This dissertation analyzes the impact of the 09/11 terrorist attacks on U.S foreign policy, in order to determine whether the response to the attacks constituted a rupture with previously established patterns of U.S involvement in the Middle East, or, on the contrary, if it is consistent with these. To do so, the dissertation takes an in-depth look at the historical involvement of the U.S in the region, after having discussed the intellectual trends, structure, and decision-making process of U.S foreign policy

This dissertation analyzes the impact of the 09/11 terrorist attacks on U.S foreign policy, in order to determine whether the response to the attacks constituted a rupture with previously established patterns of U.S involvement in the Middle East, or, on the contrary, if it is consistent with these. To do so, the dissertation takes an in-depth look at the historical involvement of the U.S in the region, after having discussed the intellectual trends, structure, and decision-making process of U.S foreign policy

Clash of Civilizations: how did 09/11 change US foreign policy?



This dissertation analyzes the impact of the 09/11 terrorist attacks on U.S foreign policy, in order to determine whether the response to the attacks constituted a rupture with previously established patterns of U.S involvement in the Middle East, or, on the contrary, if it is consistent with these. To do so, the dissertation takes an in-depth look at the historical involvement of the U.S in the region, after having discussed the intellectual trends, structure, and decision-making process of U.S foreign policy
Clash of Civilizations: how did 09/11 change US foreign policy?
This dissertation analyzes the impact of the 09/11 terrorist attacks on U.S foreign policy, in order to determine whether the response to the attacks constituted a rupture with previously established patterns of U.S involvement in the Middle East, or, on the contrary, if it is consistent with these. To do so, the dissertation takes an in-depth look at the historical involvement of the U.S in the region, after having discussed the intellectual trends, structure, and decision-making process of U.S foreign policy
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