Preterm births, defined as births before the 37th week of gestation, are a phenomenon of global interest. Public health continues to face this social and health problem with specialized interventions aimed to reduce the mortality and mobility rates of preterm children. Notwithstanding it has become a topic of great scientific interest, uncertainties regarding etiological bases of preterm birth still persist. Recent studies, clearly indicate that socio-demography status, physiopathology, ethnicity and genetics are important key factors. Based on last findings, we could define preterm birth (PTB) as the endpoint of a complex process that involves fetal development and that could be influenced by both maternal and environmental factors. In this context, epigenetics has appeared a natural field of investigation, because it represents the “trait d'union” between genetics and environment and an important regulatory mechanism of gene expression, fundamental during embryonic development. The interest for this field led us, to focus our attention on DNA methylation, moreover we decided to adopt a genome-wide approach in order to be not influenced by any a priori assumption. For the study we recruited 18 preterm children and 72 full-term babies from whose cord blood DNA was extracted and then analyzed by the Illumina 450K methylation array technology. Lymphocyte composition of each child was calculated based on specific epigenetic markers for lymphocyte subtypes that are present on the microarray. These new data were further considered along with phenotypic data in order to find differences between the two groups. This first analysis revealed a significant difference in lymphocyte composition between full-term and preterm children. In particular, the number of granulocytes, natural killer and B cells was significantly different between the two groups analyzed. This preliminary investigation was followed by the genome-wide analysis that aimed to identify differences in DNA methylation. Both considering CpG sites and regional levels, after multiple testing correction, no statistically significant differences emerged between the two groups. Moreover, genes resulted to be at least nominally associated with the case control status were selected for the gene ontology analysis. The functional analysis showed that a great part of that genes were involved in biological processes related to the inflammatory and immune response. In conclusion, to validate our results we compare our findings to that already published in literature.
Le nascite pretermine, ossia le nascite prima della 37 ͣ settimana di gestazione, sono ormai un fenomeno di interesse globale. La sanità pubblica continua a far fronte a questo problema socio-sanitario con interventi sempre più specializzati che mirano a ridurre i tassi di mortalità e mobilità dei nascituri. Benché sia diventata da qualche tempo una tematica di interesse scientifico, ancora persistono incertezze su quelle che possono essere le cause del parto pretermine. Dai risultati degli studi attuali spiccano come determinanti i fattori socio-demografici, fisiopatologici, etnici e genetici. Alla luce di quanto emerso fino ad ora, potremmo definire la nascita pretermine (PTB) come l’endpoint di un complesso processo di sviluppo fetale influenzato da fattori sia materni che ambientali. In questo contesto l’epigenetica è apparsa come un naturale territorio d’indagine, poiché essa rappresenta il trait d’union tra genetica ed ambiente ed un importante meccanismo di regolazione dell’espressione genica, fondamentale durante lo sviluppo embrionale. L’interesse verso tale tematica ci ha spinti, quindi, a focalizzare l’attenzione sulla metilazione del DNA e per studiarla abbiamo scelto un approccio genome-wide, svincolandoci da qualsiasi ipotesi a priori. Per lo studio abbiamo reclutato 18 bambini nati pretermine e 72 bambini nati a termine dal cui sangue cordonale è stato estratto il DNA, analizzato poi con la tecnologia Illumina 450K methylation array. Grazie alla presenza di alcuni marcatori epigenetici specifici per i sottotipi linfocitari è stato possibile, partendo dai dati di metilazione, inferire la composizione linfocitaria di ogni bambino, la quale è diventata oggetto di studio unitamente agli altri dati fenotipici raccolti. Partendo da questi dati, come primo approccio analitico, abbiamo scelto di fare un’analisi statistica volta ad individuare differenze significative tra i due gruppi. Questa prima indagine ha fatto emergere una differenza significativa nella composizione linfocitaria tra i bambini nati a termine e i prematuri. In particolare, il numero di granulociti, natural killer e cellule B è risultato significativamente differente nei due gruppi in esame. A questa analisi preliminare è seguita l’analisi “genome-wide” volta ad identificare differenze di metilazione del DNA. Dopo correzione per test multipli, sia a livello dei siti CpG che a livello regionale non sono emerse differenze statisticamente significative. Tuttavia, abbiamo scelto comunque di procedere con l’analisi di gene ontology sui geni risultati nominalmente significativi. Dall’analisi funzionale è emerso che molti geni trovati risultano essere coinvolti in processi biologici relativi alla risposta infiammatoria e immunitaria. In conclusione, per avvalorare i nostri risultati, abbiamo scelto di fare una ricerca nel materiale già presente in letteratura dal quale abbiamo ottenuto liste di geni candidati che abbiamo successivamente confrontato con i geni identificati dal presente studio.
Preterm births, defined as births before the 37th week of gestation, are a phenomenon of global interest. Public health continues to face this social and health problem with specialized interventions aimed to reduce the mortality and mobility rates of preterm children. Notwithstanding it has become a topic of great scientific interest, uncertainties regarding etiological bases of preterm birth still persist. Recent studies, clearly indicate that socio-demography status, physiopathology, ethnicity and genetics are important key factors. Based on last findings, we could define preterm birth (PTB) as the endpoint of a complex process that involves fetal development and that could be influenced by both maternal and environmental factors. In this context, epigenetics has appeared a natural field of investigation, because it represents the “trait d'union” between genetics and environment and an important regulatory mechanism of gene expression, fundamental during embryonic development. The interest for this field led us, to focus our attention on DNA methylation, moreover we decided to adopt a genome-wide approach in order to be not influenced by any a priori assumption. For the study we recruited 18 preterm children and 72 full-term babies from whose cord blood DNA was extracted and then analyzed by the Illumina 450K methylation array technology. Lymphocyte composition of each child was calculated based on specific epigenetic markers for lymphocyte subtypes that are present on the microarray. These new data were further considered along with phenotypic data in order to find differences between the two groups. This first analysis revealed a significant difference in lymphocyte composition between full-term and preterm children. In particular, the number of granulocytes, natural killer and B cells was significantly different between the two groups analyzed. This preliminary investigation was followed by the genome-wide analysis that aimed to identify differences in DNA methylation. Both considering CpG sites and regional levels, after multiple testing correction, no statistically significant differences emerged between the two groups. Moreover, genes resulted to be at least nominally associated with the case control status were selected for the gene ontology analysis. The functional analysis showed that a great part of that genes were involved in biological processes related to the inflammatory and immune response. In conclusion, to validate our results we compare our findings to that already published in literature.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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