Longitudinal study on a sample of adolescents evaluated at the CAARMS (Comprehensive Assessment of At Risk Mental State Interview)

Studio longitudinale su un campione di adolescenti valutati all'intervista CAARMS (Comprehensive Assessment of At Risk Mental State)

STATO MENTALE A RISCHIO DI PSICOSI IN ADOLESCENZA studio longitudinale su un campione di pazienti adolescenti valutati tramite intervista CAARMS (Comprehensive Assessment of At Risk Mental States)



Longitudinal study on a sample of adolescents evaluated at the CAARMS (Comprehensive Assessment of At Risk Mental State Interview)
Adolescents at ultra high risk of psychosis longitudinal study on a sample of adolescent patients evaluated by CAARMS (Comprehensive Assessment of At Risk Mental States)
Studio longitudinale su un campione di adolescenti valutati all'intervista CAARMS (Comprehensive Assessment of At Risk Mental State)
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