During the last decade, individuals gained more and more awareness about Artificial Intelligence and their coexistence with intelligent machines. The thesis begins with a first section of literature review, in which several authors describe tools, applications and theories related to Artificial Intelligence and its impact on economic and ethical values. In the second part of the thesis, two empirical analyses were developed, considering 14 countries over 31 years of observation in the first one and 9 countries over 21 years in the latter. The analyses investigate the relationship between economic values (Gross Domestic Product and Gross Domestic Spending) and AI patents and publications, with specific focus on R&D expenditure, population, human values and different areas of applications. What emerged is that AI creates value prevalently in the economic field, with little attention for ethical values. GDP is positively affected by R&D expenditure and AI patents in general, while is negatively influenced by publications in the fields of robustness, security, safety and human values. Among all the specific areas of applications, employment, environment, science, industry and entrepreneurship result the most significant in affecting positively Gross Domestic Spending value.

During the last decade, individuals gained more and more awareness about Artificial Intelligence and their coexistence with intelligent machines. The thesis begins with a first section of literature review, in which several authors describe tools, applications and theories related to Artificial Intelligence and its impact on economic and ethical values. In the second part of the thesis, two empirical analyses were developed, considering 14 countries over 31 years of observation in the first one and 9 countries over 21 years in the latter. The analyses investigate the relationship between economic values (Gross Domestic Product and Gross Domestic Spending) and AI patents and publications, with specific focus on R&D expenditure, population, human values and different areas of applications. What emerged is that AI creates value prevalently in the economic field, with little attention for ethical values. GDP is positively affected by R&D expenditure and AI patents in general, while is negatively influenced by publications in the fields of robustness, security, safety and human values. Among all the specific areas of applications, employment, environment, science, industry and entrepreneurship result the most significant in affecting positively Gross Domestic Spending value.

Artificial Intelligence patents and publications: how they relate to economic as well as human values. A country-sector empirical analysis.



During the last decade, individuals gained more and more awareness about Artificial Intelligence and their coexistence with intelligent machines. The thesis begins with a first section of literature review, in which several authors describe tools, applications and theories related to Artificial Intelligence and its impact on economic and ethical values. In the second part of the thesis, two empirical analyses were developed, considering 14 countries over 31 years of observation in the first one and 9 countries over 21 years in the latter. The analyses investigate the relationship between economic values (Gross Domestic Product and Gross Domestic Spending) and AI patents and publications, with specific focus on R&D expenditure, population, human values and different areas of applications. What emerged is that AI creates value prevalently in the economic field, with little attention for ethical values. GDP is positively affected by R&D expenditure and AI patents in general, while is negatively influenced by publications in the fields of robustness, security, safety and human values. Among all the specific areas of applications, employment, environment, science, industry and entrepreneurship result the most significant in affecting positively Gross Domestic Spending value.
Artificial Intelligence patents and publications: how they relate to economic as well as human values. A country-sector empirical analysis.
During the last decade, individuals gained more and more awareness about Artificial Intelligence and their coexistence with intelligent machines. The thesis begins with a first section of literature review, in which several authors describe tools, applications and theories related to Artificial Intelligence and its impact on economic and ethical values. In the second part of the thesis, two empirical analyses were developed, considering 14 countries over 31 years of observation in the first one and 9 countries over 21 years in the latter. The analyses investigate the relationship between economic values (Gross Domestic Product and Gross Domestic Spending) and AI patents and publications, with specific focus on R&D expenditure, population, human values and different areas of applications. What emerged is that AI creates value prevalently in the economic field, with little attention for ethical values. GDP is positively affected by R&D expenditure and AI patents in general, while is negatively influenced by publications in the fields of robustness, security, safety and human values. Among all the specific areas of applications, employment, environment, science, industry and entrepreneurship result the most significant in affecting positively Gross Domestic Spending value.
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