Digital transformation allows to achieve greater efficiency and competitiveness (Lu et al., 2017), but it demands organizations to develop a digital mindset while being able to respond to disruptions brought by digital technologies (Vial, 2019). The human variable, including the perception of end users in terms of satisfaction, is relevant in the successful implementation of change (Srivastava and Agrawal, 2020; Mariani, Curcuruto and Gaetani, 2013). Through a review of the literature, the evolution of digital transformation and on the technologies that have relevance in the economic field are presented, together with the main findings regarding the effects of digital technologies on job characteristics (Vial, 2019; Mosteanu, 2020; Cooper and Foster, 1971), that can increase satisfaction, motivation and productivity (Thomas, Buboltz and Winkelspecht, 2004). This thesis aims at understanding which job characteristics are the most impacted when a tool that automates the tax processes is introduced and the consequent effect on satisfaction, through a survey addressed at professionals working on tax processes, visual analysis and regression analysis. Results show that all job characteristics analyzed tend on average to increase. The optimization of time and resources needed to complete the process, despite still increasing, presents a lower change compared to the others. These changes have a positive impact on satisfaction and experience with the tool seems to increase the improvement in satisfaction only for a limited period, after which the increase becomes null. Understanding the impact that technologies have on satisfaction can help organizations in being successful in their change processes and retain their employees. Keywords: Finance function, Automation, Satisfaction, Digital Transformation, Tax processes, Change, Experience, Job characteristics
La Digital Transformation consente di raggiungere una maggiore efficienza e competitività (Lu et al., 2017), ma richiede alle organizzazioni di sviluppare una mentalità digitale rimanendo in grado di rispondere agli imprevisti causati dalle tecnologie digitali (Vial, 2019). La variabile umana, inclusa la percezione degli utenti in termini di soddisfazione, è rilevante per il successo dell'implementazione del cambiamento (Srivastava e Agrawal, 2020; Mariani, Curcuruto e Gaetani, 2013). Attraverso una revisione della letteratura, vengono presentati l'evoluzione della Digital Transformation e delle tecnologie che hanno rilevanza nel settore economico, insieme ai principali risultati riguardanti gli effetti delle tecnologie digitali sulle caratteristiche del lavoro (Vial, 2019; Mosteanu, 2020; Cooper e Foster, 1971), che possono aumentare soddisfazione, motivazione e produttività (Thomas, Buboltz e Winkelspecht, 2004). Questa tesi mira a capire quali sono le caratteristiche del lavoro maggiormente impattate quando viene introdotto un tool per automatizzare i processi fiscali e il conseguente effetto sulla soddisfazione, attraverso un questionario rivolto ai professionisti che lavorano sui processi tax, l'analisi visiva e di regressione. I risultati mostrano che tutte le caratteristiche del lavoro analizzate tendono in media ad aumentare. L'ottimizzazione dei tempi e delle risorse necessarie per completare il processo, nonostante siano in aumento, presentano una variazione inferiore rispetto agli altri. Questi cambiamenti hanno un impatto positivo sulla soddisfazione e l'esperienza con il tool sembra aumentare il miglioramento della soddisfazione solo per un periodo limitato, dopodiché l'aumento diventa nullo. Comprendere l'impatto che le tecnologie hanno sulla soddisfazione può aiutare le organizzazioni ad avere successo nei loro processi di cambiamento e a trattenere i propri dipendenti. Keywords: Funzione Finance, Automazione, Soddisfazione, Digital Transformation, Processi Tax, Cambiamento, Esperienza, Caratteristiche del lavoro
Digital transformation allows to achieve greater efficiency and competitiveness (Lu et al., 2017), but it demands organizations to develop a digital mindset while being able to respond to disruptions brought by digital technologies (Vial, 2019). The human variable, including the perception of end users in terms of satisfaction, is relevant in the successful implementation of change (Srivastava and Agrawal, 2020; Mariani, Curcuruto and Gaetani, 2013). Through a review of the literature, the evolution of digital transformation and on the technologies that have relevance in the economic field are presented, together with the main findings regarding the effects of digital technologies on job characteristics (Vial, 2019; Mosteanu, 2020; Cooper and Foster, 1971), that can increase satisfaction, motivation and productivity (Thomas, Buboltz and Winkelspecht, 2004). This thesis aims at understanding which job characteristics are the most impacted when a tool that automates the tax processes is introduced and the consequent effect on satisfaction, through a survey addressed at professionals working on tax processes, visual analysis and regression analysis. Results show that all job characteristics analyzed tend on average to increase. The optimization of time and resources needed to complete the process, despite still increasing, presents a lower change compared to the others. These changes have a positive impact on satisfaction and experience with the tool seems to increase the improvement in satisfaction only for a limited period, after which the increase becomes null. Understanding the impact that technologies have on satisfaction can help organizations in being successful in their change processes and retain their employees. Keywords: Finance function, Automation, Satisfaction, Digital Transformation, Tax processes, Change, Experience, Job characteristicsÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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