Starting from the analysis of the forms of sociability in Italy in the nineteenth century, the thesis examines the role of women in the nation building process. The conspiratorial and philanthropic activities practiced by women for the construction of the Italian nation are analyzed over a period from 1820 to about 1870, taking into consideration the legal and social context which is highly fragmented and not very open to women's initiatives.
Partendo dall’analisi delle forme di sociabilità nell’Ottocento in Italia, la tesi esamina il ruolo femminile nel processo di nation building. In un arco temporale che va dal 1820 al 1870 circa sono analizzate le attività cospirative e filantropiche praticate dalle donne per la costruzione della nazione italiana tendendo in considerazione il contesto giuridico e sociale che si presenta fortemente frammentato e poco aperto verso le iniziative femminili.
Salottiere, cospiratrici e filantrope. Una panoramica delle donne che hanno fatto l'Italia.
Starting from the analysis of the forms of sociability in Italy in the nineteenth century, the thesis examines the role of women in the nation building process. The conspiratorial and philanthropic activities practiced by women for the construction of the Italian nation are analyzed over a period from 1820 to about 1870, taking into consideration the legal and social context which is highly fragmented and not very open to women's initiatives.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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