One of the basic assumptions of communication science states, “One cannot fail to communicate”. Communication is an activity that all people practice all the time, at all times of the day and in every field and activity. Communication science fascinates me, on the one hand, it irritates me how many people underestimate it, on the other hand, I know very well that the comments of those people who underestimate communication are nonsensical and have no counterpart within reality, so I let them speak. Clearly, communication also plays a key role in the political arena since the time of the earliest civilizations, and the speeches to citizens in the squares of the polis, to the use of mass media and the most modern technologies, a lot of ground has been covered. My thesis aims to demonstrate and emphasize how political communication is an essential part of political action, and every political party, candidate, movement, has a constant need to communicate with its members, its opponents, its institutions, and the media. Professor Flavio Chiapponi’s Political and Institutional Marketing lectures helped me in selecting the topics to be covered in this project and provided me with several examples and case studies of how crucial communication is in the creation of election campaigns, but mainly how much a proper strategy can be a game changer in electoral campaigning and especially how easily it can lead to victory. The thesis will offer real political marketing strategies: assessing the needs of the electorate through polls, direct citizen contacts of candidates, virtual meetings in the forums made available on the web today, and voter engagement on digital and social media platforms. I will also address aspects that might be mistakenly regarded as obsolete such as the candidate’s physical appearance, his clothing and likability. He will be constructed by emphasizing or smoothing out character elements. Creativity, inventiveness and why not, even game-playing are the key words in this subject that perhaps one day I will have the privilege of calling my job. All these elements which I have mentioned will be contained in the first part of my thesis project, a purely theoretical part. I would also like to mention that during the writing of this first part, I was helped by my amazing internship experience with the Deputy Claudio Pedrazzini at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome. While as for the second part, I would like to present some outstanding personalities in the national and international political scene who have built their personal and political success also thanks to their special ability to communicate their thoughts, transmitting energy, enthusiasm, interest in the country and involving citizens in the realization of common projects, proving that politics cannot exist without communication. I will first examine an iron woman: the first woman to win the office of prime minister in the United Kingdom Margaret Thatcher. After introducing her biographically and describing her outsider personality, I would like to compare her with another very competent and incisive female political figure: the former chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel. A biographical and historical introduction will be made for her as well, and then I will move on to the actual comparison between the two leaders, also focusing on the two election campaigns, Thatcher’s with the Saatchi brothers and Merkel’s with Meyer.
Uno degli assunti di base della scienza della comunicazione afferma: “Non si può non comunicare”. La comunicazione è un’attività che tutte le persone praticano sempre, in ogni momento della giornata e in ogni campo e attività. La scienza della comunicazione mi affascina, da un lato mi irrita il fatto che molti la sottovalutino, dall’altro so benissimo che i commenti di chi sottovaluta la comunicazione sono insensati e non hanno riscontro nella realtà, quindi li lascio parlare. È chiaro che la comunicazione gioca un ruolo fondamentale anche nell’arena politica fin dai tempi delle prime civiltà, dai discorsi ai cittadini nelle piazze della polis, fino all’uso dei mass media e delle tecnologie più moderne, è stata percorsa molta strada. La mia tesi vuole dimostrare e sottolineare come la comunicazione politica sia una parte essenziale dell'azione politica, e ogni partito politico, candidato, movimento, ha la costante necessità di comunicare con i suoi membri, i suoi avversari, le sue istituzioni e i media. Le lezioni di Marketing Politico e Istituzionale del professor Flavio Chiapponi mi hanno aiutato nella scelta degli argomenti da trattare in questo progetto e mi hanno fornito diversi esempi e casi di studio di quanto la comunicazione sia cruciale nella creazione di campagne elettorali, ma soprattutto di quanto una corretta strategia possa essere un game changer nella campagna elettorale e soprattutto di quanto facilmente possa portare alla vittoria. La tesi proporrà delle vere e proprie strategie di marketing politico: la valutazione delle esigenze dell'elettorato attraverso i sondaggi, i contatti diretti dei candidati con i cittadini, gli incontri virtuali nei forum oggi disponibili sul web, l'engagement degli elettori sulle piattaforme digitali e sui social media. Mi occuperò anche di aspetti che potrebbero essere erroneamente considerati obsoleti come l'aspetto fisico del candidato, il suo abbigliamento e la sua simpatia. Il candidato sarà costruito enfatizzando o smussando gli elementi caratteriali. Creatività, inventiva e, perché no, anche gioco sono le parole chiave di questa materia che forse un giorno avrò il privilegio di chiamare il mio lavoro. Tutti questi elementi che ho citato saranno contenuti nella prima parte del mio progetto di tesi, una parte puramente teorica. Vorrei anche ricordare che, durante la stesura di questa prima parte, sono stata aiutata dalla mia fantastica esperienza di stage con il deputato Claudio Pedrazzini presso la Camera dei Deputati a Roma. Per quanto riguarda la seconda parte, invece, vorrei presentare alcune personalità di spicco del panorama politico nazionale e internazionale che hanno costruito il loro successo personale e politico anche grazie alla loro particolare capacità di comunicare il proprio pensiero, trasmettendo energia, entusiasmo, interesse per il Paese e coinvolgendo i cittadini nella realizzazione di progetti comuni, dimostrando che la politica non può esistere senza comunicazione. Analizzerò innanzitutto una donna di ferro: la prima donna a conquistare la carica di primo ministro nel Regno Unito Margaret Thatcher. Dopo averla introdotta biograficamente e aver descritto la sua personalità outsider, vorrei confrontarla con un'altra figura politica femminile molto competente e incisiva: l'ex cancelliere della Germania Angela Merkel. Anche per lei verrà svolta un'introduzione biografica e storica, per poi passare al confronto vero e proprio tra i due leader, soffermandomi anche sulle due campagne elettorali, quella della Thatcher con i fratelli Saatchi e quella della Merkel con Meyer.
La comunicazione come mezzo di propaganda politica: il modello comunicativo di Margaret Thatcher e Angela Merkel
One of the basic assumptions of communication science states, “One cannot fail to communicate”. Communication is an activity that all people practice all the time, at all times of the day and in every field and activity. Communication science fascinates me, on the one hand, it irritates me how many people underestimate it, on the other hand, I know very well that the comments of those people who underestimate communication are nonsensical and have no counterpart within reality, so I let them speak. Clearly, communication also plays a key role in the political arena since the time of the earliest civilizations, and the speeches to citizens in the squares of the polis, to the use of mass media and the most modern technologies, a lot of ground has been covered. My thesis aims to demonstrate and emphasize how political communication is an essential part of political action, and every political party, candidate, movement, has a constant need to communicate with its members, its opponents, its institutions, and the media. Professor Flavio Chiapponi’s Political and Institutional Marketing lectures helped me in selecting the topics to be covered in this project and provided me with several examples and case studies of how crucial communication is in the creation of election campaigns, but mainly how much a proper strategy can be a game changer in electoral campaigning and especially how easily it can lead to victory. The thesis will offer real political marketing strategies: assessing the needs of the electorate through polls, direct citizen contacts of candidates, virtual meetings in the forums made available on the web today, and voter engagement on digital and social media platforms. I will also address aspects that might be mistakenly regarded as obsolete such as the candidate’s physical appearance, his clothing and likability. He will be constructed by emphasizing or smoothing out character elements. Creativity, inventiveness and why not, even game-playing are the key words in this subject that perhaps one day I will have the privilege of calling my job. All these elements which I have mentioned will be contained in the first part of my thesis project, a purely theoretical part. I would also like to mention that during the writing of this first part, I was helped by my amazing internship experience with the Deputy Claudio Pedrazzini at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome. While as for the second part, I would like to present some outstanding personalities in the national and international political scene who have built their personal and political success also thanks to their special ability to communicate their thoughts, transmitting energy, enthusiasm, interest in the country and involving citizens in the realization of common projects, proving that politics cannot exist without communication. I will first examine an iron woman: the first woman to win the office of prime minister in the United Kingdom Margaret Thatcher. After introducing her biographically and describing her outsider personality, I would like to compare her with another very competent and incisive female political figure: the former chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel. A biographical and historical introduction will be made for her as well, and then I will move on to the actual comparison between the two leaders, also focusing on the two election campaigns, Thatcher’s with the Saatchi brothers and Merkel’s with Meyer.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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