and not separate the different generations, which ensures a better quality of life to the elderly, that arises not like a social problem but like an added value, providing activities and services that can be use by all, and avoids the isolation of this category.
Tesi interamente sviluppata in Cina, nella città di Shanghai, vuole trattare ed approfondire il tema della rigenerazione urbana attraverso l’analisi della rigenerazione sociale. Tema attuale ed importante all’interno delle dinamiche Cinesi interessate da uno sviluppo inarrestabile e da un panorama politico estremamente complesso, si riflette sulla componente sociale del Paese, la quale, parlando di numeri estremamente elevati ( solo Shanghai conta 24 milioni di abitanti ), è una realtà decisamente varia e dinamica che offre uno spaccato sociale unico. L’economia in crescita, le leggi di regolazione delle nascite e l’aumento del benessere sono le cause che stanno favorendo l’inevitabile inversione della curva demografica cinese che porterà il Paese, entro il 2050, ad avere non più una popolazione giovane ma bensì una popolazione caratterizzata da una elevata crescita percentuale delle componenti più anziane, arrivando ad ottenere una curva demografica molto simile a quella italiana attuale. Questo fenomeno di invecchiamento generazionale che in Italia, ed in generale in Europa, è avvenuto in tempi decisamente più lunghi, dando la possibilità ai diversi Paesi di affrontare il problema e trovare soluzioni adeguate, in Cina si completerà nell’arco di pochi anni, e già oggi è possibile notare tutte le problematiche che vanno a crearsi in un Paese che non riesce a trovare una soluzione per la categoria debole alla stessa velocità con cui questa cresce e cambia i propri bisogni. Questo cambio generazionale porta con sé nuove richieste ed esigenze che vanno automaticamente ad influenzare la rigenerazione della città e le sue trasformazioni. Obiettivo della tesi è capire, tramite studi ed interviste dirette, il contesto e la società con cui si andrà a confrontare, e ponendo attenzione alla fascia sempre più crescente di popolazione anziana, creare per essa un prodotto su misura, che risponda concretamente ed adeguatamente ai loro bisogni, con un conseguente orientamento della domanda di mercato, andando così a frenare il fenomeno di isolamento dell’anziano che va creandosi all’interno della realtà cinese. Il progetto che si vuole proporre, basandosi sui principi di condivisione e di vita comunitaria caratteristici di questa società, ha trovato un modello nel co-housing. Si andrà così a progettare un quartiere innovativo, che integri le diverse generazioni e non le separi, che garantisca una qualità di vita migliore all’anziano, che si pone non più come problema sociale ma come valore aggiunto, offrendo attività e servizi che possano essere usufruiti da tutti e che eviti cosi l’isolamento della suddetta categoria.
Thesis developed entirely in China, in the city of Shanghai, want to deal and explore the theme of urban regeneration through the analysis of social regeneration. Important and living matter within the Chinese’s dynamics affected by an unstoppable development and an extremely complex political landscape, it is reflected on the social component of the country, that is a very various and dynamic reality which is composed of extremely high numbers of people (only Shanghai has 24 million inhabitants), and thanks to this it can be offer a unique social overview. The growing economy, the laws of birth regulation and increasing prosperity are the causes that are favoring the inevitable reversal of the Chinese’s demographic curve that will bring the country, by 2050, to have no more a young population but a population characterized by a high growth rate of the older components, arriving to obtain a demographic curve very similar to the Italian one. This phenomenon of generational aging that in Italy, and in general in Europe, took place in a long time, given the possibility to the different countries to face the problem and find appropriate solutions, in China it will be completed in few years, and already now it possible to see all the issues that are going to create in a country that can not easily find a solution for the weak category at the same speed with which it grows and changes their needs. This generational change brings new demands and requirements that go automatically to influence the regeneration of the city and its transformations. Objective of this thesis is understanding, through studies and direct interviews, the context and the society with which we are going to work, and paying attention to the growing of elderly’s population band to create for it a “customized” product that responds effectively and appropriately to their needs, resulting in an orientation of the market demand, and restrain the phenomenon of elderly’s isolation taht is emerging into the Chinese reality. The proposed project, based on the principles of sharing and community life characteristic of this society, has found a model in co-housing one. In this way it possible to design an innovative neighborhood, which integrates and not separate the different generations, which ensures a better quality of life to the elderly, that arises not like a social problem but like an added value, providing activities and services that can be use by all, and avoids the isolation of this category.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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