Arsenic, is an established toxicant to which large numbers of people are exposed worldwide via contaminated drinking water. Direct evidence links in utero exposure with adverse outcomes in adulthood, including cardiovascular diseases. In this work cardiomyocytes with perinatal-like features were derived from mESCs and, at the end of the differentiation process, were exposed to 0.1 µM, 0.5 µM and 1 µM arsenic trioxide (ATO) for 72h, with a particular focus on the highest dose since it showed the most prominent results. Following ATO exposure cardiomyocytes present altered quantitative relationships between sarcomeric proteins and disorganization of the sarcomeric architecture compared with untreated cells. These results were obtained by combining classical biological approaches with bioinformatic tools developed ad hoc. This work contributes into the mechanistic comprehension of cardiac alterations caused by perinatal arsenic exposure.
L'arsenico è un metallo tossico largamente presente nell'ambiente a cui sono esposte persone di tutto il mondo attraverso l'ingestione di acqua contaminata. Esiste diretta evidenza della correlazione fra esposizione in utero ed esiti spiacevoli in età adulta, tra cui anche malattie cardiovascolari. In questo lavoro cardiomiociti perinatali sono stati derivati da cellule staminali embrionali di topo, esposti, al termine del processo differenziativo a diverse dosi di arsenico triossido per 72 ore. Le concentrazioni prese in considerazione sono state 0.1 µM, 0.5 µM and 1 µM, con particolare attenzione a quest'ultima che ha riportato risultati particolarmente evidenti. In seguito al trattamento con arsenico triossido i cardiomiociti presentano un'alterazione dei rapporti quantitativi tra le proteine sarcomeriche e una parziale disorganizzazione del sarcomero stesso, se comparate al controllo. Queste evidenze sono state ottenute utilizzando un classico approccio biologico unitamente all'uso di strumenti bioinformatici sviluppati ad hoc. Questo lavoro contribuisce alla compresione meccanistica delle alterazioni causate da esposione perinatale all'arsenico.
Bioinformatic analysis of 3D cardiac syncytia after arsenic trioxide exposure (Analisi bioinformatica di sincizi cardiaci 3D in seguito ad esposizione ad arsenico triossido)
Arsenic, is an established toxicant to which large numbers of people are exposed worldwide via contaminated drinking water. Direct evidence links in utero exposure with adverse outcomes in adulthood, including cardiovascular diseases. In this work cardiomyocytes with perinatal-like features were derived from mESCs and, at the end of the differentiation process, were exposed to 0.1 µM, 0.5 µM and 1 µM arsenic trioxide (ATO) for 72h, with a particular focus on the highest dose since it showed the most prominent results. Following ATO exposure cardiomyocytes present altered quantitative relationships between sarcomeric proteins and disorganization of the sarcomeric architecture compared with untreated cells. These results were obtained by combining classical biological approaches with bioinformatic tools developed ad hoc. This work contributes into the mechanistic comprehension of cardiac alterations caused by perinatal arsenic exposure.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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