This work is part of the IRISS project (Innovative Integration: Health and Social Information Network), funded by the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020. This project is related to the new model of taking care of citizens with chronic diseases, which consisted in the introduction of the “Piano Assistenziale Individuale” (PAI). DSP Solution lead the project ( in collaboration with cefriel ( It has led to the development of a software product, also called IRISS (Health and Social Information Network) which aimed at the innovative and integrated management of chronic patients. Another partner of the project is the spin-off of the University of Pavia BIOMERIS, which had the task of analyzing the data to define indicators of success of PAI. In particular, patients’ data, received for this purpose, are sent by 'ATS Val Padana di Cremona'. This thesis is the result of a collaboration between the biomedical computer laboratory "M. Stefanelli" and BIOMERIS. This thesis is part of the activities carried out in IRISS by the spin-off. PAI is an instrument that encompasses the annual programming and personalized planning of each chronic patient’s treatment path. It takes into consideration all the chronic pathologies of a patient, even if, at the level of data analysis, it may be necessary to consider, where possible, just the main patient’s chronicity. PAI comprehend detailed prescriptions (visits, examinations, drugs to be taken) that the patient must follow, in the order prescribed, with the aim of having a better management of his chronicity. After giving an overview of the context, in which PAI is introduced, the thesis describes the objectives of work: 1) to evaluate the effective impact of PAI on the development of the clinical situation of the patient, by formulating outcome indicators and comparing them in two patient populations, "cases" (PAI patients) and "controls", namely patients who, over the same period, have not been followed through PAI; 2) to measure the appropriateness of PAI, which is the adherence of the clinician, that elaborates PAI, to the medical guidelines concerning chronic diseases of the specific patient; These evaluations will be performed both in the whole data and by stratifying patient on the disease for which the PAI has been prepared. Consequently, this thesis describes: the data provided by the ATS of Cremona, the quality control and modifications performed on them in order to make them usable for statistical analysis. The results of the work are then presented. Concisely, it can be said that the introduction of PAI has significantly reduced access to the ER for serious or less serious reasons. It can't be said the same thing for hospital admissions and days. With regard to the aspects of adherence to PAI, there have been some findings on the compliance of doctors to guidelines, although the majority are suitable, at least to the main recommendations of the same guidelines.
Il lavoro si colloca all’interno del progetto IRISS (Integrazione innovativa: Rete Informativa Socio-Sanitaria), finanziato alla Regione Lombardia dal Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale 2014-2020. Tale progetto è inerente al nuovo modello di presa in carico dei cittadini affetti da patologie croniche, che è consistito nell’introduzione del Piano Assistenziale Individuale (PAI). Il progetto, con capofila DSP Solution ( e in collaborazione con Cefriel (, ha portato alla messa a punto di un prodotto software, denominato anch’esso IRISS (Rete Informativa Socio-Sanitaria), finalizzato alla gestione innovativa e integrata dei pazienti cronici. Altro partner del progetto è la spin-off dell’Università di Pavia BIOMERIS, che ha avuto il compito di analizzare i dati raccolti per definire degli indicatori di successo della presa in carico PAI. In particolare, i dati pervenuti a questo scopo sono quelli relativi a pazienti dell’ATS Val Padana di Cremona. La presente tesi è frutto di una collaborazione fra il laboratorio di Informatica Biomedica “M. Stefanelli” e BIOMERIS. Si inserisce pertanto nelle attività portate avanti in IRISS dalla spin-off. Il PAI è lo strumento che racchiude la programmazione e la pianificazione personalizzata annuale del percorso di cura di ciascun paziente cronico. Il PAI prende in considerazione tutte le patologie croniche di un paziente, anche se, a livello di analisi dei dati, potrebbe essere necessario considerare, laddove possibile, la cronicità principale del paziente. All’interno del PAI sono dettagliate tutte le prescrizioni (visite, esami, farmaci da assumere) che il paziente deve eseguire nell’ordine temporale prescritto, con l’obiettivo di avere una miglior gestione delle sue cronicità. Dopo aver riportato una panoramica del contesto in cui il PAI viene introdotto, nella tesi vengono descritti gli obiettivi del lavoro, ovvero: 1) valutare l’effettivo impatto del PAI sull’evoluzione del quadro clinico del paziente, formulando indicatori di outcome e confrontandoli in due popolazioni di pazienti, i “casi” (pazienti PAI) e i “controlli”, ovvero pazienti che, nello stesso periodo di tempo, non sono stati seguiti mediante PAI; 2) valutare l’appropriatezza del PAI, ovvero l’aderenza del clinico che stila il PAI alle linee guida di riferimento sulle patologie croniche da cui lo specifico paziente è affetto. Queste valutazioni saranno effettuate sia nel complesso dei dati, sia stratificando i pazienti a seconda della patologia per cui il PAI è stato redatto. La tesi descrive quindi i dati forniti dall’ATS di Cremona, il controllo di qualità e le trasformazioni effettuate sugli stessi al fine di renderli usufruibili per le analisi statistiche. Vengono quindi presentati i risultati del lavoro. Molto brevemente, si può affermare che l’introduzione del PAI ha diminuito significativamente gli accessi al Pronto Soccorso, sia per motivi gravi che meno gravi. Non si può affermare lo stesso per i ricoveri e le giornate di degenza ospedaliere. Per quanto riguarda invece gli aspetti di aderenza al PAI, si sono riscontrate alcune criticità sulla compliance dei medici alla linea guida di riferimento, anche se la maggior parte risulta aderente, almeno alle raccomandazioni principali delle linee guida stesse.
Analisi dell'efficacia del PAI (Piano Assistenziale Individuale) nella presa in carico dei pazienti cronici
This work is part of the IRISS project (Innovative Integration: Health and Social Information Network), funded by the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020. This project is related to the new model of taking care of citizens with chronic diseases, which consisted in the introduction of the “Piano Assistenziale Individuale” (PAI). DSP Solution lead the project ( in collaboration with cefriel ( It has led to the development of a software product, also called IRISS (Health and Social Information Network) which aimed at the innovative and integrated management of chronic patients. Another partner of the project is the spin-off of the University of Pavia BIOMERIS, which had the task of analyzing the data to define indicators of success of PAI. In particular, patients’ data, received for this purpose, are sent by 'ATS Val Padana di Cremona'. This thesis is the result of a collaboration between the biomedical computer laboratory "M. Stefanelli" and BIOMERIS. This thesis is part of the activities carried out in IRISS by the spin-off. PAI is an instrument that encompasses the annual programming and personalized planning of each chronic patient’s treatment path. It takes into consideration all the chronic pathologies of a patient, even if, at the level of data analysis, it may be necessary to consider, where possible, just the main patient’s chronicity. PAI comprehend detailed prescriptions (visits, examinations, drugs to be taken) that the patient must follow, in the order prescribed, with the aim of having a better management of his chronicity. After giving an overview of the context, in which PAI is introduced, the thesis describes the objectives of work: 1) to evaluate the effective impact of PAI on the development of the clinical situation of the patient, by formulating outcome indicators and comparing them in two patient populations, "cases" (PAI patients) and "controls", namely patients who, over the same period, have not been followed through PAI; 2) to measure the appropriateness of PAI, which is the adherence of the clinician, that elaborates PAI, to the medical guidelines concerning chronic diseases of the specific patient; These evaluations will be performed both in the whole data and by stratifying patient on the disease for which the PAI has been prepared. Consequently, this thesis describes: the data provided by the ATS of Cremona, the quality control and modifications performed on them in order to make them usable for statistical analysis. The results of the work are then presented. Concisely, it can be said that the introduction of PAI has significantly reduced access to the ER for serious or less serious reasons. It can't be said the same thing for hospital admissions and days. With regard to the aspects of adherence to PAI, there have been some findings on the compliance of doctors to guidelines, although the majority are suitable, at least to the main recommendations of the same guidelines.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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