Adoptive T cells therapy (ACT) is a personalized cancer treatment based on the administration of selected T cells harboring high avidity for tumor antigens. Recent advances in gene therapy technologies have been fundamental in the immunotherapeutic field raising up the possibility to redirect specificity of T cells. In particular, adoptive immunotherapy with T lymphocytes expressing transgenic T cell receptor (TCR) has shown promising results in clinical applications in various malignant diseases. Still, the low frequency of high-avidity tumor-specific TCRs remains a major limitation. The aim of this work is to identify new TCRs specific for antigens expressed in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), aggressive malignancies characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal myeloid progenitors. The majority of AML patients achieve a complete remission after chemotherapy, nevertheless, the relapse rate remains high. Targeting tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) may represent a promising and specific treatment harboring the advantage of preventing relapse due to the long-term persistence of antigen-specific T cells. The choice of the target antigen is the most important factor for a successful ACT. Among TAAs, Wilms’ Tumor 1 (WT1) has ranked top based on therapeutical function, immunogenicity, specificity and oncogenicity. WT1 gene encodes a zinc finger transcription factor involved in normal cellular growth and development. It is expressed at high levels in several hematological malignancies and solid tumors and has been shown to act as a driver of leukemogenesis. In order to identify WT1-specific TCRs, we have performed in vitro stimulations of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PMBCs) from 5 healthy donors (HDs) using autologous antigen presenting cells (APCs) pulsed with a pool of peptides spanning the whole sequence of the WT1 protein. Due to the low frequency of WT1-specific T cells in HDs, antigen-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells were enriched according to the expression of CD137, a surface marker specifically expressed on activated T cells. We observed the expansion of tumor-specific T cells after several stimulations with APCs loaded with the WT1 pool by cytofluorimetric analysis of IFN-γ production (a marker of activated T cells) and the expression of CD107a (a degranulation marker). In order to identify specific WT1-epitopes eliciting the immune response, T cells were co-cultured with autologous APCs loaded with peptide subpools (SPs), each containing up to 12 peptides according to a mapping grid. As each peptide is uniquely shared by 2 intersecting SPs, this strategy enabled the unequivocal identification of the immunogenic peptides. Afterwards, expanded T cells were co-cultured with different target cells (cell lines as well as primary leukemic blasts). Results showed the ability of T cells to specifically recognize target cells expressing the WT1 protein. To deeply characterize the clonality of WT1-specific T cells, we performed the analysis of the TCR β-chain variable gene usage by flow cytometry, observing a skewing of the TCR repertoire over time for each cell population. High-throughput sequencing of TCR α/β-chains is currently being performed. Newly identified TCRs will be further tested and validated with the final aim of generating engineered T cells highly specific for the WT1 antigen. Overall, these results show that we have set up a protocol consistently leading to the isolation and characterization of tumor-specific T cells from HDs.
L’immunoterapia adottiva è una forma personalizzata di trattamento del cancro che prevede la somministrazione di linfociti T ad alta avidità per gli antigeni tumorali. I recenti progressi fatti in terapia genica sono stati fondamentali nel campo dell’immunoterapia aumentando la possibilità di reindirizzare la specificità delle cellule T. In particolare, l’immunoterapia adottiva con linfociti T che esprimono recettori delle cellule T (TCR) transgenici ha mostrato risultati promettenti in applicazioni cliniche in varie forme di tumore. Purtroppo, la bassa frequenza di TCR ad alta avidità specifici per antigeni tumorali rimane un grosso limite. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è individuare nuovi TCR specifici per antigeni espressi nella leucemia mieloide acuta, un tumore aggressivo caratterizzato dalla proliferazione incontrollata di progenitori mieloidi anormali. La maggior parte dei pazienti raggiunge la remissione completa dopo chemioterapia, tuttavia, il tasso di recidiva rimane alto. Il targeting di antigeni tumore-associati (TAA) può rappresentare un trattamento promettente e specifico con il grosso vantaggio di prevenire la recidiva grazie alla permanenza nel paziente di cellule T antigene-specifiche. La scelta dell’antigene bersaglio è il fattore più importante per un’immunoterapia adottiva di successo. Tra i TAA, Wilms’ Tumor 1 (WT1) è al primo per funzione terapeutica, immunogenicità, specificità e oncogenicità. WT1 codifica per un fattore di trascrizione zinc finger coinvolto nello sviluppo e nella normale crescita cellulare. è espresso ad alti livelli in diverse neoplasie ematologiche e tumori solidi ed è stato dimostrato avere un ruolo importante nella leucemogenesi. Per identificare TCR specifici per WT1, abbiamo eseguito stimolazioni in vitro di cellule mononucleate del sangue periferico da 5 donatori sani utilizzando cellule presentanti l’antigene (APC) autologhe caricate con un pool di peptidi che coprono l'intera sequenza della proteina WT1. A causa della bassa frequenza di cellule T specifiche per WT1 nei donatori sani, le cellule T CD4 e CD8 antigene-specifiche sono state selezionate secondo l'espressione di CD137, marcatore di superficie espresso specificatamente sulle cellule T attivate. Abbiamo osservato l’espansione di cellule T specifiche per WT1 dopo diverse stimolazioni con APC caricate con il pool di peptidi di WT1 mediante analisi citofluorimetrica della produzione di IFN-γ (marker delle cellule T attivate) e l'espressione di CD107a (marker di degranulazione). Per identificare gli specifici epitopi che inducono la risposta immunitaria, le cellule T sono state poste in co-coltura con APC autologhe caricate con dei subpool di peptidi (SP), ognuno contenente fino a 12 peptidi secondo una mapping grid, costruita in modo che ogni peptide sia presente unicamente in 2 SP che si intersecano tra loro. Questa strategia ha permesso l'identificazione dei peptidi immunogenici. Successivamente, le cellule T espanse sono state poste in co-coltura con differenti cellule bersaglio (linee cellulari o cellule primarie leucemiche). I risultati hanno mostrato la capacità delle cellule T di riconoscere specificamente cellule bersaglio che esprimono la proteina WT1. Per caratterizzare la clonalità delle cellule T specifiche per WT1, abbiamo eseguito l’analisi delle regioni variabili della catena β del TCR mediante citometria a flusso, osservando uno skewing del repertorio TCR over-time per ogni popolazione cellulare. Il sequenziamento high throughput delle catene α e β dei TCR è attualmente in corso. I nuovi TCRs identificati verrano successivamente testati e validati allo scopo di generare T cells ingegnerizzate altamente specifiche per l’antigene WT1. Complessivamente, questi risultati mostrano che abbiamo messo a punto un protocollo per l’identificazione e la caratterizzazione di linfociti T specifici per antigeni tumorali a partire da donatori sani.
TCR gene hunting per immunoterapia adottiva della leucemia mieloide acuta
Adoptive T cells therapy (ACT) is a personalized cancer treatment based on the administration of selected T cells harboring high avidity for tumor antigens. Recent advances in gene therapy technologies have been fundamental in the immunotherapeutic field raising up the possibility to redirect specificity of T cells. In particular, adoptive immunotherapy with T lymphocytes expressing transgenic T cell receptor (TCR) has shown promising results in clinical applications in various malignant diseases. Still, the low frequency of high-avidity tumor-specific TCRs remains a major limitation. The aim of this work is to identify new TCRs specific for antigens expressed in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), aggressive malignancies characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal myeloid progenitors. The majority of AML patients achieve a complete remission after chemotherapy, nevertheless, the relapse rate remains high. Targeting tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) may represent a promising and specific treatment harboring the advantage of preventing relapse due to the long-term persistence of antigen-specific T cells. The choice of the target antigen is the most important factor for a successful ACT. Among TAAs, Wilms’ Tumor 1 (WT1) has ranked top based on therapeutical function, immunogenicity, specificity and oncogenicity. WT1 gene encodes a zinc finger transcription factor involved in normal cellular growth and development. It is expressed at high levels in several hematological malignancies and solid tumors and has been shown to act as a driver of leukemogenesis. In order to identify WT1-specific TCRs, we have performed in vitro stimulations of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PMBCs) from 5 healthy donors (HDs) using autologous antigen presenting cells (APCs) pulsed with a pool of peptides spanning the whole sequence of the WT1 protein. Due to the low frequency of WT1-specific T cells in HDs, antigen-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells were enriched according to the expression of CD137, a surface marker specifically expressed on activated T cells. We observed the expansion of tumor-specific T cells after several stimulations with APCs loaded with the WT1 pool by cytofluorimetric analysis of IFN-γ production (a marker of activated T cells) and the expression of CD107a (a degranulation marker). In order to identify specific WT1-epitopes eliciting the immune response, T cells were co-cultured with autologous APCs loaded with peptide subpools (SPs), each containing up to 12 peptides according to a mapping grid. As each peptide is uniquely shared by 2 intersecting SPs, this strategy enabled the unequivocal identification of the immunogenic peptides. Afterwards, expanded T cells were co-cultured with different target cells (cell lines as well as primary leukemic blasts). Results showed the ability of T cells to specifically recognize target cells expressing the WT1 protein. To deeply characterize the clonality of WT1-specific T cells, we performed the analysis of the TCR β-chain variable gene usage by flow cytometry, observing a skewing of the TCR repertoire over time for each cell population. High-throughput sequencing of TCR α/β-chains is currently being performed. Newly identified TCRs will be further tested and validated with the final aim of generating engineered T cells highly specific for the WT1 antigen. Overall, these results show that we have set up a protocol consistently leading to the isolation and characterization of tumor-specific T cells from HDs.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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