Global value chains (GVCs) emerged and generated priceless opportunities for developing countries over the last two decades. Global conditions for manufacturing are evolving rapidly and the financial factors that once made overseas locations attractive for offshoring are now in favor of revising it. Recent events, including trade conflicts, COVID-19 pandamic and war between Russia and Ukraina, have promted policy makers and businesses to consider reshoring or friend-shoring of supply chains to mitigate the adverse effects of these trade shocks. As a strategic decision, reshoring and friend-shoring requires a balance of short and long-term financial and non-financial consideration. Thus, this study aims to present the company decision process in this context. Reshoring and friend-shoring are described, and its influence on GVCs is presented. Through conducting interview and collecting data through articles, papers and reliable sources on Internet. Frameworks of reshoring and friend-shoring its effects on GVCs are addressed. Keywords: offshoring, reshoring, friend-shoring, relocating, global value chains, location strategy, reduce the dependence on China
Le catene del valore globali (GVC) sono emerse e hanno generato opportunità inestimabili per i paesi in via di sviluppo negli ultimi due decenni. Le condizioni globali per la produzione si stanno evolvendo rapidamente e i fattori finanziari che un tempo rendevano le località estere attraenti per l'offshoring sono ora favorevoli a una revisione. Eventi recenti, inclusi i conflitti commerciali, il pandamico COVID-19 e la guerra tra Russia e Ucraina, hanno spinto i responsabili politici e le imprese a prendere in considerazione il reshoring delle catene di approvvigionamento per mitigare gli effetti negativi di questi shock commerciali. In quanto decisione strategica, il reshoring e il friend-shoring richiedono un equilibrio tra considerazioni finanziarie e non finanziarie a breve e lungo termine. Pertanto, questo studio si propone di presentare il processo decisionale aziendale in questo contesto. Vengono descritti il reshoring e il friend-shoring e viene presentata la sua influenza sulle GVC. Conducendo interviste e raccogliendo dati attraverso articoli, documenti e fonti affidabili su Internet. Vengono affrontati i quadri del reshoring e del friend-shoring e dei suoi effetti sulle GVC. Parole chiave: offshoring, reshoring, friend-shoring, delocalizzazione, catene del valore globali, strategia di localizzazione, ridurre la dipendenza dalla Cina
Global Value Chains in a changing world: The rise of Reshoring and Friend-shoring.
Global value chains (GVCs) emerged and generated priceless opportunities for developing countries over the last two decades. Global conditions for manufacturing are evolving rapidly and the financial factors that once made overseas locations attractive for offshoring are now in favor of revising it. Recent events, including trade conflicts, COVID-19 pandamic and war between Russia and Ukraina, have promted policy makers and businesses to consider reshoring or friend-shoring of supply chains to mitigate the adverse effects of these trade shocks. As a strategic decision, reshoring and friend-shoring requires a balance of short and long-term financial and non-financial consideration. Thus, this study aims to present the company decision process in this context. Reshoring and friend-shoring are described, and its influence on GVCs is presented. Through conducting interview and collecting data through articles, papers and reliable sources on Internet. Frameworks of reshoring and friend-shoring its effects on GVCs are addressed. Keywords: offshoring, reshoring, friend-shoring, relocating, global value chains, location strategy, reduce the dependence on ChinaÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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