Breast cancer is currently the most common type of cancer in women. Although most cases of breast cancer are sporadic, ie arise in women without a significant family history for this disease, about 5-10% of cases are due to hereditary pathogenic variants of the germline in cancer susceptibility genes (Balabanski et al., 2014). The presence of germline mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes determines the hereditary syndrome of ovarian and breast cancer (Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer HBOC). Based on these data, the genetic testing of susceptibility to breast and ovarian cancer genes is becoming highly relevant to the clinical pathway that patients can undertake. The genetic test is performed on a sample of peripheral blood and provides: the determination of the presence of possible mutations in BRCA genes by sequencing the two genes and the evaluation of the presence of CNV (copy number variation) with the MLPA technique. Sanger sequencing and subsequent analysis of rearrangements using MLPA require long time and high costs, for these reasons the NGS methods are increasingly used in the field of diagnostics, including analysis on BRCA genes. For these reasons we have validated a BRACA Screen kit for Illumina platform that allows to perform both the sequencing and the CNV analysis in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in a single experiment, thus reducing time and costs. Furthermore, the data obtained from the MLPA analysis of the same samples were compared with the data on the CNVs that provided the NGS method. The work described in this thesis was carried out at the molecular genetics laboratory of the Centro Diagnostico Italiano(CDI). A population of 520 subjects (508 women and 12 men), belonging to the CDI, with an average age of 50 ± 11.63 is analyzed. The BRCA gene test was conducted on a heterogeneous population that includes both cancer patients (436) and healthy patients (84). The results obtained showed a 100% agreement between mutations and the variants identified in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes (pathogenetic mutations and VUS) using NGS method, and Sanger sequencing. Regarding the analysis of rearrangements (CNV) the sensitivity of the BRaCA Screen kit, used with the NGS method, was 100% allowing the recognition of all negative samples. The specificity of the kit was 94.6% resulting in misidentification of some negative samples that were found to be positive.
Il cancro al seno è attualmente il tipo di cancro più comune nelle donne. Sebbene la maggior parte dei casi di carcinoma mammario siano sporadici, insorgano cioè in donne senza una significativa storia famigliare per questa patologia, circa il 5-10% dei casi è dovuto a varianti patogenetiche ereditarie della linea germinale nei geni di predisposizione al cancro (Balabanski et al., 2014). La presenza di mutazioni germinali nei geni BRCA1 e BRCA2 determina la sindrome ereditaria di cancro all’ovaio e alla mammella (Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer HBOC). In base a questi dati, il test genetico sui geni di suscettibilità al cancro al seno e all’ovaio sta assumendo una grande rilevanza per quanto riguarda i percorsi clinici che le pazienti possono intraprendere. Il test genetico si esegue su un campione di sangue periferico e prevede: la determinazione della presenza di eventuali mutazioni nei geni BRCA mediante il sequenziamento dei due geni e la valutazione della presenza di CNV (copy number variation) con la tecnica MLPA. Il sequenziamento Sanger e la successiva analisi dei riarrangiamenti mediante MLPA, richiedono dei tempi lunghi e dei costi elevati, per questi motivi le metodiche NGS vengono sempre più utilizzate nel campo della diagnostica, inclusa l'analisi sui geni BRCA. Per questi motivi abbiamo validato un kit BRaCA Screen per piattaforma Illumina che permettesse di effettuare sia il sequenziamento che l’analisi delle CNV nei geni BRCA1 e BRCA2 in un unico esperimento, riducendo in questo modo i tempi e i costi. Inoltre, sono stati paragonati i dati ottenuti dall’analisi MLPA, dei medesimi campioni, con i dati relativi alle CNV che ha fornito la metodica NGS. Il lavoro descritto in questa tesi è stato svolto presso il laboratorio di genetica molecolare del Centro Diagnostico Italiano (CDI). È analizzata una popolazione di 520 soggetti (508 donne e 12 uomini), afferenti al CDI, con età media di 50±11,63. Il test per i geni BRCA è stato condotto su una popolazione eterogenea che comprende sia pazienti oncologici (436) che pazienti sani (84). Dai risultati ottenuti è emersa una concordanza del 100% tra le mutazioni e le varianti identificate nei geni BRCA1 e BRCA2 (mutazioni patogenetiche e VUS) utilizzando metodica NGS, e sequenziamento Sanger. Per quanto riguarda l’analisi dei riarrangiamenti (CNV) la sensibilità del kit BRaCA Screen, utilizzato con metodica NGS, è risultata del 100% permettendo il riconoscimento di tutti i campioni negativi. La specificità del kit è risultata del 94,6% determinando un’erronea identificazione di alcuni campioni negativi risultati come positivi.
Genetica delle neoplasie Mammarie ed Ovariche: studio di 520 casi per lo sviluppo e la validazione dell’analisi dei geni BRCA1 e BRCA2 mediante NGS
Breast cancer is currently the most common type of cancer in women. Although most cases of breast cancer are sporadic, ie arise in women without a significant family history for this disease, about 5-10% of cases are due to hereditary pathogenic variants of the germline in cancer susceptibility genes (Balabanski et al., 2014). The presence of germline mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes determines the hereditary syndrome of ovarian and breast cancer (Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer HBOC). Based on these data, the genetic testing of susceptibility to breast and ovarian cancer genes is becoming highly relevant to the clinical pathway that patients can undertake. The genetic test is performed on a sample of peripheral blood and provides: the determination of the presence of possible mutations in BRCA genes by sequencing the two genes and the evaluation of the presence of CNV (copy number variation) with the MLPA technique. Sanger sequencing and subsequent analysis of rearrangements using MLPA require long time and high costs, for these reasons the NGS methods are increasingly used in the field of diagnostics, including analysis on BRCA genes. For these reasons we have validated a BRACA Screen kit for Illumina platform that allows to perform both the sequencing and the CNV analysis in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in a single experiment, thus reducing time and costs. Furthermore, the data obtained from the MLPA analysis of the same samples were compared with the data on the CNVs that provided the NGS method. The work described in this thesis was carried out at the molecular genetics laboratory of the Centro Diagnostico Italiano(CDI). A population of 520 subjects (508 women and 12 men), belonging to the CDI, with an average age of 50 ± 11.63 is analyzed. The BRCA gene test was conducted on a heterogeneous population that includes both cancer patients (436) and healthy patients (84). The results obtained showed a 100% agreement between mutations and the variants identified in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes (pathogenetic mutations and VUS) using NGS method, and Sanger sequencing. Regarding the analysis of rearrangements (CNV) the sensitivity of the BRaCA Screen kit, used with the NGS method, was 100% allowing the recognition of all negative samples. The specificity of the kit was 94.6% resulting in misidentification of some negative samples that were found to be positive.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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