The present work focused on the study of attachment in same-sex parent families and on the assessment of the quality of the couple's relationship as a moderator between mothers' mental state and children's attachment. Thirty couples of homosexual mothers were administered a standardized semi-structured interview (Adult Attachment Interview, AAI) which focused on their childhood experiences with their parents and a standardized questionnaire (Dyadic Coping Questionnaire, DCQ) which investigated perception of support from their partner. Furthermore, a standardized semi-structured interview (Family and Friends Interview, FFI) was administered to one child (n = 30) from each couple to assess their attachment pattern. Results from mothers' interviews were compared to a normative sample of heterosexual parents and results from children's interviews were compared to a normative sample of heterosexual parents’ children. The distribution of the four attachment patterns (secure, insecure-avoidant, insecure-preoccupied, unresolved/unclassifiable) among lesbian mothers and their children was not different from that of heterosexual parents and heterosexual parents’ children. The coherence of maternal mental state was found to be correlated with more secure attachment in their children. Furthermore, in the presence of an increased ability of the couple to be able to rely on the partner, greater coherence of maternal mental state resulted in greater attachment security in children.
Il presente lavoro si è incentrato sullo studio dell’attaccamento nelle famiglie omogenitoriali e sulla valutazione del ruolo moderatore della qualità della relazione di coppia tra lo stato mentale delle madri e l’attaccamento dei figli. Trenta coppie di mamme omosessuali sono state sottoposte a un’intervista semi-strutturata standardizzata (Adult Attachment Interview, AAI) focalizzata sulle esperienze infantili con i genitori e a un questionario standardizzato (Dyadic Coping Questionnaire, DCQ) che indagava la percezione di supporto da parte della compagna. A un figlio di ciascuna coppia (n = 30) è stata, inoltre, somministrata un’intervista semi-strutturata standardizzata (Family and Friends Interview, FFI) per valutare il pattern di attaccamento. I risultati delle interviste delle mamme sono stati confrontati con un campione normativo di genitori eterosessuali e quelli dei bambini sono stati confrontati con un campione normativo di figli di genitori eterosessuali. La distribuzione dei quattro pattern di attaccamento (sicuro, insicuro-distanziante, insicuro-preoccupato, irrisolto/non classificabile) delle madri lesbiche e dei loro figli non è risultata differente da quella dei genitori eterosessuali e dei loro figli. La coerenza dello stato mentale materno è risultata correlata alla sicurezza dell’attaccamento dei figli. Inoltre, in presenza di una maggiore capacità della coppia genitoriale di poter fare affidamento sulla partner, una maggiore coerenza dello stato mentale materno ha determinato una maggiore sicurezza d’attaccamento nei figli.
Famiglie con due mamme: la relazione di attaccamento madre-figli* e il ruolo dell'adattamento di coppia
The present work focused on the study of attachment in same-sex parent families and on the assessment of the quality of the couple's relationship as a moderator between mothers' mental state and children's attachment. Thirty couples of homosexual mothers were administered a standardized semi-structured interview (Adult Attachment Interview, AAI) which focused on their childhood experiences with their parents and a standardized questionnaire (Dyadic Coping Questionnaire, DCQ) which investigated perception of support from their partner. Furthermore, a standardized semi-structured interview (Family and Friends Interview, FFI) was administered to one child (n = 30) from each couple to assess their attachment pattern. Results from mothers' interviews were compared to a normative sample of heterosexual parents and results from children's interviews were compared to a normative sample of heterosexual parents’ children. The distribution of the four attachment patterns (secure, insecure-avoidant, insecure-preoccupied, unresolved/unclassifiable) among lesbian mothers and their children was not different from that of heterosexual parents and heterosexual parents’ children. The coherence of maternal mental state was found to be correlated with more secure attachment in their children. Furthermore, in the presence of an increased ability of the couple to be able to rely on the partner, greater coherence of maternal mental state resulted in greater attachment security in children.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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