Purpose: the inflammatory plasma protein calprotectin has been described as a marker of obesity in adults but has not been evaluated in pediatric population. We investigated serum calprotectin in overweight and obese children and its association with metabolic comorbidities. Patients and methods: We enrolled 131 children (11.7±4.1 years). According to body mass index (BMI), the subjects were divided into three groups: obese> 95th percentile; overweight BMI 75th–95th percentile and normal weight BMI < 75th percentile. Patients were classified as having Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) if they met three or more of the following criteria for age and sex: BMI>97th percentile, triglycerides >95th percentile, HDL cholesterol <5th percentile, systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure > 95th percentile and impaired glucose tolerance. Results: calprotectin was higher in obese and overweight children than normal weight subjects (p<0.001), with calprotectin in females being significantly higher than in males (p=0.04). Increased calprotectin was related to pathological fasting blood glucose (p<0.001) and insulin resistance (p=0.03), while BMI (p=0.001) and diastolic pressure (p=0.001) are independent factors for increased calprotectin. Conclusions: our findings support calprotectin role as a marker of obesity in children and suggest the potential utility of this biomarker in the monitoring of its metabolic complications.

Serum Calprotectin level: a marker of obesity and its metabolic complications in children



Purpose: the inflammatory plasma protein calprotectin has been described as a marker of obesity in adults but has not been evaluated in pediatric population. We investigated serum calprotectin in overweight and obese children and its association with metabolic comorbidities. Patients and methods: We enrolled 131 children (11.7±4.1 years). According to body mass index (BMI), the subjects were divided into three groups: obese> 95th percentile; overweight BMI 75th–95th percentile and normal weight BMI < 75th percentile. Patients were classified as having Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) if they met three or more of the following criteria for age and sex: BMI>97th percentile, triglycerides >95th percentile, HDL cholesterol <5th percentile, systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure > 95th percentile and impaired glucose tolerance. Results: calprotectin was higher in obese and overweight children than normal weight subjects (p<0.001), with calprotectin in females being significantly higher than in males (p=0.04). Increased calprotectin was related to pathological fasting blood glucose (p<0.001) and insulin resistance (p=0.03), while BMI (p=0.001) and diastolic pressure (p=0.001) are independent factors for increased calprotectin. Conclusions: our findings support calprotectin role as a marker of obesity in children and suggest the potential utility of this biomarker in the monitoring of its metabolic complications.
Serum Calprotectin level: a marker of obesity and its metabolic complications in children
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